Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1361: memory

Galwayne's ability to predict is to be able to see a long-term future fragment, and it is not suitable for the battlefield with drastic changes.

At this time, all he can do is provide some advice to the red ants.

For example, catching a thief and a king.

However, the magical wooden house left him at a loss.

Now it's become a competition.

Fortunately, what the ant army is most afraid of is consumption.

Now is the era of demons, it is easy to absorb the source power, and the red ants control hundreds of queens, is it not easy to give birth to a baby?

A litter of tens of thousands can be formed in a few days.

And ants are simple and intelligent, and their lifespan is short.

He floated in the air, watching the animal battle patiently.

Group after group of ants, besieging black snakes, black bears, and wooden houses.

I don't know how long ago, the black snake fell first, the ants entered through its back door, came out the front door, and devoured it clean.

The black bear is the second, thick fur, also can not stop the big teeth of the ants.

"Not bad, I had a great time." Seeing this, Ryan didn't get angry, but waved his hand.

The door of the wooden house opened again, and a large group of spiders came out.

Spiders can prey on ants, and spider webs can easily immobilize large groups of ants.

However, when there are more ants, spiders are no match.

The red ants continued to send out legions, and this time the number increased to the order of ten million.

Air, ground, underground, amphibious three-dimensional attack.

Galwayne found his weakness - strong in protracted battles, but lack of bursts.

Against such a rich trump card as Ryan, it became a fueling tactic.

The opponent has a solid wooden house defense, and the attack cannot be fully launched.

Now he is like an ancient siege, he must grind his opponents to run out of ammunition and food, and his morale collapses to win.

Thinking of this, he had an idea in his mind.

Just like sieging a city, find a traitor, break it internally, and cut off water and food...

His eyes were on the wooden house.

He ordered the ants to dig trenches around to isolate the wooden house.

Isn't it about fighting a protracted war?

He is not afraid.

The advantage lies in me, the other party's wooden house, can turn into animals, but can it turn into food?

Well, it seems to be possible.

However, he believed that the other party could not reserve too much.

The battle was fought from noon to evening, and from night to morning.

In the wooden house, almost all the animals that have appeared in the zoo are taken out.

What lion tiger elephant, giraffe zebra rhino, lizard bullfrog crocodile...

This wooden house is really a zoo, and the circus can't keep so many types.

It's just that when the number of ants comes up, they naturally restrain all animals, except those that swim in the water.

When the ant plague comes, animals can only escape and are invincible.

Ryan's face was not as good-looking as it was at first.

In the end, he dispatched anteaters. However, although anteaters are powerful, they are limited in number, and these ants are not afraid of eating. They still live and bloom from the inside.

"Damn, what is the weakness of these ants?"

He was furious.

He stopped eating sausages, stopped reading novels, and threw away his mobile phone. He lay on the window and asked Gawayne.

"Did you think I would say it? If I didn't know you had the ability to read files, maybe I would say something." Gawayne said in a leisurely manner.

He just wants to stimulate the other party to use the ability to read files.

"Oh, is that so? It seems that I have to read the file once." Ryan said this, his eyes showing a hint of wickedness.

Gawayne was awe-inspiring, and he wanted to tell his past self that he must beware of this man.

But this is a paradox, how can one possibly tell the past self what to do? People can only tell their present and future self what to do.


Gawayne opened his eyes again.

Well, the future clip shows that the man with the power of time should live in this forest.

A lonely, reclusive man.

I am afraid that there will be no sense of belonging to the society, nor will there be any sense of salvation.

He thought so, and walked into the dense forest without hesitation.

The forest is very quiet, not a snake or a mosquito can be seen.

Now, this should be a rare peaceful place on the land of McCann.

He went in.

What surprised him was that after the initial restraint, the man named "Lane" turned out to be very talkative.

It seems that an introverted person is actually very good at talking, very good at speaking, and every sentence can go deep into the heart of the other party.

It's just that he was inexplicably strange in his heart.

And the red ants on the head are also restless.

"Hey, Mr. Gawayne, it's amazing how your hair can flutter by itself." Ryan said curiously.

"Oh, haha, it's my mood indicator, which means I'm in a good mood now, because I see hope for saving McCann." Gawayne said seriously.

"Well, it's a pity that my strength is still very weak now. To tell you the truth, I can only save one file, and I have already occupied that file." Ryan said regretfully.

"What?" Gawayne wanted to stand up angrily, but sat down again inexplicably.

He felt that he should not be angry.

Why are you angry?

The other party has no responsibility to save the world, the other party is just a reclusive person.

Inexplicably asking the other party to save the world is his own wishful thinking.

You can sacrifice yourself and save the world, but that doesn't mean you have the right to ask others to do the same.

Gawayne thought so.

But he also felt that the restlessness of the red ants, as well as the anger in his heart, heralded an ominous omen.

"Actually, there is a way. I still have one gear, but that gear is broken, and I haven't been able to use it." Ryan continued.

"Is there a way to fix it?" Gawayne asked subconsciously.

"There is a way, that is, a lot of treasures are needed, very, very many, and I have been collecting them." Ryan shook his head with a look of helplessness.

"What kind of treasure do you need?"

"Treasures with source properties, such as a bread basket that can make infinite bread, a keyboard that can type automatically, and spring water that can make you youthful with just one sip. Only these things can repair my broken archive." Ryan said seriously .

You are joking.

With these things, is it not fragrant for me to use it myself?

Gawayne thought wildly in his heart.

Of course, if he really had these things, after careful consideration, he would still use them to save the world.

At this moment, his hair moved violently.

"I need verification, please forgive my frankness, it's not that I don't believe you, but the world is too sinister."

Ryan nodded with a look of understanding: "I understand. But how to verify? You need to know that as soon as I read the file, you will go back to the past."

"I am a prophet. If I have experienced something in the future, I will see its picture in the past." Gawayne said directly, but at the end, his expression was slightly stagnant.

"So that's the case," Ryan's expression changed slightly, and then he said casually, "It's really an enviable ability. Being able to see the future is something that countless people dream of."

"Well, let me go outside to prepare first, I have to set up some things, wait until the file is read to see if they are still there." Gavin said, then stood up.

His expression didn't change at all, and Ryan sent him out the door diligently, as respectfully as he sent his old father.

Gawayne slowly left the forest.

When he looked back and found that Ryan's figure was gone, he immediately quickened his pace.

Because he wanted to understand something.

He gave himself a hint just now.

Why do ants desperately remind themselves?

Why are you suddenly angry?

The reason is simple Ryan is lying.

The other party does not have the ability to read files.

The other party has read the file once, but he has not seen the future picture.

The reason is very simple, the other party's ability is to make the people around him forget, those who are in direct contact with him, forget what happened now, and the memory goes back to a certain point in time in the past.

From this point of view, the other party is also reading files, but they are reading everyone's memory files.

It's just that the red ants seem to be much less affected.

Probably because of its higher resistance.

After all, ants have no brains, and many memories are physical memories.

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