Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1375: snowstorm

Just as Gavin was thinking, the red ants had already made their way up the mountain.

Under the bird's eye view, there is a villa on the mountain.

The villa is built on an isolated cliff with only one road leading down the hill.

At this time, the road leading to the foot of the mountain collapsed inexplicably, cracking a large opening dozens of meters wide.

The cliffs are beautiful, the airflow is complicated, and the wind is howling.

Helicopters can't risk docking.

That is to say, until a bridge is built, the people in the villa will not be able to get out unless they can fly.

Natural Blizzard Villa pattern.

Gavin sneaked into the villa, and then saw in the villa hall, a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes was facing the sky, with a dagger in his chest, and a pipe dropped from his mouth.

Sure enough, a murder happened.

Around him, a group of people stood, pointing and pointing.

"Detective Moon Shadow, who killed my nephew, you must arrest him." An elderly man suspected of being a housekeeper bowed and begged to a young man, probably only a high school student.

"Don't worry, Butler Matsuda. I just got the news that there was a landslide outside, the road was cut off, and the place was closed. The murderer has been trapped here, and it is impossible to escape. Now it is the favorite mode of N pick one for the criminal police. "Yueyingtian said confidently.

He became a famous high school detective inexplicably because he frequently helped the game dungeon deal with bugs.

However, he still likes this kind of life, and he likes to be in the limelight, which is the characteristic of high school students.

Gawayne listened patiently for a while, and finally understood what was going on.

There were seven people in the villa. The deceased was the owner of the villa, Masao Matsuda, and the old housekeeper was his uncle Hiroo Matsuda.

The other five are the detective Tsukage Tian, ​​the writer Taka Ogami who was invited to the villa, the singer Su Shimo, the lawyer Tian Zuo Nenghu, and the businessman Shan Yu Zhengji.

Except for the first three people, the names of the guests are quite strange, just "up, down, left and right".

After Gawayne heard the names of the four people, he suddenly felt that he could solve the case too - the murderer must be among the last four people, otherwise, why did they use such names?

Of course he soon found himself too naive.

At the same time, the red ants gathered in the hall, stopped moving, and seemed to be waiting for something.

Moon Shadow Field begins reconnaissance.

He made everyone come together to act together, and absolutely cannot be left alone.

Everyone happens to be a man, and they sleep and go to the toilet, and they also need to be together.

"It's often written like this in movies, the person who is single will die. If you don't want to die, or don't want to increase your suspicion, don't be single." Yue Yingtian told everyone.

Everyone nodded.

The six who were still alive then acted collectively.

Yueyingtian began to investigate the scene and asked for an alibi...

In order to alleviate their suspicions, everyone explained that if someone didn't want to say something, they would definitely be hostile.

The deceased died half an hour ago.

It was the moment when Gawayne heard the scream, the specific time was 14:25.

However, Gawayne found that this time seems a little inaccurate, but he is not a forensic doctor after all, so he is not sure.

Among the six, Detective Yue Yingtian was visiting for the first time. He did not know the owner and had no motive for committing the crime. When he heard the victim's screams, he was with the housekeeper.

And the four people, up and down, left and right, did not have an alibi.

Writer Taka Ogami watched the scenery from the cliff alone, inspiring writing inspiration.

Singer Su Shimo is playing the piano in the piano room.

Lawyer Tian Zuo Nenghu checked the materials in the study.

Businessman Shanyou Zhenger was talking with the victim before and came out of the bathroom when he screamed.

In other words, the businessman Yamau Masaji was the last person to see the deceased.

His suspicion level suddenly increased greatly.

"It wasn't me. When I left, Matsuda was fine."

"Hmph, it must be you, you owe Mr. Matsuda 50 million yen, and you didn't come out at all, so you killed him!"

"Ogami Taka, don't spit your blood. Didn't you rush over to apologize because you satirized Mr. Matsuda as a nouveau riche and was sued by him?"

The mutual exposure scene begins.

In the mutual exposure of each other, the murder motives of the four suspects gradually became clear.

The writer Ogami Taka satirized Matsuda Masanami in the book.

