Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1344: Wen Rensheng's research

Zhongjiang Base, in an office somewhere.

Lao Liu was facing the computer, facing a document, and couldn't write for a long time.

The name of the file contains the words "Wen Rensheng".

He was in a very complicated mood at this time.

Before, he asked Wen Rensheng to treat the three colleagues, but the other party did not help, but said some perfunctory words.

When the moon mutated before, when the alien master went mad, the other party used the illusion to teach the other party and cured the other party.

Why didn't you want to do it this time?

Is it because the symptoms are relatively mild this time, the other party does not want to consume strength?

Absolute physical space cannot cure mental pollution. This has long been proven.

He thought that Wen Rensheng could easily cure the three inspectors, but the other party refused.

And what he said, if you feel it carefully, it is also a bit strange.

The other party seemed to have forgotten something.

Wen Rensheng said before: "Throw it to the Dongdao dungeon to give the player an identity, where the influence of Chaos Omniscience can be washed away."

This time, the other party didn't make the same suggestion, just said something, and couldn't throw it all to Dongdao.

Is it because he already knows that the Inspector Division currently does not have the ability to give players identities casually;

These are all little things.

What Lao Liu was most worried about was that even Wen Rensheng himself was also affected by the old pollution, but he didn't know it.

Even the best doctor can get sick.

He thought for a long time before he started typing.

Every word is more important than a thousand points, because this is to be submitted to the Supervision Department for review.

The original idea of ​​the Inspectorate in control of everything is becoming more and more difficult to maintain.

The reason is very simple. The arrival of the era of China's demons has caused more and more uncontrollable factors.

The more he wrote, the more old Liu had a headache.

Existing mode, can not continue.

He thought of the "separation of man and god" model mentioned by Wen Rensheng, and added a suggestion:

"Now, it is necessary to consider relocating ordinary people to an ordinary planet, and if there are extraordinary people, then migrate."

"The planet is divided according to the extraordinary level, so that people with the same strength live on the same planet."

"Let them take care of themselves first, and after a period of time, we will select people with normal views, focus on training, and establish inspection departments at different levels."

This opinion was impossible to achieve before. After all, there was no space migration method before, but now there is.

And space has been developed for a certain period of time, and several mining stars have been transformed, and they can be inhabited on a large scale.

In the end, he thought again, what if there is a person who destroys the world?

The previous idea was to suppress.

It now appears that this is wrong.

It should be thought like this, if there is one, let him appear the second and the third.

Why did the organization of human forces transition from a feudal monarch to a modern system?

The reason is simple, a single person is unreliable.

Group responses are slow, but relatively more stable.

One person can destroy the world, and when there are more people, there will be checks and balances.

After all, those who want stability and longevity will take the initiative to destroy and suppress the Destroyer.

Wen Rensheng is the most typical of them.

And now, the other party seems to be a little out of control.

He thought that the other party had said "Earth Pill" earlier, I am afraid that at that time, the other party will have some bad omens?

Thinking of this, he suggested again:

"According to the results of the annual strength assessment, try to level the power level of the top superhumans."


Wen Rensheng naturally didn't know that one push and refusal actually attracted so much analysis from Lao Liu.

If he knew, he would only say one sentence, why is there so much?

No matter how hard-working a doctor is, it is impossible to save the world.

He just chose to let it go and let them figure it out on their own.

This is actually the inevitable result of the extraordinary personal power.

Just like the previous life, the movement of any nuclear warhead will attract a lot of research.

He was thinking about how to solve Li Chun's situation.


In the setting of the old mythology, the only means for mortals to fight against the evil gods is the tyrannical reason.

With the support of reason, fight poison with poison, and find a way to expel them from the cult that summoned them.

There is never a direct way to eliminate it.

McCann has done research on mechanized minds in order to combat disasters before, and he has made great progress.

But that way is murder.

What is the difference between turning people into machines and killing people?

Wen Rensheng naturally wouldn't take that approach.

Doing so will make people lose their creativity and the initiative to deal with disasters.

The biggest difference between humans and animals is their initiative and creativity.

Before, when the full moon mutated, several xenogeneic masters went crazy.

The way he treats the opponent is actually to temper the opponent's will through a more tragic real illusion.

There are a lot of people who wonder about the will of those heroes, simply because they haven't lived through that hellish life.

In the precarious days, if you don’t have enough food and clothing, you will die at any time due to some accidents.

Being oppressed, both mentally and physically, when he sees hope, in order to protect this hope, he will naturally have an extremely strong will.

In the quest department, special training on "strengthening sanity" should be added.

He thought like this, and then on the management platform, he made guidance and suggestions.

After writing, he called out Xiao Huan:

"I'll give you something fun this time."

"what's up?"


"Hey, old Wen, didn't you let me play with people's hearts before?"

"This time it's not to play with, but to help them grow. People, without being beaten by the world, there will be no growth."

"Oh..." Xiao Huan stretched his voice, and a new door opened to it.

Wen Rensheng felt that something was wrong. For a long time, under his strict care, Xiao Huan did not grow crooked.

Where did she want to go?

"I understand, I will also help others grow in the future."


Wen Rensheng has nothing to Who said that children are easy to fool.

In the end, he could only open his mouth and say, "If you overdo it, be careful to be beaten."

the next day.

Skywalk Club.

The exploratory department will hold a department meeting again.

"In view of the mistakes Li Chun made, we will organize regular activities, and the name of the activity is called will tempering."

"Will tempering? As soon as I heard the name, I felt chills all over my body." Mei Guangzhan couldn't help muttering.

"Let's think about Li Chun's situation. It is because his will is not strong enough that he cannot resist and has hallucinations in the face of mental pollution. Now he can't eat or drink every day, and can only rely on injections when he sleeps." Wang Wenwen scolded fiercely.

The crowd was silent now.

Seeing this, Zhao Han couldn't help but sigh, children will always live like their parents.

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