Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1304: extraordinary sacrifice


Amy is counting the days to her fingers.

She counted the days when the captain and Gila divorced.

Unfortunately, it seems that it is still far away, and the two sides are still immersed in the sweetness of marriage.

If humans were not suddenly invaded by demons, they would have to act as transport ships and have a heavy task. At this time, I am afraid that the children will be on board.

On this day, Amy couldn't bear to miss it, turned into an orange cat, leaned in front of Gila, begged for a hug...

It's a pity that Gila said: "Sorry, kitty, I'm a Gundam pilot. Cats will shed their hair and get on their bodies, which may affect the operation of the equipment. I can't hold you."

He is such a person who pursues the ultimate, otherwise he would not be the best driver.

No way, Amy can only turn into a goldfish, create a chance and keep it in Gila's wedding cabin.

Although I was not rejected this time, I also lost the joy of being petted, and I had to endure all kinds of fancy dog ​​abuse every day.

Feed each other, drink the same glass of water, set up a cozy nest...

Wen Rensheng used to be too lazy to care about such trivial matters, but it turned out that this trivial matter also happened to someone.

On the common people, it is really trivial, and on such key figures, it is possible to change the course of history.

On this day, goldfish Amy was bored in the fish tank, languidly, floating her white belly on the water.

Only by doing so can occasionally attract Gila's attention.

Just today, it suddenly heard a voice:

"Do you want true love? Do you want only you in the eyes of the person you love?"

The goldfish turned over immediately and looked around.

"Who? Who's talking in my ear?"

"Cupid, the **** of love, Velas, the **** of beauty, the old man under the moon, the old cow of the Cowherd family, the king woman next to the Wu family..."

"Stop, I can't hear so many people talking at the same time." Goldfish said irritably.

"Uh, in short, you only need to know one thing, and I can make you get the person you love." The voice was full of charm and confidence, which made people feel very reliable.

"If you don't have anything to be courteous, you are either a traitor or a thief. Why do you want to help me?" Goldfish Amy asked suspiciously.

It is also a spaceship brain, how could it not have basic anti-fraud methods?

The voice explained: "Because this is the source of my power. I once made Zeus, the king of the gods, fall in love and married twelve goddesses. The higher the status and the power of the people I helped, the more feedback I got. many."

"Sounds true, but how do you prove it to me?"

"You can find two people on your spaceship who don't love each other, or even hate each other, regardless of gender or race, and I can make them fall in love."

"Really? I don't believe it." Goldfish Amy was surprised and delighted.

The mouth said disbelief, but its tone completely betrayed it.

"You can do an experiment."

Amy was instantly excited.

It was in the fort, looking around, and finally found two tabby cats and Dalmatians fighting over a snack.

They glared at each other, as if to say, this snack was given to you by a well-meaning person, go away.

"They fight every day, and they are rivals or beasts. They conform to the principles of scientific experiments. Just show me the experiment and let them both fall in love!"

As soon as Amy finished speaking, it was surprised to see:

The next moment, the dog and cat who were about to fight suddenly stopped their paws.

They approached slowly, circling each other, smelling each other's butts.

Well, this is the taste!

After a cat and a dog, they lived a happy life.

They never imagined that after falling in love, they would attract more people's attention and become fortress Internet celebrities.

Not only are they all-you-can-eat every day, but there are plenty of adopters vying for them.

"It actually works!"

Amy couldn't believe her eyes in the face of iron-clad facts.

"That's natural, I'm an honest person." There was a hint of encouragement in that voice.

"Then can you make Gila fall in love with me?"

"this is very simple."


Zhongjiang, a command center.

"The devil is the devil, and it has seized our biggest weakness so quickly." A combat staff member was playing what happened in Battlestar on the big screen.

A dog and a cat roamed the fortress, entangled with each other from time to time.

With so many people in the Inspectorate, how could they not put a lot of surveillance manpower on the Space Fortress, the only space transport ship?

As soon as the cat and dog fell in love, they were called to the police.

Although this is not completely impossible, it must be an abnormality to fight one second before and fall in love the next second, and the alarm mechanism will be triggered immediately.

"This spaceship's intelligence, Amy, is really troublesome. It's just a tool that can't get emotional, isn't it? Why do you want to develop human feelings? Why is this?" Someone asked with a headache.

"They come from the world of sci-fi animation, and artificial intelligence falls in love with humans. Isn't this the most common dog-blood script?" A sociologist said it for granted.

"This has caused us a lot of trouble, why don't we send a handsome guy to seduce him?" Someone else suggested.

"Don't be fooled, in case of self-defeating, let this spacecraft intelligence hate us, our space program is about to end, and most of the current technology is stagnant, we can only open up those dimensional worlds with many hidden dangers." Someone objected.

Wen Rensheng, who was present at the meeting, also shook his head secretly when he heard the words.

He also did not expect that such a big hidden danger exists in a mere love triangle.

How did demons invade Battlestar?

Now that I think about it, it should be time to unload the minerals.

"Hmph, worry about this, worry about that, the demons don't have the same worries as us! Just let that Gila marry both of them, wouldn't it be fine? In a Western background, one wife plus N lovers is standard, many Western big stars are like this." The sociologist said.

"But the animation has settings, and it must be monogamous."

"I have an idea. Let that Gila learn spells and cultivate a mirror image clone. Isn't this the best of both worlds?" A certain mage system researcher slapped his big leg and had an idea.

"But how to convince him to agree? This is also a betrayal of love."

"This is simple. We have already established that kid's character model and behavior pattern. He is a dedicated type. As long as we explain to him about the future of mankind and the universe, he will be moved by righteousness. , and choose self-sacrifice." The sociologist confessed.

"That's right, after calculation, for the sake of righteousness, he can even bear the sin of a destroyer and a murderer, and what is the name of a mere lover?" Someone immediately agreed.

Everyone nodded.

This is not their nonsense. In the related comic series, for the so-called righteousness, many passionate protagonists have done difficult psychological struggles——

From a civilian who loves peace and hesitates to shoot, to kill the enemy driver without hesitation on the battlefield, to destroying the enemy weapons factory, killing many workers by the way, step by step to the no return of the killer road……

This kind of situation occurs a lot.

"But why do I feel a little weird?" a young staff officer said angrily, "This kind of sacrifice is really rare. I am willing to sacrifice for him, and the more the better."

"You're thinking of eating P."

"get out!"

"Reincarnation is better in the next life."

The crowd laughed.

Wen Rensheng was speechless, these people really counted people to the bone.

This is the power of the system. For any detail work, someone will do it as a lifelong career.

Even in the extraordinary world, fighting alone is not very popular, and the gods above, also need gods and angels.

Immediately, Battlestar immediately launched a cleanup.

A demon lurking in it was caught, and after screening, it was found to be a succubus.

No wonder cross-species love is possible.

Under the strong charm, it is not unusual for people to fall in love with stones.

Subsequently, work on Gila also began.

As everyone expected, Gila was very painful to hear the words, but after a series of complex psychological struggles and screaming to the she was in a low mood...

He accepted.

Learn spells, create clones, and love two people at the same time.

From a passionate young man who is loyal and loving, to a shameless scumbag who has two boats.

This is the sacrifice necessary to achieve righteousness.

It's really tough.


Wen Rensheng watched the whole process.

However, he found another hidden danger. Gila's pain and embarrassment from the beginning gradually became a little more enjoyable.

Uh, just don't become the second brother of Cheng.

Anyway, there are many people watching from behind, so he doesn't need to worry about it.

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