Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1312: explorer

Wen Rensheng didn't doubt what Erwin said, just venting his anger just now.

Erwin is not his own student, and he did not use a great education technique on the other party to correct the other party's behavior.

The other party did not lie to him.

The blood of the gods needs to be spread, and someone has to do it.

The appearance of Erwin is to pave the way for the heroic era to come again——

Shop pedigree.

Doing their own thing is fine.

He let the big cat continue to explore the map, searching for other hero seeds.

And he himself decided to set up an organization that only served himself——


In the past, he was making various preparations. The Skywalk Club was actually a prototype, and the Inspection Division was also helping him solve the mystery.

It is also simple to set up a new department directly under the "Skywalk Club".

Lao Zhao, a wily guy, has been quiet since the mysterious invasion intensified.

I've been playing soy sauce, and I don't show up in the company for a while, and I still maintain it now, just to maintain my relationship with myself and others.

The other party is very clear about this.

With this in mind, Wen Rensheng walked away from the villa and walked to the next door.

After knocking on the door and being greeted by the housekeeper of Zhao's house, Wen Rensheng saw Lao Zhao teaching his young son in the living room.

"For a given positive real-valued function, the definite integral over a real interval can be understood as the area value of the curved-sided trapezoid bounded by curves, straight lines and axes on the coordinate plane."

That kid is smart, cute, and very attentive. At just a few years old, he is actually watching Calculus!

It's just that after Wen Rensheng took a closer look, when he looked at Lao Zhao again, an inexplicable sense of horror rose in his heart.

With his current power of observation, he could see at a glance that there was something strange about it.

Then he shook his head, this was the other party's family business, and he couldn't interfere.

"Zhao Ling, say hello to Uncle Wen Ren." When Lao Zhao saw him coming in, he got up and instructed the child to stand up, greeting Wen Rensheng.

"No, no, just call me brother, don't mess up your seniority." Wen Rensheng waved his hand hastily.

He has been eighteen years old, this child is five or six years old, how can he be called uncle?

"Hello brother Wenren." The little boy called out honestly.

Wen Rensheng didn't feel comfortable, but felt a strange feeling. He nodded, reached out and took out a notebook from his arms: "Okay, this is a gift from your brother."

The little boy took it, and on the note was written "On the Introduction to the Mage System".

The child's eyes suddenly lit up, holding the note in love, he bowed politely to Wen Rensheng and said, "Thank you, brother."

"Okay, housekeeper, take the young master down." Lao Zhao asked the housekeeper to send his son away, and then went to a pavilion in the front yard with Wen Rensheng and sat down.

Wen Rensheng directly explained his intentions.

"It's simple. I've been busy raising children in recent years and rarely manage the company. You can find someone to set it up yourself." Lao Zhao agreed.

"Thank you so much," Wen Rensheng smiled, and then reminded, "Recently, there have been frequent intrusions by demons. They are ghosts and ghosts. They are formed big forces with a complete world background. They are not comparable to those who used to play small things. Take care of your family's safety."

"Well, I will pay attention, but with you in charge, I believe they would not dare to come in here." Lao Zhao smiled heartily.

"It's better to be cautious."

Wen Rensheng reminded again, and then left.

The next day, there was an additional "Exploration Department" in the Skywalk Club.

The treatment is extremely high, not to mention the money, and the qualifications for solving the extraordinary are given to the ministry.

Mage quota, game player status, puppet technique, this is the basic configuration.

And the performance reaches a certain level, and there are also different species that can be exchanged.

However, the recruitment is only in a small area, and it is not widely advertised.

The examination is naturally very strict.

Background identity, mental thinking, physical quality, character hobbies, moral quality...

Because of the fantasy deduction, this investigation is rare and outrageous, and it is much higher than joining many special departments of the Inspection Department.

Xiao Huan was very excited after hearing this, and took the role of the interviewer without hesitation.

After all, for her, this is to play tricks on people's hearts!

Rather lack rather than abuse.

Zhao Han and Wang Wenwen also went to apply for the exam, but Wang Wenwen didn't pass the test, so they went back home and complained to Xiao Huan.

"Xiao Huan, how do I usually treat you?" She grabbed Xiao Huan's two braids and said indignantly.

"It's good for me, 80% of the 50 pounds of meat in my vest is your credit." Xiao Huan patted her big belly and said plausibly.

She now removes the body that she randomly transformed into, and now she has a solidified body made by Shishi, which grows according to the laws of normal human beings.

Because everyone voted unanimously, it's still comfortable to rub the body.

It's just that she specifically asked not to grow up.

She can't grow vertically, eat a lot, and she doesn't use this vest for exercise. After all, it's an entity, and it's inconvenient to run around, so can't she grow horizontally?

"You can't blame me, it's because you don't want to grow taller." Wang Wenwen argued strongly, completely forgetting the situation of taking Xiao Huan to various barbecue stalls at night.

"Then you can't blame me if you can't pass. The old news said that releasing water is harming people, and you are not qualified. After entering, you will only encounter unknown dangers." Xiao Huan raised her head.

"Okay, you can go if you want, just be careful not to fight in person." Wen Rensheng finally agreed.

After all, Wang Wenwen only loses a little, and he loses. In fact, the threshold is very, very high, far higher than normal.


The next day, Skywalk Club.

There are four people sitting in an office.

The two men and two women are both of the upper-middle-level in appearance. They are neither handsome nor ugly.

Just by looking at the exterior, you can't see any special qualities.

But they passed the difficult fantasy test.

"One step to the sky, we are talking about?" Man A said, his tone was quite excited.

"Calm down, although we are hired, we are still internships before completing the first event." Woman A smiled.


The other two agreed.

In fact, everyone knows that the other party is acting——

Men's A wants to show their expectations and drive, while women's A wants to show their calmness and self-knowledge.

The other two showed their easy-goingness and obedience to orders.

Right here, the door opened.

Zhao Han and Wang Wenwen walked in one after the other.

"This is Minister Zhao of the Exploratory Department, look for her face." Wang Wenwenhao said sternly.

But there is a chance to pretend to be in front of the younger generation.

"Hello, Minister Zhao." The four immediately stood up to say hello.

"In the future, you will be directly responsible to her. It's not easy for anyone in the company to talk to you. You can only listen to her."

"Understood." The four quickly said Well, very good, everyone will be a team member in the future, and we must cooperate with each other. "Zhao Han tried his best to show the momentum of the minister.

They come here to apply for jobs, naturally they have their own channels, and they also know Zhao Han's background.

The niece of the company boss, the apprentice of the company's elders, has the identity of a family.

Looking very honest and simple, who would have thought that the background would be so big?

It should belong to the kind-hearted and considerate eldest model. There is one thing to pay attention to when dealing with this kind of person-

Don't rely on the other party's simplicity to deceive the other party and use the other party's position to make profit. In that case, it is really stupid.

After all, it is too difficult to meet such high-quality contacts.

It is the easiest thing and the hardest thing to do to get this network of contacts - sincerity for sincerity.

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