Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1431: bait

"Blow the horn and prepare to go!"

With the cry of the great sacrifice of the colossus, the war horn of "woo woo woo" sounded.

Teams of archangels, royal knights, royal griffins, sharpshooters... set out from various castles and gathered in a gathering place.

Xiao Huan was watching his team in midair with the six others.

There are hundreds of angels, thousands of knights, tens of thousands of griffins, sharpshooters, and countless guards.

The armor is bright, the morale is high, the training is good, and before the march, it is neat and powerful.

"Is my team okay?" Xiao Huan proudly showed off in front of acquaintances.

"Mighty and majestic, it should be the peak training degree in the cold weapon era." Chen Qiu said sincerely.

"That's right, even those stinky bones are not their opponents, and the demons were beaten by me until there were only three fortresses left." Xiao Huan said proudly.

The crowd asked curiously, "Which three are they?"

"Uh, one is Blood Pond Fort, one is Meat Forest Fort, and the last one is Green Cong Fort." Xiao Huan started to have a headache as he snapped his fingers.

"Why can't it come down?"

"The three castles have enchantments. My power does not take effect. Only the arms of this world can exert their power. Although I am a master of the game, compared to these demons who are fighting every day, or are on the way to fight, It's still a little short." Xiao Huan squeezed her thumb and index finger, squeezing out a very thin slit.

"Oh, I see." Xie Dong nodded.

Before coming, he did some homework and knew that this was a world evolved from the game "Invincible Heroes".

As for Heroes Invincible, it should be the fourth generation, but there seems to be a little background from other generations.

In the enchantment, you cannot use external forces, and you can only use the arms of this world, which is a test of various tactics.

"Do you only have human troops? Don't other tribes have troops? For example, Cyclops, Poison Beeweed, Titan... These are useful advanced long-range soldiers?" Xie Dong asked again.

"No, this world can't be born, only the human castle is resurrected." Xiao Huan said coldly.

Everyone nodded, then followed the army, and after a five-day trek, they came to a lava river.

Behind the zigzag and wide lava river is a stinking and wide blood lake. In the center of the lake, a dark lava castle stands.

Just looking at this terrain, everyone's heart is half cold.

The natural, unfillable moat; the infinite blood lake, which can revive the vampires in the demons with almost infinite supplies; the tall lava fortress occupies the only commanding height nearby.

If you can only use the arms of this world, it is indeed too difficult to conquer.

On their side, they can only send angels and griffins to attack.

Other long-range arms, archers, ballistas, are useless, the range is not enough, and at most they serve as the defensive force of the camp.

The attack can only rely on angels and griffins, and the number of these two seems to be large, but it is not enough to support consumption.

It didn't take long for a group of troops of the demon camp to appear on the tall lava castle.

Dark cloud-like bats appeared and turned into vampires.

There are nearly a thousand great demons who are good at teleportation.

You must know that they have a huge advantage in this kind of real battle. They will run away when they hit, and kite to death.

That is, on the earth, relying on intelligent control of firepower, various drones, unmanned artillery, regardless of consumption, not afraid of accidental injury, can suppress them.

And here, they are almost invincible. Once injured, they will go to the blood lake to recuperate.

One by one, the venom monsters are entrenched in the highest shooting building, eyeing tigers.

In addition, there are a large number of bone dragons with red eyes, entrenched on the city wall, staring at everyone.

Melee, long-range, meat shield, maneuver, defense, attack, everything.

No wonder Xiao Huan was helpless and couldn't beat the opponent, so he could only invite them over.

The problem is that after Xie Dong looked at it, he found that with his poor game knowledge, he couldn't think of any clever way to solve it.

"Do you have a way?" he asked in a low voice.

The other five did not answer.

Even if there is a way, it will not tell you directly.

Chen Qiu thought that if he really wants to break the game, he must not think from the heroic invincible itself.

Because the demons, who are natives, have already thought through all the offensive and defensive tactics of this fort.

No obvious holes will be left.

Unless they are feudal dynasties that are rotten to the end, which they are obviously not, otherwise, they would have been broken long ago.

Chen Qiu thought carefully, she looked at her own camp, and then looked at the enemy's camp.

Suddenly, she thought of a place and asked, "Lord Huanhuan, our actual troops should be far more than the other party's, right?"

"Of course, they only have this number of soldiers, and I produce a lot of low-level soldiers every day. Only angels can't survive, because killing a demon can produce an angel." Xiao Huan said with big eyes.

"If they find a way to make them have to abandon the castle and fight, they will definitely fail."

"Of course, I have countless archers and ballistas, and their demons and vampires can't stand it." Xiao Huan said proudly.

"Well, the problem now has changed from sieging the city to how to lure the enemy into battle." Chen Qiu said decisively.

"Luring the enemy?" Xie Dong seemed to have caught something, but after thinking about it, he couldn't catch it.

What can force the demons out?

Think, think carefully.

strength? Treasure? Succubus?

By the way, it's their master!

He remembered that he had seen in the internal data that the reason why demons ruled the world was because of the invasion of disasters, and they were supported by disasters before they were able to defeat other races.

As long as the calamities are ordered to them, they have to come out.

And what are they most interested in?

He suddenly thought of his previous experience of going to McCann, and time went against the flow...

Everything is strung together.

Countless scattered clues connect countless incomplete pictures at this moment to form a complete image.

Disasters want the power of time.

Yes, this is the truth about the McCann nuclear explosion.

Forcing the McCanns to find a way to reverse the flow of time.

If he releases a certain message, the demons will misunderstand that he has obtained this kind of power.

They will come out for sure.

The question is, how to make them misunderstood?

Must be supported.

He thought about and decided to use company assistance.

The last time he asked a prophet to deduce the whereabouts of the red ants, he didn't want his private plans to be known to the company, so he didn't apply to the company.

This time it was purely official business, so naturally it was different.

After the request, he quickly got the answer:

"Use yourself."

with myself?

What is the answer?

Xie Dong was speechless.

Suddenly he thought that if the answer was simple, the relationship between Xiao Huan and Minister Zhao would have been resolved long ago, and there was no need to find someone in the company.

Using myself, do I have the power of time in me?

An incredible thought flashed through him.

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