Singer Su Shimo, fiancee cheating on Matsuda Masao.

Lawyer Tian Zuo Nenghu made a major mistake in handling a lawsuit and was asked by Matsuda Masao for huge compensation.

Businessman Shan Youzheng Er was unable to repay his debts.

It's all classic murder motives... Fame, sex, wealth.

Yueyingtian carefully searched for evidence, and the four of them kept accusing each other until they were eating.

Gawayne looked at it for a while and was confused, but the high school detective's eyes became brighter and brighter.

For Gawayne, the case is indeed complicated and confusing, and the more he looks, the less he understands.

It wasn't until the last moment that the truth was revealed to the world.

"The murderer is you - Matsuda Hiroo!" Yueyingtian pointed at the old housekeeper and said.

"What? I have an alibi. When the young master was killed, the two of us were together!" the old butler said hurriedly.

"Yes, so everyone is the first to exclude you, but this is your shrewdness. In fact, you used a mechanism to create an alibi." Yue Yingtian frowned slightly.

The crowd asked, "What agency?"


"What is the pipe?" Everyone was inexplicable.

"It's very simple. The hall of this villa can be rotated. In fact, the owner of the villa was killed ten minutes in advance by the old housekeeper and was hidden on the other side. Then he ran over to talk to me. Rotate around to reveal the slain villa owner."

"We heard that scream at the same time!" The old butler anxiously defended.

"It's very simple, it's just the recording you played. You were the first to go to the scene and put the pipe beside the deceased." Yueyingtian shook his head.

"The evidence is there, where is the evidence?" the old butler said without giving up.

When everyone heard the other party asking for evidence, they knew that the murderer was really him!

"The proof is of course this pipe." Yueyingtian said, taking out a pipe wrapped in a handkerchief.

"You think I'm stupid, if I'm really a murderer, why would I put this pipe, the organ controller you said, back to the deceased? Can't I just throw it away?" the old butler asked back.

"Naturally, it's because you have a reason to put it back. The deceased left a message of death. Whoever took this pipe will be the one who killed me. You can only put the pipe that the deceased never left behind. It won't cause me to investigate and pay extra attention to the pipe, and then discover its secrets." Yueyingtian said lightly.

"Impossible, I clearly erased that paragraph, how did you find out?" The old butler followed subconsciously.

The crowd looked at him blankly.

Only a murderer would say such a thing, right?

The old butler covered his mouth, suddenly fell to his knees, and wept bitterly: "It's all his fault, he let me see the truth of the world, I'm not some rich man's uncle butler, I'm just a man curled up in the street. Bum, he's just a jerk. It's all fake, fake!"

"I want to kill him, I want to prove to him that this world is real, it is real! Because as long as it is dead, it is really dead!"

He held his head and shouted frantically.

Before the old housekeeper went mad, Gawayne was still thinking, he just said a wrong sentence, and in the court, there is no way to prove the murderer as evidence.

There is absolutely no need for the old housekeeper to expose himself.

After listening to what the other party said, he realized that the old housekeeper was close to the brink of madness, and a little pressure could make him collapse.

"He's crazy," Yueyingtian shook his head, "send him to Qingshan Hospital."

"Yeah, what is true or false, it is nonsense." The other four said one after another.

There was a hint of undisguised mirth on their faces.

The death of the victim made it easier for each of them to not have to face the embarrassing situation.

Gawayne shook his head secretly, he had no intention of accusing these people of being indifferent.

Now he, after knowing the truth of the still has one question that he has not figured out:

Red ants, why are they here?

His problems didn't last long.

When he left the castle, suddenly it snowed.

The words of a few people caught his attention:

"It's Christmas again. This Christmas, I can finally feel at ease. I want to buy the best holiday gifts for my family." This is the businessman who owes his debts.

"Yeah, although it's very disrespectful to Mr. Matsuda to say that, but his death is really a matter of relief for everyone."


It's just so special, isn't it still summer?

Gawayne suddenly understood why the red ants came here.

It turns out that as long as one case is broken, this dungeon will suddenly jump in time...

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