Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1352: Target

Wen Ren went home.

In a bedroom, Wen Rensheng was lying on the bed, his face turned into a drawing board.

"Teacher sleeps every day, it's been more than two months, is it alright?" Zhao Han asked worriedly to Xiao Huan who was concentrating on painting.

"It's okay, I know his situation best, you don't have to worry about it." Xiao Huan is working hard, trying to draw a big shark.

"That's good." Zhao Han finally left.

After a while, someone else came in.

Wu Shanshan walked in with the soup.

"He doesn't need to drink." Xiao Huan said without raising his head.

"Oh." After Wu Shanshan finished speaking, she put down the soup.

The figure moved slightly, and the three people appeared alternately.

"Uh, it's really convenient for you to do this. It's enough to walk once for everything." Xiao Huan finally finished drawing and raised his head to watch.

"Aren't you the same?" A finger pressed her head and smiled.

"But isn't it troublesome for you? All day long, everyone can only come out for a short time?" Xiao Huan asked again.

"No trouble, because this world has many layers." The finger master patiently said.

"Oh, oh, I see, I said why I couldn't find Lao Wei to play with me, so she was playing alone elsewhere." Xiao Huan suddenly realized.

Wu Shanshan finally left.

Xiao Huan turned to look at her, and shook his head pretendingly: "I really don't understand adults."

Then she worked hard to continue writing.

Suddenly, Wen Rensheng's eyes opened.

"Ah!" Xiao Huan threw away the brush in fright.

"Next time, before you open your eyes, can you say something first?" she complained, patting her chest.

"It's the first time I've heard of it, and I have to report when I open my eyes." Wen Rensheng didn't know what she was doing just now.

"Hmph, I have to report here." Xiao Huan hid the paintbrush.

Wen Rensheng was too lazy to care about her, wiped his face, and then fell into a daze.

The world of Go has evolved to the end, and the game simulator has issued task rewards.

But he didn't see the other party's purpose.

It seems that it is really just a game, allowing players to play the game, advance the world line, and pull it down after sending some rewards.

From the beginning to the end, apart from seeing some source power flow, more mysteries have not been discovered.

Nor is it rushing to destroy the world.

It's more like changing the original world.

Can this change bring it deeper power?

It seems that wanting to analyze each other is not an overnight success.


McCann, Eagle Fort.

Major Rolla and the capture team are meeting.

"The situation has changed again, and the rules of the Go world have changed." After Major Lola said this, he sat on the side and stopped speaking as he did last time.

"The game task gives a hint that the world is a man-made place, not a natural world." A said.

"I thought it was the Dongzhou people's own reservation, it seems that they are just passing by." B shook his head.

"Are we changing the target?" C suggested cautiously.

He belongs to the conservative group of the four.

"If you encounter some difficulties, change the target, then we simply don't do anything!" A angrily said.

"But it is very difficult to continue the strategy. They can change the rules of heaven and earth at will, as if, as if..." C's words came to his mouth, but he couldn't say it for a while.

"You mean to say that the world of Go is also a Matrix?" D said suddenly.

"Yes, yes, that's what I meant." C quickly affirmed.

"Interesting," interjected Major Lola.

The four nodded silently, which was really interesting.

They wanted to build a Matrix base in the world of Go, and they turned out to be a template for The Matrix themselves.

This is really ironic.

"Then what should we do? Our strength is still limited." C means.

"Isn't it better? Find out who is behind the scenes, but instead, do it all in one step." A shouted.

"Replace it? How to replace it?" C objected.

He still wanted to change the target strategy.

After all, the most primitive starting point was to find a safe haven for the survival capsule.

The problem is that everyone wants to take shelter from the wind, but there are too few harbors, so the competition is fierce.

"Follow the mission of the game simulator, and we will definitely succeed." A clenched his fist and said.

"You are bullshitting. We have never really succeeded in dealing with the people of Shangdongzhou. We have always compromised and applauded." C laughed.

Major Lola gave C a dissatisfied look.

He was thinking, is this guy going to get out of control? To say such depressing words?

"TMD, a frustrated guy like you should get out of this group!" A quarreled excitedly.

"You dare to scold me? You idiot, megalomaniac, idiot, looking for death!" C stood up directly.

The two quickly moved from mouth to mouth and fast-forward to hands-on.

Left hook, right hook, knee hit elbow, all kinds of moves are used.

The abundance of martial arts is evident.

No one maintained order, and they all hid and watched the battle between the two.

A and C ended up with bruised noses and bruised faces, and stopped panting.

"Okay, since this world has a behind-the-scenes manipulator, leave some people to continue the strategy. Then use the game simulator to find a backup world." Major Lola made a decision.

He is not afraid of Dongzhou people, because Dongzhou people are still human.

He didn't want to confront the manipulator behind the scenes. The other party could control a world. The power of this level was beyond their ability to deal with it.

Annoy the other party, and the other party may directly turn McCann into the world of Go.

The kind of hopeless, suffocated, no way out.

Seemingly warm and peaceful, it can actually make you rot in silence without knowing it.

"Please let me stay." A said with some dissatisfaction.

A set goal, how can you just change it?

Those who say that they will change, will only be indecisive in their will, and they will only fail in the end!

"Okay, you stay behind, the other three choose new targets." Major Lola nodded.

The three of BCD were slightly excited, only A was there without saying a word, lowered his head and continued to look at the information, writing and drawing from time to time, as if to vent their dissatisfaction in this way. .

"I just sorted out the world given in the backstage of the game, and I think this "Greek Medieval" is good." B said.

"Introduction." Major Laura nodded.

"Well, its background is completely our history, the Middle Ages, the church, the castle, the nobility, and a little bit of insignificant elements of witches, wizards, and ghosts. Even the language is in English, saving us the difficulty of integrating." B excited.

" Is it easy to integrate? Most of the fools have forgotten what a noble is, so it's better that people from Dongzhou remember it clearly." D said disdainfully.

"That can't be helped, Dongzhou people are forced to educate, and we implement a strategy of free learning and free education, loving learning and not learning to roll." B said helplessly.

"Okay, let's continue." Major Lola motioned.

"In the Middle Ages, the site is not large, and it should be limited to half of the Old West Continent. The elements are simple and suitable for us to conquer and occupy, and the time flow is quite fast. Although it can't reach 1:1000, there is also a problem of 1:50."

"Very well, do you have any other suggestions?"

"I noticed a world of Greek mythology."

"I noticed a sea world."

After both B and C had said it again, Major Lola decided to choose the Middle Ages.

The other two are dangerous at first sight, and putting the device there is courting death.

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