Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1346: snatch

McCann Eagle Fort.

"Have you heard that the people of Dongzhou want to build a nine-star district?"

A beautiful female clerk gossips to a male colleague.

"Of course I heard it, it's been spread all over the Internet for a long time." The male colleague replied enthusiastically.

"Do you want to go?"

"In no mood."


"Because there must be all kinds of terrible rules there, how can it be better here?"

"That's true, but if ordinary people are gone, should we stay here and play stand-alone?" the female clerk laughed.

"How is that possible? Do you know the Matrix plan? The key code has been solved, and the problem of testing and connecting is left."

"I remember that the intubation at the back of the head was solved a long time ago. So, doesn't that mean that it won't take long to build a virtual world?"

"Actually, Dongzhou has had virtual games for a long time, and later it was transferred to Nanzhu to operate it. It's a pity that they hadn't mastered the technology of belief at that time."

"So, are we still walking behind them?" the female clerk said unwillingly.

"It's very common. They have a large population, a large territory, and encounter many strange things. It's just luck. But we rely on the power of science and technology, and rely on the technology that can be replicated indefinitely. We are the real darling of this universe!" Male clerk Suddenly excited.

Another McCann's biggest hanging wire, the clerk thought disdainfully.

But she didn't show the slightest clue on her face, and she still had a spring breeze on her face.

After all, the hanging wire is very useful, and it can be used to cushion the back when it is critical.

Not long after, the two clerks were called to a meeting.

The boss is giving an exciting speech at the meeting.

"The Matrix is ​​our biggest plan at the moment. This plan will make us rise from the trough, restore us from death, and make us great again!"

"Everyone must devote 12% of their energy to this plan. We must defeat the monsters with technology!"

"Well done, everyone can be a superhero in the future!"

The staff below were excited and excited.

A superhero means traffic, fame, money.

Sense of accomplishment, honor, beauty... all are there.

And some kinds of superheroes have longer lifespans than aliens.

To be this type of superhero, that's the best thing, better than the alien.

This flatbread was so fragrant that it instantly freed them from the shock of Dongzhou Jiuxing District.

After all, Jiuxing District, just changing the place, may be good for ordinary people.

But for them, nothing has changed.

After the speech, the clerks were tasked with finding a fragmented world.

Such a major plan should obviously not be built anywhere.

Only places like Fragment World are the safest.

And the best fragmented world, in their eyes, is only one.

The world of chess.

There are so many benefits here.

The biggest advantage is that the time flow rate is high.

In a few days, a generation can be cultivated and used to harvest the power of faith, which is very convenient.

They despised the people of Dongzhou very much, sitting on such a favorable location, they didn't even want to make full use of it.

How would they know that this is because the world of Go is related to the pollution of the past.

Using it as a belief base is courting death.


Target locked, and then how to get it.

The way to enter the world of Go is through the login portal of the game simulator.

The game simulator is in the hands of Dongzhou people.

No need to say, just start dry.

That is impossible.

Dongzhou is not one of those corners and corners, you can do whatever you want, or it will destroy the country.

The interests involved in the world of Go are too huge.

Huge enough to tear his face apart and break out into a full-scale war.

A special capture team was formed.

All members are represented by code names, from A to D, a total of four people, all have extremely high authority and can mobilize huge resources.

They are directly responsible to the current leader of Eagle Fort, Major Lola, son of Lieutenant General Lola.

"The highest goal is to make Dongzhou people give up voluntarily."

"The lowest goal is to take it away from the Dongzhou people, but so that they will not be angry about it."

After Major Lola gave the target directly, he sat there, staring at the four people without saying a word.

A: "We can support the local indigenous people and make them understand that they have been invaded and enslaved by the Eastern Continents."

B: "No, it's a stupid idea. That world is a feudal era. It's a joke to expect them to rebel against the Dongzhou people."

A: "It's not a joke, because the rule of the world is Go, and although we don't have a Go culture, we first developed Go AI, and then swept the East Continent with rich Go culture."

B: "Understood, you want to provide AI to those aborigines and let them drive away the Dongzhou people?"

"Yes, the advantage of this is that they can't catch us." A said proudly.

"The question is, how to get it into their hands? We only have a few precious secrets in the Go world. They say that when players use plug-ins, they use the plug-in loading function provided by the game simulator." C said suddenly.

"Well, this is a problem. The natives do not have player status, and they are the target of raiding. It is impossible for the game simulator to help them." D followed.

A was silent for a while, and then said: "Of course I know this, so we have to find a way to give the indigenous player identity."

"What? You actually want to do such a thing?" the other three exclaimed.

Giving the native player status is equivalent to two colonists attacking a continent, and the other selling the musket to the natives and letting them kill their opponents.

Uh, it seems reasonable to think about it this way, after all, they have done this all the time in history.

"Understood," B responded first, "but the game simulator is in the hands of Dongzhou people, how do you do this?"

"Of course it wasn't possible before, but the people of Dongzhou have the traditional skill of severing their arms. The owner of the game simulator, a young man named Kuan Lu, lost his mind and became a vegetative person by some filthy means. ." A said triumphantly.

"Wait, how did you find out about this kind of information? Could it be fake news that they deliberately released?" C wondered.

"It can't be fake news. The game mechanics have undergone a sudden change, and many benefits that were not open to players have been opened up, including the two heaven-defying things such as soul nourishing pills and plug-in mounting. If Kuan Lu was still alive, it would never be. Open." A affirmed.

The other three thought about it and nodded.

Yes, as an ordinary person with golden fingers, the biggest fear is that others have the same golden fingers as him.

If other players can live forever and have external assistance, Kuan Lu, who is the manipulator behind the scenes, will definitely be afraid.

Just like the people fear the immortal king, changing every few years is the most reassuring.

In the same way, Kuan Lu absolutely does not want a group of immortal players, he cannot sleep at ease.

"That's Since the game simulator has no owner, we can find a way to use its mechanism and use it."

"Yes, now it's just a rule. Under the same rules, we are not afraid to compete with Dongzhou people."

A group of people discussed without restraint.

"Now we have to first study its goals and operating mechanism."

"Its goal, should be expansion and reproduction."

"No, expansion and reproduction are the means, and its goal is to occupy worlds."

"Occupying the world is also a means. After occupying the world, what it wants to do is the most important."

"I can't see it, it just throws batches of players into the past, and then inexplicably harvests points and sends players rewards."

"Points should symbolize power, and power comes from the world..."

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