Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1335: out of control

My name is Jin Fei, an alien.

I don't know when to start, and I occasionally lose memory for a period of time, sometimes for hours, sometimes for days.

During that time, I don't remember what I did, just like I fell asleep.

Although I have not learned extraordinary memory, but the strengthening of the body by the alien species should be much stronger than that of ordinary people.

I never dared to let anyone else discover this.

How can an amnesiac be qualified to keep such a dangerous and precious thing as a xenogeneic species?

I secretly install a monitor on myself, record what I do every day, and upload it to a secret mailbox.

Every day before going to bed, I check my mailbox to see what I have done during the day.

In the end, I was horrified to find that every time I lost my memory, the "me" was repairing the computer.

I feel incredible.

I have a lot of money and a very good position, why do I need to do "computer repair"

Such low-level work?

One of the videos is this:

"Your laptop, the CPU is overheating and needs to be cooled down. After my careful inspection, it turns out that there is a solder joint leak on the motherboard, which needs to be repaired."

"Thank you, Jin Gong, your technique is really good, you can find such subtle faults."

A man and a woman were talking in front of a disassembled notebook.

The real video recording, so I can only choose to accept.

I went to look for information, to find the reason.

At first I suspected that I had developed a second personality.

However upon closer inspection, I found that I didn't have that kind of thing.

And I have never suffered any psychological trauma, my parents are both, I did not sacrifice to heaven, I grew up smoothly, and I was not slapped in the face.

I again suspected that it was my alien species that had become conscious.

Although such a thing is rare, it is not non-existent.

I joined a new group a long time ago, and there was a newcomer there who said that her alien species was conscious, and she took pleasure in hitting her every day. She was very distressed and didn't know how to solve it.

I came up with an idea to drink more hot water.

After a few days, she thanked me and said it worked.

Every time she drank hot water, her xenogeneity stopped talking, she was very honest, and she asked me why?

I said very simple, it is afraid of you choking to death.

This kind of death method is too low-level, and we will strictly check whether the aliens are causing trouble, and if it is wrong, it will be completely sealed.

However, even such a vicious alien species has no control over the master's consciousness, let alone the body.

I have carefully communicated with my alien species, and found that the other party did not respond, perhaps it was pretending too well.

The problem is serious.

I can't imagine that when the Inspectorate was recruiting me, I suddenly ran halfway to repair the computer.

That kind of scene can literally make me explode in place and die on the spot.

And I've noticed that some people have been around me lately.

They seem to be investigating me?

Fortunately, through monitoring, I found that there was a sign before I lost control.

That is my left foot would shake involuntarily.

I ran to the world of Go overnight and learned a transformation technique urgently. As soon as my left foot started shaking, I would teleport and disappear, and then teleported to a safe point to become another person.

an ordinary engineer.

Just like another person.


Skywalk Club, explorers.

"This time we are investigating the alien out of control."

A PPT, typed on the big screen.

"The number of out-of-control people discovered so far is five. Although it is relatively small, there must be a major secret hidden in it."

"One of the mildest symptoms is that he likes to repair computers, which is the target of our investigation."

"The other four are more serious, and even rise to homicide, and need to be dealt with by the Inspection Division."

"Bidding now."

It is rare to have a job in a local business trip, and naturally everyone is vying for it.

As for who can compete successfully, the first is to look at the ability score, and the other is to look at the working hours of the newspaper.

The higher the score, the shorter the time and the higher the likelihood of bidding.

This is a newly implemented system for the exploratory department.

The purpose is naturally to stimulate the enthusiasm of the people, and by the above arrangement, there may be situations where the tasks and the executors do not match.

And the executors tend to bite the bullet because of various considerations.

The last successful bidder was Li Chun.

The relevant PPT was immediately pushed to Wen Rensheng from the platform.

He was watching Ultraman with Xiaozhang, and by the way, he was learning other housekeeping skills of Akhandeb.

Since teaching the rebel tentacles to draw, the means of communication between the two sides have been enriched immediately.

