Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1397: go Ape

The latest website: Space Station, Battlestar quietly resides.

Its color is constantly changing, from blue to white, and again from white to blue.

Just like a child's mood, it turns blue when it's happy, and it turns red when it's unhappy.

It has now turned into a giant form, with two arms stretched out flat, like two giant cannons.

In fact, they are the main guns.

The towering body stretches across the earth, like a child looking down at ants.

At this time, a group of large and small aircraft, carrying extraordinary people and researchers, are surrounding it, expressing their opinions one after another.

No one boarded the ship, and even the important crew of the spacecraft itself got off the ship and sat on an aircraft.

"Ms. Captain, has this happened before?" a white-haired researcher asked the female captain of the fort.

The female captain recalled: "It hasn't happened before, this is the first time."

Her husband, fighter ace pilot Gila, who was standing next to her, repeated affirmatively: "Yes, it didn't happen, it used to be normal."

"Where is the problem? Why do ordinary people have no problems before getting on the ship, but they will become mentally ill after getting off the ship. Some go crazy, some have split personalities, and some have auditory hallucinations." The researcher asked worriedly.

More white hair.

There are no precedents to refer to, and subsequent theories do not apply.

We can only send experimenters first, collect enough data, summarize and analyze a little bit, and find a breakthrough.

This is bound to be a laborious process.

At this time, a plain-looking man suddenly asked, "Can we get on the boat and experience it for ourselves?"

"Which institution are you from?" the female captain asked.

"Tianxing Club." Li Chun replied.

Yes, he is well now, back to work.

"Okay, we can open the emergency channel, but you have to be prepared for protection," the female captain said.

"No, I want to experience this process completely." Li Chun insisted.

"Hey, young man, the danger here is very big, we have sent testers to enter." The white-haired researcher kindly advised.

The so-called testers are naturally those damned people, and it is impossible to keep them in prison for nothing.

In the past, they were all killed, but now they are widely used, and they are generally no longer shot.

"No, they don't have much knowledge in the mysterious field, so they can't tell their accurate experience." Li Chun insisted.

He made mistakes before, and now he has to make up for it.

In addition to him, Xie Dong and others participated in this mission, and the entire department was almost dispatched.

Moreover, the exploratory department will expand the enrollment in the next stage. Whether he can become the exploratory captain and enjoy higher benefits depends on his current struggle.

Struggle, struggle, either fall or stand at the top.

"Okay, but you have to sign an agreement." The female captain agreed.

After Li Chun signed the agreement, there was a trace of tragic color in the eyes of everyone's admiration, and he entered the space fortress through the emergency passage.


A wide and tall passage is not for people to walk at all, but for fighter jets.

Li Chun walked in this passage, and only felt that something was surging in his mind, as if he was about to get out.

He had almost gone mad, or had been mad, and he didn't know it.

Then he got better.

Only the madman is the easiest to understand the madman.

He suddenly had a feeling that his body seemed to be folded, collapsed, lost...

It was like the sight of a castle built of sand being kicked away with a forceful kick.

Are you going to die?

Suddenly, he felt a trace of regret.

But what surprised him was that after the collapse, his body came together again.

Just in a very strange form.

He had a feeling that he seemed to be able to overcome the gravity mechanism of the spaceship and fly.

When he thinks of it, he just stretches out his hands and sprints to try to fly.

The next moment, he slammed his head into the wall.

Although the flight failed, to his surprise, he was not injured.

Have you changed into another form?

He suddenly thought of the internal information he had seen.

It is mentioned that the delivery mechanism of the space fortress is to digitize people, and then when folding and jumping, the entire spacecraft will be informatized and not carry any mass, so that it can ignore space restrictions and cross space.

Now it seems that the process of dataization has just been completed by himself.

It's terrifying.

He is a little suspicious, is he still himself now?

Suddenly, he understood, why do some people get insane?

Because those people, like themselves, saw a similar process.

It's just that they don't know these secret information, and when the brain can't explain something, it will treat them as ghosts.

Just as primitive people worshipped lightning and storms as means of gods, modern people don't worship them anymore.

These people think that they have encountered ghosts and become ghosts.

"But, am I still Li Chun? Or is the original me dead? The current me is just a data sim who has copied all my memories and thinking patterns?"

"No, I am me? Wait, how do I prove that I am really me? This is a logically unanswerable question!"

He thought so.

These problems are like gangrene that haunts him!

Li Chun hugged his head, he felt like he was going crazy again.

He never imagined that just after he discovered the truth, he would be driven crazy by the truth.

Now he finally understands why so many people have mental disorders, but no one can explain the whole process clearly.

Because a madman has no way to describe what he sees and what he sees.

He wanted to find a way to send out what he saw before he went completely crazy.

He looked at the wall of the passage and suddenly had an idea.

He takes off his pants...


"Hahaha, hahaha, I won, I won, I defeated everyone!"

"No one is better than me, I know the most!"

When the well-protected people finally found Li Chun, he was running wild, and his actions were unsightly.

And on the walls, there are many stains left by urine and drowning, messy, just like children's graffiti.

"Uh..." The female captain took a few steps back.

It was the first time she had seen such a dirty picture.

Interstellar war, without the dirty images of ground war, most of the dead will be evaporated, and the occasional corpse floating in space will not rot.

After death, there is no excretion, because there is no gravity, it will remain in the body as it is.

There's a lot of robotic work in Battlestar, and it's very clean.

In contrast, researchers are used to it.

They have also seen even more disgusting research scenes. In a sense, their psychological quality may be much better than many soldiers.

"Wait, these pictures, I mean these pictures of urine coming out, seem to have some meaning!" After a careful observation, a researcher suddenly shouted.

Everyone immediately looked carefully.

Several researchers even took out a magnifying glass to take a look.

There are also several extraordinary people, UU reading www.uukanshu. com activates extraordinary vision to observe.

The smudges formed by the urine started as a vague human figure, then shot into a radial pattern, and finally regrouped into a clump.

"What does it mean? People, radiation, gathering?" asked the old white-haired researcher.

"No, it should be said, people, collapse, reunion." Someone guessed.

"Understood, this is what normal people encounter when they enter this space fortress."

"It appears that a major problem arose in the process."

The female captain shook her head slightly, she couldn't believe that such a thing would happen.

In fact, she didn't know anything about the specific operation mode of the spacecraft.

She only knows how to command the battle, just like a driver, she doesn't know the principle of engine work, she only knows how to drive.

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