Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1366: pros and cons

Not only that, but Gavin also released all the ant legions, like waves, surrounding the forest.

Red, green, blue, white, black, big, small, fast, slow... All kinds of ants emerged from the void and emerged in the earth.

They are no longer ordinary things. With the increase of Wen Rensheng and the power of the puppets themselves, their bodies have been semi-mysterious and can be hidden in the source world.

This is due to countless mutation updates, which is a low-level ethnic advantage that humans do not have.

When no one is in control, their mutation is very slow. It takes millions of years to rely on natural selection to select effective mutation, but with the deliberate cultivation of people, the speed of directional mutation will be greatly accelerated.

When Wen Rensheng cast his gaze over, he couldn't help but marvel at the growth rate of the fat doll.

You know, in the middle, he hardly ever bothered much, he just let the fat baby toss by himself.

The other party actually played this summoning flow so well.

This may be related to its own characteristics. Its predecessor was a piece of human-shaped wood, and it is good at hiding changes. What better way than hiding among countless kin?

Coupled with his own passive amplification, a seemingly fragile ant actually has the same strength and speed as an adult.

Coupled with the huge number of hundreds of millions or even billions, and the rapid supply power, I am afraid that only the intelligent mechanical army can compare with it in terms of continuous combat power.

At this moment, even Wen Rensheng was a little surprised, let alone other people.

The old man Maple suddenly felt fortunate and fearful.

If Gavin were those grumpy aliens, I'm afraid his small village would have long since ceased to exist.

And the other party has such a huge power, and he can even endure his deception and abuse. He has never seen this kind of temperament in the second extraordinary person.

As an enemy, Ryan was only shocked at this time.

He didn't expect that in the battle that took place for the first time, the strength that Gawayne showed was just the tip of the iceberg.

Read the file, must read the file!

Ryan had just given birth to this idea, and smothered it himself.

Because Gavin and the others are all outside the forest, reading files is ineffective for them.

Damn prophet, must be the first to kill!

He regretted it very much at this time. The last time he read the file, he should have killed him before the other party knew it!

It's just that he is greedy, because he understands the advantages of the prophet, which means the location and strategy of countless treasures.

However it was too late.

Now how to do?

Want to surrender?

That guy needs his own strength, and maybe he can get away with it.

Thinking of this, Ryan immediately spoke through the forest: "Oh, my dear brother, I think there have been some misunderstandings between us. There is no way, please understand that the relationship between extraordinary people is like two strange male tigers, close to each other. Afterwards, some conflicts were always avoided.”

He often reads files, but he has countless faces, because dealing with different people requires different faces.

Gawayne, who had fully recovered his memory long ago, heard Ryan's words, even though he had always been good-natured, it was inevitable that he would be angry.

What a hypocritical and selfish villain!

Putting the power of time on him is completely wrong.

Think about it carefully, how many talented and virtuous people are there?

Isn't the clown who destroyed McCann the most typical one?

In the past, it didn't matter. After all, people with no virtue still have to succumb to social pressure and dare not violate group rules.

But not now, extraordinary power can make them ignore group rules and social pressure.

The previous thoughts resurfaced in his mind:

Take the power of time away from Ryan, take it away, take it away!

This idea was suppressed by Red Ant before because of his reminder, but now, Ryan's hypocritical words have made this idea germinate again.

And entrenched in the bottom of my heart, can no longer be suppressed.

"Prophet, your face is not very good-looking. Is there something wrong that we didn't think of?" The old maple tree man Min. felt that something was wrong with Gawayne.

"Oh, I was thinking, do you want to give this guy another chance to reform?" Gawayne suppressed his thoughts and turned his head.

"Give me a chance? Didn't you say before that he is a cunning and selfish guy? If such a person is given a chance, he will definitely backstab us in the future!" The old maple tree advised quickly.

He didn't want to make the same mistake again.

This prophet is obviously of the type of the Virgin.

If it was him, he would have attacked it directly, forcing the opponent to spit out secrets, robbing if he could, or setting a ban if he couldn't.

What are you talking about so much for?

Did he really think he could be persuaded just by himself?

Fortunately, at the next moment, Gawayne accepted his persuasion: "Okay, Father Maple, you are right, I should not give him another chance. Fate tells me that this guy will definitely betray in the future."

"Well, what are we going to do now?" the old Maple tree asked with relief.

"Go to war!"

Gavin spit out two words, and countless ants rushed towards the forest!

They gnaw away the leaves, cut the bark, eat the heart of the wood, bite off the blades of grass, dig out the roots...

This is the ant plague that makes people smell the color change!

Still a great version.

"Bastard, stop! Don't you know? Set fire to the mountain and sit in jail! You are more serious than setting fire!"

Ryan roared wildly, his tone full of panic!

"Do you want to destroy this precious forest? Don't you want my abilities? Destroy this forest and you will gain nothing!"

"No, fate told me that after eating this forest, my partner will have your abilities." Gavin said lightly.

"I hate prophets!" Ryan said furiously.

Prophet Tian Ke liar.

Red ants eat happily.

Eat a lot.

Eat and live.

Why did it remind Gawayn not to take Ryan's ability as his own? The reason is very simple, it wants it...

It is not the Virgin, and of course it does not consider whether it is a robbery or not.

Its only constraint is Wen Rensheng.

Wen Rensheng didn't say anything, that's all.


Wen Rensheng, who was watching this scene, naturally wouldn't restrain the fat baby.

It's just that he is also a little strange. When did the fat baby have the talent of swallowing?

After thinking about it, he thought of a guy:

"Xiao Huan, come out for me."

"What's the matter?"

"Do you often play with the fat doll in private?" Wen Rensheng asked Yes, isn't it McCann where it works? When I play, I always bring one of them, after all, it's still called my sister. I'm doing well, right? "Xiaohuan is quite a bit of an invitation to take credit.

"It's okay, it's worthy of praise," Wen Rensheng nodded. "Although you are greedy, naughty, playful, and like to tease people... But you at least know how to take care of your family and take responsibility for your family, which is good."

Xiaohuan listened and listened, and was quite happy at first, but later felt something was wrong: "Are you complimenting me, or are you taking the opportunity to scold me?"

"Of course it's to praise you. The point of this sentence is after the 'but'." Wen Rensheng said solemnly.

"Oh, it's okay, I have to command my new army to fight demons." Xiao Huan urged.

"You're busy." Wen Rensheng continued to cast his gaze to Gawayne's side.

Both Gaveen and Zhao Han are from the prophecy department.

However, the prophetic abilities of the two are two extremes.

Gaveen is a big target, a big scope, and a grand narrative, and every move is to save the world; while Zhao Han is a small target, a small scope, and takes a small and sure path, only concerned about the safety of the people around him and individuals.

The pros and cons are also obvious. Gavin's survivability is relatively poor. Without the assistance of Red Ant, he would have died dozens of times early.

Just like facing Ryan, if it wasn't for Ryan's ulterior motives, if it wasn't for the protection of red ants, he would have died at the hands of the other party.

And this kind of thing can't happen to Zhao Han, Zhao Han will stay away from the forest for the first time.

Of course, Zhao Han's shortcoming is that he can't see the long-term goal clearly, and when he shows it, he is always a little confused.

However, her alien species is very clever, and she can directly find a thigh to hug her, which can also make use of her strengths and avoid weaknesses.

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