At this time, Xiao Zhang was looking at Ultraman intently, and made various gestures from time to time.

And the tentacles of the rebels gave Wen Rensheng another skill.

That is a defense technique, a high-end technique used by the source.

The specific method is to form a vortex around the source power. When there is an attack from the outside world, the damage will be absorbed by the vortex, and then transferred to the mysterious world.

The function is actually similar to direct defense with source power, but the consumption will be much less, and the effect will be much better.

It's just very difficult to master.

After painting, Wen Rensheng learned to draw by himself.

The rebel tentacle went to rest, and by the way perfunctoryly watched the cartoon chapter.

"Damn, the more I look at it, the more I think I can only be a monster!" Xiao Zhang suddenly woke up when he saw it.

Xiao Huan laughed wildly when he heard the words: "Hahahaha, you are a little monster!"

"No, I'm going to become Ultraman too!" Xiao Zhang became angry.

Wen Rensheng heard it, this is not good, if it becomes Ultraman, how can there be any rebel tentacles?

"Uh, in fact, the most important thing in being a human being is not to forget the original intention, and to keep the original appearance. The original is the best, and any transformation is evil. As long as you have a right heart, even if you are a weirdo in Notre Dame de Paris, you will Get God's understanding." He taught patiently.

To this end, he also thoughtfully started teaching.

The good intentions are evident.

"Oh, I see, what cartoon is Notre Dame de Paris?" Xiao Zhang immediately shifted his attention.


After Wen Rensheng's teaching, he let Xiaozhang watch cartoons by himself.

He's going to do some work.

He has seen the game rewards Mei Guangzhan got before.

It's really powerful, behind that Cthulhu game, it should be controlled by the disaster principals.

He had passively entered once before, but he did not get the game reward prompt.

And he doesn't like these external reinforcements either.

Because that means that outside forces will control his body and soul.

This is intolerable for the perfect.

However, for many people, living requires all efforts, and it is impossible to expect perfection.

He understands this very well, so he has no objection to Mei Guangzhan's use of these powers.

As long as the other party digs deeper, I believe it can bring him a lot of mystery caps.

It's only just beginning.

Ghroth, the alarm clock of the old days, is set to be banished into the void.

Obviously, the disaster principals are looking for a way to deal with the old masters.

Because it was born from the human universe, this game was designed for human beings to deal with.

This kind of handwriting is really only the principal of the disaster.

Directly use one world as the problem solving field.

Thinking of this, he saw the PPT he just sent.

Alien out of control?

Could this be a parody of the runaway humans in the old tales?

To let humans solve the problem?


This made Wen Rensheng take it seriously.

He looked at the PPT carefully, and became interested in this alien named "Jin Fei".

Computer repair?

What a noble hobby.

Even if he couldn't control his body, he still did not let himself go, but went to repair the computer and serve the public.

It's like a person who, even in a dream, does not commit a crime.

Just why does the other party have such symptoms?

Now it is Li Chun who has grabbed this task.

He cast his gaze over...


"Your computer has been running for at least 13 years. Dongzhou products are of good quality. Clean up the dust and install a memory stick, and you can continue to use it." "Jin Fei" smiled at one of them. said the beauty.

"Oh, my brother bought this for me. He said it was a big brand and asked me for a budget of 8,000. Damn bastard, he actually cheated on me!" The beauty said angrily.

"The brand is really big, but it takes a long time." Jin Fei nodded.

"Thank you, Jin Gong, how much is it?"

"I don't need money, I'm in a good mood today."

"How about'll treat you to coffee."


Li Chun watched Jin Fei go to drink coffee with a beautiful woman, thoughtfully.

Over the past few days, he discovered a very strange feature:

The owners of the computers that Jin Fei repaired were all women, and they were all beautiful women.

There must be a problem here.

At first, he thought that the other party was doing something indescribable by repairing the computer, but it turned out that it was completely different.

He saves others by himself, and the pattern is small.

The other party repairs the computer, either in the other party's company, or let the other party send the computer.

Even door-to-door service is when the other family is there.

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