Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1340: soul

What has Jin Fei done in the world of Go?

Li Chun did not personally investigate, but split the task and sent it to the task platform in the company.

It was Mei Guangzhan who just went to the Go World to take the exam.

He grabbed it by being familiar with the mission scene.

He had just been there, while others hadn't been there for days.

One day on Earth, a thousand days on Go.

He didn't go every other day, nearly three years had passed there, so no one could compete with him in terms of familiarity with the location.

For Mei Guangzhan, this task was too simple compared to the previous Middle Ages.

Go World is currently the safest and most developed copy world.

All kinds of immortals are flying all over the sky, making the natives miserable.

What "starting with Tianyuan" is a trivial matter.

Start with the four vertices, that's right, the four points on the farthest corner.

Start with 4 free gifts.

Relying on various types of AI, in the eyes of the natives, players are all immortals.

In the end, it is the players on Earth who set the rules for themselves: Unless it involves being robbed or killed, they are not allowed to use plug-ins to fight against natives.

Mei Guangzhan returned to the world of Go.

He came to the largest city in the vicinity and got into a building called "Tsing Yi Building".

Yes, it is Qing.lou, but at the same time it is an intelligence organization.

It was built by natives to serve players.

This is the real world after all.

Although there are rules set by the disaster, they cannot develop technology, and they can only go around on the two cores of "feudal era" and Go, but this does not prevent the local clever people from drilling various loopholes.

For example, using players, players have immortals hanging around, and they are here, from big to good weather, to small to cure diseases and save people, and they all rely on chess with the old man to achieve.

Although they did not hang, but there are players.

Since a player took the risk of using a fairy to help each other for the sake of a local love, but was successfully recognized, this trend has been unstoppable.

From being abused at the beginning, to now all kinds of players to please players, all kinds of players to use players, in short, the world has changed...

After Mei Guangzhan went in, instead of looking for a singing girl, he went directly to the prostitute.

"Alas, Mei Tianren, you've come, you haven't seen each other for several years, haven't you? You still look the same as before, which makes Lan Gu envious." The old lady tucked in a blue handkerchief and said coquettishly to him.

"Hey, it's all the same. I'm a mortal, and I will die when my life is up. I'm here today with a mission. I hope you can help me investigate a god..." Mei Guangzhan said directly.

Saying that, he put out nine big coins on the counter.

It is golden and intricately engraved.

If you look carefully, you can see that the words "Zuisheng 3.0" are hidden in the pattern.

This represents nine coins, each of which can invoke Go AI 3.0 once.

"Oh, Mei Tianren, you know, we don't dare to interfere in the affairs between heaven and human..." Lan Gu said, a well-maintained jade hand, but firmly pressed the nine big money live.

"Are you still plugging in less?" Mei Guangzhan said disapprovingly.

Everyone is a peer, who is it?

Those who are engaged in intelligence do not dare to brush aside, what should they do?

"Hehe, that's why you have to pay more."

"Say it earlier." Mei Guangzhan said nine more.

"No, it's the same thing if you have more money like this. I'm not a person who loves money." Although she said so, Lan Gu put another nine coins in her arms.

"Then what do you want?" Mei Guangzhan was not at all surprised by the other party's greed and boldness.

Would a person who is not greedy dare to do such a thing?

You must know that players are immortal, and the deterrent power of this kind of thing, which appears in reality, far exceeds the imagination of ordinary people.

"Our master said that he wants to become a god."

Mei Guangzhan was suddenly stunned.

This price is too high.

Heavenly people, that is, players.

Players have so many conveniences, and the natives are completely normal intelligent people, so they will naturally think about how to change their identities.

He thought for a moment and said, "It's hard to do this."

At his level, he still has no access to the secrets of the game simulator.

"We also know that it is difficult, so as long as your Excellency can provide a little relevant information, it is enough." Lan Gu said, and pushed back the 18 coins with great reluctance.

"Let me think about it," Mei Guangzhan scratched his hair and asked, "Do you know the difference between you and us?"

"Of course you know that you are from the Immortal Realm. You are born from heaven. After you die, you will only return to the Immortal Realm and be reborn again." Langu said indifferently.

Uh, this is exactly what a player said to fool the natives, and then it was decided by several major guilds as a common language for players to deal with the natives.

Any rhetoric that violates this rhetoric will not be acknowledged.

You can call yourself a demon or something like that, but other players will only call you a lunatic, a fallen person from the fairyland...

"If that's the case, then I can tell you a little bit of information. You know that people have souls, right?" Mei Guangzhan continued.

"Naturally know this, but our souls will dissipate after we die here. Unlike your immortals, our souls can still be preserved by immortal power." Lan Gu envied.

"Well, um, that's the thing. I can teach you a technique to protect your soul. I think this technique is enough to exchange for the information I want." Mei Guangzhan said.

"Very good, this information is very valuable, Mei Tianren, you are such a generous immortal." Lan Gu said, leaning her body on the other side.

"Hey, if you are twenty years younger, I'll let you rely on me." Mei Guangzhan pushed him away.

"Death, people were also courtiers back then." Lan Gu said with a smile.

After half an hour.

Basement of Tsing Yi Building.

Mei Guangzhan took out a gray-brown thick wooden box from the player's inventory and opened it carefully.

With that cautious energy, Lan Gu couldn't even breathe carefully.

Mei Guangzhan just told her that there is a soul living here, who is his best friend.

Seeing this scene, Lan Gu automatically replaced her best friend with "beloved".

She was afraid that she would gasp loudly and blow the soul out of her.

The box had just opened a gap, and the sound of knocking wood chips came out.

"Have you seen it? The chime that rings automatically. It has a soul on it, an unyielding person who will always fulfill his promise. It was once cowardly and childish, but in the end it became a real warrior and hero." Mei Guangzhanshen Think emotionally.

It was the first time he had such feelings for a character in the mission world.

After all, since childhood, this is the first character to die for him.

The other side could run away cowardly, but did not run away.

Lan Gu nodded: "Thank you, Mei Tianren, I will report to the landlord now, and let him use all his strength to find the trace of that heavenly person for you."


in the library.

Wen Rensheng continued to watch Mei Guangzhan's every move.

It's interesting.

The other party went to the world of Go again.

This reminded him of the process of exploring this world in the past. In the end, the mysterious seed only gave 20 points of mystery, which made him brooding for a long time.

Later, he chose to let Xiao Huan devour the No. 114 disaster who was controlling the Go world behind the scenes.

But Xiao Huan did not change the rules set by the other party before.

The reason is only one word - lazy.

The old rules of the Go world still work.

People still rely on playing chess to meet major needs in all aspects, and they cannot break through the shackles brought by Go.

114 The catastrophe is gone, Xiao Huan will of course not manage it by It uses the colossus system, directly finds a native of the radiation world, and after pretending to be a ghost, let the other party be a big sacrifice and preside over the Go world below.

Not to mention, in this way, after the priests reorganized the technology, combined with the mysterious power given by Xiaohuan, they began to greatly transform the entire radiation world.

The radiation world, which was originally a wasteland, finally has the taste of a fairyland.

Calamity 114 has no interest in building and transforming the radiation world.

It is interested in the world of Go.

In contrast, these priests did not care much about the world of Go.

They blocked the passage of the other party according to the oracle, and the others were Xiao Gui and Cao Sui, and they did not make any changes.

Because they don't get half power from the Go world.

Those powers were finally given to Xiao Huan.

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