Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1385: ring


Music plays.



"The King of Qin Breaks the Array".


One piece of music, one after another.

Gawayne leaned back in the large chair, immersed in the music-making atmosphere.

The music is so beautiful.

He was warm and soft all over, like returning to the embrace of a soft woman.

Music is the recorder of human history.

Music of all kinds has been pursued since human beings became conscious.

It can bring joy, can forge ahead, can comfort despair, can calm the mood.

Its effect is no less than the best medicine.

Its effects, placed in the game, are will +5, command +5, loyalty +5...

The popularity and prosperity of a thing must be accompanied by a certain indispensable demand.

"Bang!" There was a loud noise.

Iron bones, slaughter all over the ground, blood permeates the battlefield.

The drums sounded, and all the soldiers came forward;

Gawayne is immersed in the music.

He felt the rhythm of the music.

He is learning music with his soul, not his brain.

I don't know how long ago, his consciousness entered history.

Zura music of Rezhou, belly dance of aboriginal people, dance **** of primitive people...

The rise of civilization and city-states, sacrificial music, battle music...

Music, like strings, runs through history.

Barbarism triumphs over civilization because part of the military system of barbarism is stronger than civilized people.

Yet they were quickly conquered by the civilized way of life, and then went on to be defeated by the more savage.

Civilization keeps moving forward.

Until the movement of the Industrial Revolution played...

Barbarism can no longer stand against civilization.

New music appears.

Material abundance, many people's lives go into a carnival...

The catastrophe came, and the horror movement sounded...

The last movement is the nuclear explosion.

He finally found out in horror:

The explosions sounded impressively in accordance with a melody.

And that melody is an opera that has never been heard before.

The opera is extremely long, about ten hours at a time.

Hearing the end, he saw a picture, a river flowing quietly.

An inexplicable voice-over came from the river.

"The ring of the Nibelung, heralding the twilight and rebirth of the gods."

"Find this gold ring, and you'll master this fateful tune."

Find the ring and save the world?

Gawayne has an inexplicable sense of sight.

It's like playing a game.

He turned his head and put the ridiculous thought aside.


Coming to the Rhine region, Gawayne found the river according to the picture he saw.

Standing by the river, watching the rolling water, he couldn't help worrying: how could he find the ring in such a long river.

At this moment, three river fairies appeared in the river.

They wear clothes made of water, crystal clear, like princesses in the Ice Crystal Palace.

"Hello, Child of Destiny, are you looking for this silver ring?" Fairy A asked while holding the silver ring.

"Still looking for this copper ring?" Fairy B said while holding the brass ring.

"Or this gold ring?" Fairy C stretched out her index finger with a gold ring on her index finger.

Gawayne stared at it carefully for a long time. He should have chosen the gold ring directly, but he was unable to make a judgment.

"I want it all," he said finally.

The expressions of the three fairies suddenly changed.

"How do you know that only three gold, silver and copper can be made into a real gold ring?" Fairy A said.

"Intuition," Gawayne sighed, "how can you give them to me?"

"You want to marry one of the three of us, and the married person will give you the ring directly, but you must find a way to get the rings of the other two." Fairy A said.

"Choose me." Fairy B said enthusiastically.

"Choose me." Fairy C took the initiative.

"Damn it!" Suddenly a dwarf jumped out from the bottom of the river, and there was a big splash.

"Is that you? Detective Bobo?" Gawayne felt fascinated.

Because the dwarf that appeared was exactly the same as the detective Bobo he saw in the last reincarnation.

"What Detective Bobo? I don't know him," the dwarf said in surprise, then turned to look at the three fairies, "Damn, why are you all willing to take the initiative to marry him, and take the gift I gave you as a dowry!"

The dwarf cursed so viciously that he even wanted to jump up and hit the three fairies.

"Hmph, why don't you see what you look like?" Fairy C said, sticking out her tongue.

"Then you shouldn't accept my ring!" the dwarf said irritably.

"That's because the gold you used to make the ring was stolen from us!" Fairy A said lightly.

"Hero, please expel this abominable dwarf, kill him, we will all marry you, and you will get all the rings." Fairy B folded her hands together and pleaded with Galwayne.

Gawayne only considered for a second before deciding to accept the request of the three fairies.

He is definitely not a visual animal, after all, his best friend is just an ordinary ant.

He is for justice.

With the advantage of his body and strength, he easily defeated the dwarf and threw the opponent into the river bottom.

"I curse you, everything you want will be lost in the end; I curse you, your closest people will betray you!"

The dwarf cursed in desperation, and was swept away by the Rhine waves of the fairies into the boundless ocean.

Then in the curse, Gawayne and three fairies were married at the same time.

He never dreamed that his marriage in the real world was actually completed with the gods.

He got three rings and put them together.

They actively intertwined with each other, eventually forming a golden ring around a dragon.

He heard a familiar melody above.

That was exactly what he had heard before - the "Ring of the Nibelung" musical.

He finally got it.

Just how to use it?

"As long as you drip your own blood on it, you can control it and let it do what you want." Wife A said.

"Yes, everything is simple." Wife B nodded.

Wife C wanted to say something, but hesitated, but still didn't say anything.

Gawayne nodded, he bit his lip without hesitation, and kissed the ring.

The next moment, he only felt that all kinds of music symbols were all around him.

Tuba, Trumpet, Piano, Organ...

"How to affect these notes?" he thought to himself.

And then I saw those notes and it formed a storm.

They swept through picture after picture, making pictures collide with each other, upside down, and flip.

"This is time reversal!"

He was surprised.

Until now, after passing through one level after another, he saw the dawn of dawn.

He hastily bid farewell to the three fairies, and came to McCann with the ring.

Sure enough, as soon as you set foot on the ruins, a picture after another hits your face.

He flicked the ring and saw one picture after another reversed.

He finally pointed the ring at a picture before the nuclear explosion and shouted loudly:

"The music stops here, the time stops here, and everything comes back here!"

The entire McCann scene suddenly reversed rapidly.

Ruins disappear, buildings are reborn.

The corpse is resurrected, and time is reversed.

Birds chirping and flowers fragrant, traffic is busy.

Everything is like rewinding, fast rewinding.

Gawayne's heart beat faster and faster, more and more excited.

But he always felt as if he had forgotten something.

Forget it, at least he has done what he should do.

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