Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1331: pray

"Sorry, the baron's private room is a sky garden." Knight Munson said lightly.

The young male judge was stunned.

He was stunned not because of the ingenuity of the opponent, but because he was surprised that the opponent actually had a heart for confrontation.

This knight is clearly saying that the baron's hanging garden is not under the jurisdiction of the goddess of the earth.


Must be a villain!

The whole castle here is polluted!

No wonder the generous Master Mei Guangzhan was attacked by evil beasts here.

"You are blaspheming!" the young male judge said angrily.

"Go to hell, you evil **** lackeys!" Knight Munson suddenly became furious, "If you know what the so-called earth goddess is, you will definitely want to destroy the whole world!"

As soon as his words fell, not only the three judges were stunned, but Mei Guangzhan was even more horrified.

In fact, in the process of cheating, he also had some unusual feelings, but he just wrote it down secretly, and never thought to investigate further.

After all, it was an act of death.

"Kill him!" The old magistrate couldn't take it anymore, and waved his order.

Wen Rensheng also looked here with interest at this time.

He had already guessed the true nature of that earth goddess.

This story is very interesting.

A fight takes place immediately.

Six knights surrounded Munson.

The attendants bullied the less and surrounded their opponents to fight.

The peasant soldiers paddled cunningly, touching sticks and dung forks in mid-air, as if they were filming a movie, not stabbing people anyway.

However, what Mei Guangzhan never expected was that the strength of the Munson knights was completely different from the six knights he brought.

The extraordinary power of a knight is a kind of holy light, which is obtained through prayer, and has various effects such as improving attack, defense, mobility, and endurance.

It can also be released directly to kill the enemy, but that consumes a lot.

The six knights used white and green phosgene, while Munson used a rust-red phosgene.

The former is like a mud wall, and the latter is like an iron knife.

The two collided, and although the former still had a certain defensive power, it was still losing ground.

Their swords slashed into Munson's plate with only a white mark.

On the contrary, when Munson slashed over, it was an opening. If he couldn't avoid it, he would see blood!

This means that the other party can output with all their strength, and any of them must be careful.

The six knights were not Mei Guangzhan's henchmen, they were borrowed soldiers, how could they fight to the death?

If it's okay to fight against the wind, it's obviously not right now, so start paddling immediately.

They took advantage of the large number of people and took turns to attract Munson's attention, but no one was desperate to hold each other down.

And Munson is not an online game BOSS, he directly stared at the weakest one and beat him hard, scaring the opponent back again and again.

Others can only try to kill his horse first, which is actually a bit against the unspoken rules between knights, but the other party is an evildoer, so there is no need to pay attention to this.

However, what terrified them was that Munson's horse was more powerful than himself!

Attacked by holy light, it turned from an ordinary brown horse to red and black!

"Nightmare horse! This is a monster only found in hell!" The old magistrate exclaimed.

The knight's long sword with holy light was attached, and when it was cut, it made a sound of hammering iron.

Fortunately, the Nightmare Horse did not show additional attack power, but only had a strong defense.

Mei Guangzhan watched the battle nervously.

Strategically, he has the absolute upper hand.

For some unknown reason, this Munson knight chose to self-destruct on the spot.

But in terms of tactical details, he has the hidden worry of collapse.

He carefully observed the battle situation, and suddenly performed a greasy technique!

The nightmare horse exhaled a black breath and directly dispelled his spell!

Mei Guangzhan realized that he had made a mistake.

He only analyzed the intelligence given by others, and believed that the strength of Sophia Castle was at most stronger than that of ordinary barons.

And the combat effectiveness shown by the two vampire bats is not that strong.

As a result, it was on the battlefield, and it was only after life and death that I knew that the opponent was really powerful!

Perhaps this is the common mistake that newbies make, and they know how to prepare and know themselves and their enemies.

Know everything, but how to complete the process, how to ensure its accuracy, only a veteran can do.

Annoyed, he continued to comfort himself.

As tough as Zhuge Liang, he was in charge of the military for the first time, and he would make mistakes of Ma Su at the beginning, but he matured later, and his opponents could only rely on shrinking and sharp terrain to grind his logistics line.

He glanced around, looking for a way out.

The viscount can't deal with the other party, so he will cling to the earl, the duke, the king...

After all, the other party has been exposed.

There is a big road in the back, and Sophia Castle in front. Obviously, you can't enter, you can only retreat.

But his own hatred value is the highest, and the other party will stare at him and chase after him.

His horses can't be compared to Hell's Nightmare.

No one will give themselves a fight to the death.

Use spider walking, abandon the road, walk on the barren grassland on both sides, and then enter the forest. In this way, the opponent's horses will not be used, and your speed can be improved.

He wanted to retreat, and he had a slight idea in his heart.

At this time, the battle situation in the field has changed.

The weakest knight, when Munson was only attacking but not defending, was slashed into the weak point of the plate armor with a knife, and was immediately seriously injured!

He was so frightened that he hurriedly fled, leaving the most vulnerable behind for the other party.

However, Munson did not attack him, but immediately attacked the second person, who was the most active knight in the rescue.

Now everyone can see that whoever is active in the fight will fight whoever, and escape will be able to survive...

Twenty minutes later.

As the knights crumble, a great escape begins...

The first to flee were the peasant soldiers, who ran directly into the wasteland.

And Mei Guangzhan took Lei Te, and after performing "Spider Walk" and "Protection of Long-Range Weapons", he also slipped into the roadside jungle.

He cursed in his heart.

Just came in and ran away, and is running away now.

Fortunately, no one saw it, otherwise, wouldn't I be Mei Fufu?

Why should he bring Leiter, because the other party is his housekeeper now, and he has to rely on the other party to help him manage the money. It is impossible to leave it to other people who don't know the details.

Anyway, he couldn't figure out the various gold and silver coins in the Middle Ages, which were different in every country, and even different in every region.

More than an hour later, the two hid by a lake, gasping for breath.

"Master, what should we do now?" Leiter asked in shock.

"Wait a minute, I want to pray." Mei Guangzhan began to draw the ceremony on the ground.

This is what Minister Zhao told them during training.

When you are on the brink of desperation, you can ask for help from your company.

The cost is huge, and the performance has to be deducted to only 10%. After returning, you have to retrain and re-exam. After passing the task, you can continue the task.

The entire training and examination process is naturally unpaid.

And now it's a dead end.

Munson didn't come after him. He must have wanted to use the horse's maneuvering to kill the six knights and the magistrate first. They are definitely fat for sacrifices.

But he believed that When Munson finished chasing down the fat, he would never forget himself as the initiator.

Escape is not enough, this is the opponent's home court, there is no horse, and there is no way to escape the opponent's pursuit.

Reit watched nervously.

Since he followed this foreigner Master Mage, he has indeed lived an unprecedented good life.

The other party speaks kindly and treats him as an equal.

He is a student of Kencent College. After successfully graduating, he can apply for some precious civilian positions in various lords, such as accountant, quartermaster, etc., and eat Shangguan's family.

But none of those positions required him to live like a dog.

Only by following Mei Guangzhan did he realize the dignity of being a human being.

And the good treatment is not comparable to those of the seniors who have graduated for many years.

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