Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1328: accelerated growth

Wen Rensheng's eyes were watching the newcomer's every move.

The other side behaves well, calm, decisive, and quickly adapts to the local environment.

There is no excess benevolence, and the goal is quickly understood.

Sure enough, there are many talents, as long as the conditions you give are good enough, they can be screened.

As for why he can see Mei Guangzhan's actions now...

That's because every recruited explorer has been marked with a special mysterious mark by him.

The imprint is red all over, shaped like a beating heart, directly imprinted in the depths of the soul.

There are two main functions.

One is that he can use the mysterious imprint to spy on everyone's every move, so that the mysterious seed can grasp the secret in time.

And this kind of peeping can cross the time and space barrier.

The second is to protect their souls.

This mysterious mark was something he had learned from the rebellious tentacle of Akhendab.

The function is not weak, but the usage conditions are harsh.

The strength of the two sides needs to be greatly different in order to be successful.

Of course, for Wen Rensheng, this restriction is almost non-existent, unless the other party's level is much higher than himself.

And people who are too tall, he will not peep.

It is also difficult to learn.

He first taught the rebellious tentacle how to draw, and then showed Xiao Zhang the Ultraman serial, and let the naughty octopus watch it for a full week before he learned it.

This kind of mysterious imprint is exactly what Akhendeb can do behind the scenes.

If it were Akhandeb himself, he would never teach him, but his tentacles didn't care about that.

It doesn't hurt to sell Ye Tian.

Wen Rensheng wanted to know the expression on Akhanderb's face when he found his home sold out after he returned to his senses.


At the same time, Mei Guangzhan was playing cards with the other two very happily.

What saves people, does it have anything to do with him?

With his bright mind and the wisdom of modern people, he lost a lot.

Even if there is no need to charm humans, the two people's favorability for him has reached full value.

It's getting late.

"No way, I'm going to sleep for a few hours. I'm getting old, and I used to sleep two or three all night." The old soldier carried an oil lamp and walked to a compartment inside the post.

Mei Guangzhan and Leite fought until dawn.

When he played poker, he did not forget to inquire about the social background and observe the environment.

There are very few furnishings in the post, only a long dilapidated table, a few equally dilapidated benches, and a few oil lamps hanging on the paper-pasted window to guide passersby late at night.

There is a picture on the wall of a sun, and under the sun is a group of people kneeling.

When he first came in, he hadn't noticed the painting, because all his attention was on the veteran.

It was only now that he suddenly realized that there was something wrong with that painting.

If you look closely, there is a **** spot on the sun.

It looks like a sunspot.

However, did medieval painters paint the sun like this?

He woke up suddenly.

sun? X.

Gehroth? right.

He immediately dropped the cards in his hand and rushed out the door.

However, the door of the sentry was locked, and he rushed to the veteran's compartment, and the door was also locked.

"You reacted quite fast," the veteran's voice sounded from the window. "I thought you wouldn't find out the problem until dawn. Do you know why I want to play cards with you?"

"You are observing my ability." Mei Guangzhan gritted his teeth.

"Yes, the two of you are definitely not ordinary people who can escape the pursuit of the believers. You are still young, you can't grasp the will to win, you can't help but use magic tricks to change cards and beat me a few times. But you exposed yourself It's just the basics of a junior mage, and a mage who has only practiced for a few years is no better than an elite soldier in the face of this kind of fire." The veteran's voice was a little smug.

Mei Guangzhan broke out in a cold sweat. I didn't expect that a mere NPC would be able to play with the applause!

He didn't notice the veteran's abnormality immediately.

Because the other party used a routine.

Instead of saving people, he asked him if he wanted to play cards.

This grabs his attention and makes him instinctively think about why the veteran is playing poker, regardless of the life or death of the victim.

He thought that the veterans were wise to protect themselves, that this was the dark Middle Ages, and human life was worthless.

So he ignored a more obvious possibility - the veteran is also a member of the evil.

The veterans didn't report the case, but they were actually covering for those evildoers.

"How could this be? Lord Knight won't let you go! You and Asbell's thugs will not end well together!" Leit, who was beside him, reacted and rushed to the gate, slapping hard. door.

"Haha, you should obediently become the sacrifices of Lord Gheros! Soon this post will be on fire. I wonder if Your Excellency the Mage has water-making skills?" The veteran laughed and threw the oil lamp in through the window. .

The flames ignited, and smoke soon filled the sentry.

The whole body of the sentry is made of wood, because it is a big road, not a dangerous place, and it will not use more expensive stone.

And the windows are so small and narrow that it is impossible to break open.

"Cough!" Leiter coughed loudly, then tried to pick up the stool and beat the flames.

However, the flames got bigger and bigger, because the veteran was outside and continued to throw several oil cans in from the window.

Setting fire to people is one of the oldest methods of killing people.

Mei Guangzhan hurriedly used a "filtered air" to let all the smoke run away from the window, which gave him a chance to breathe.

However, there is no better way for him to deal with the flames.

Without water, the flapping effect is not great, because the oil sticks to the board and burns violently.

In a few minutes at most, the fire will exhaust the oxygen inside the sentry, leaving them first suffocated and unconscious, and finally burned alive.

No wonder there are no game prompts, there are so many routines and so many dangers in the first level!

Mei Guangzhan calmed down and quickly recalled his spells.

"Charming Humans" seems to be ineffective for veterans, and it must be within sight.

Grease, used here, is adding fuel to the fire.

There are also three standing spells, "Spider Walk", "Growing Giant", and "Protection from Ranged Weapons".

no use!

He regretted it very much at this time, and should not have listened to the words of the old driver masters in the group and learned some "giant skills".

At this time, if you learn a water-making technique, there is still some hope.

Wait, not necessarily.

Thinking of this, he cast a "giant technique" on himself in a raging flame.

The figure suddenly swelled to a height of more than three meters, like a little giant, and the strength also increased.

He kicked it hard.

The door held on, but was already visibly shaking.

Then he kicked a few more times.

The door finally burst open.

Leiter, who had been waiting for the door for a long time, rushed out first.

Then got caught.

"Haha, **** Leiter, let you run again, run again! Just because there are not enough sacrifices, I will use you to make up the number." That was a somewhat familiar voice.

It was the villains who chased the two before.

Mei Guangzhan bent down and managed to get out of the flaming sentry.

After he put a protective long-range weapon on himself, he picked up a broken door panel and rushed towards the group of people in the dark.

"Impossible, such a powerful spell, how can a young man in your twenties be so proficient in using it? Could it be that you have been a mage since your mother's womb?" The old soldier screamed.

He calculated everything, but he did not calculate Mei Guangzhan's true strength.

The face of the other party is very young, and his strength is not false, but he has 30 years of cultivation experience.

This can't be blamed on the He completely estimated Mei Guangzhan's strength from his years of experience in the army.

At this time, Mei Guangzhan was extremely grateful for the overtime given by the company.

Overtime is good, overtime is wonderful, and overtime makes me grow faster.

Holding the door panel, he rushed into the crowd and opened it wide open.

One board, one kid.

Four or five villains were swept away by him.

I used to be concerned about the identity of the other party's evildoer, but now I don't think about it at all!

As for the veteran of that routine, he severely broke the opponent's leg, but he didn't kill him.

Because he has not forgotten that the other party has a system and a knight boss.

The only one who can kill the opponent is that knight.

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