Liu Jian could hear clearly outside the window.

Seeing that the magistrate went from hesitating to accepting Dianshi's advice, his lungs were about to explode.

What happened to Guo Shenyi in the past overlapped with the present.

Seemingly different, all the same.

They are all powerful people who oppress the common people.

In the previous life of Dongzhou, this has never been the case. Under the alien race, everyone is equal; even the alien race has no privileges, only welfare.

If the xenos were privileged, his father wouldn't be caught either.

Since his father in his previous life has been arrested, what reason do these people have to rely on their power to be above the law?

This world must be burned down!

Thinking of this, he wanted to jump into the window and kill the history of corruption and perversion of the law.

But he stopped again.

It is easy to kill a scripture, just like killing Guo Shenyi.

But this doesn't change anything, the next Guo Shenyi and the next classic history will appear.

Thinking of this, he gritted his teeth and left.


"Liu Gongzi, how did you fall off the list? How could the leader of the case be that ignorant Wang Fat Pig?" The little girl from Feihualou in the county town made a special trip to Liujiazhuang in a four-wheeled carriage. Liu Jian, who cultivated the land, asked.

With a different breed, he is a good farmer. If he wasn't afraid of shocking the world, he would be able to make thousands of dollars for his family like Zhu Bajie in Journey to the West.

Of course Liu Jian wouldn't say the reason.

"How come? Liu Gongzi's literary talent is so good, and he has written such good poems." Xiao Cui was very unconvinced.

Hearing this, Liu Jian bowed his head in shame.

He had done a few trial poems, which he copied from Teacher Wen in his previous life.

Of course, he didn't need to be ashamed, his teacher Wen also copied someone else's in his previous life.

As far as literati is concerned, stealing books cannot be considered stealing.

"My girl said that she knew the old master who taught in the county and could help him seek justice." Xiao Cui said unconvinced.

Liu Jian shook his head. This matter was decided by the county magistrate and Dian Shi. If justice was sought, they would surely offend these two people, which would be another turmoil.

"No need, justice will come soon." Liu Jian shook his head.

If you want to deal with these two people, there is only a bigger official.

This is their rule.

Half a month later, the imperial censors of the Eight Palaces came to visit various places, and the imperial examination was naturally the key point, just like the college entrance examination in later generations.

Liu Jian gave a hint to let the other party know about the case.

"In the important matter of the imperial examination, this kind of fraud can actually occur! It is really outrageous. The imperial examination has been selected for thousands of years, and now there are people who say that the imperial examination will be abolished, to follow the example of the West, to implement public affairs examinations, and to recruit officials. Those things are obviously from the West. We learned from the East, but we have to learn from others! Why, it's not because of you villains!" The censor said angrily.

Very confused logic, but also very in line with the thinking of people at this time.

If things are not done well, it must be the villain's problem.

If you replace the villain with a gentleman, then things will definitely be done.


There are so many gentlemen, Wenzheng one after another, none of them can solve the problem of chaotic circulation.

In reality, it was solved by a group of pirates, liars, criminals, and villains.

It is also solved by a scam here, but it has nothing to do with the gentleman.

The censor was furious. What was surprising was that the magistrate took the blame and was jailed and convicted, but the originator, Dianshi, just hung up his boots and left, and stayed home unscathed, waiting for the next recovery.

The reason is very simple, Dian Shi led people to show the Censor his family, his husband's family, his brother's husband's family, a total of 8,000 tenant farmers...

Liu Jian could see clearly from start to finish.

The Censor did not want to provoke civil upheaval, and his enthusiasm for solving stubborn diseases was forced to cool down in the face of the cold reality.

Sure enough, from top to bottom, can not solve the problem.

People in the court are most afraid of trouble.

What kind of person is not afraid of trouble?

Certainly the one who is troubled by the problem.

Just like a seriously ill person, who is in extreme pain, is not afraid of injections and medicines, or even amputation, because those methods are far less troublesome than the disease.


"The poor of the world, unite!"

It was midnight again, and the moon and stars were thin.

In a school, the crowd was surging, and Liu Jianzheng gave a generous speech.

At this time, he learned from Wen Rensheng's style, and he even deliberately learned a series of related system skills such as teaching academics and mnemonics.

"Children, classmates, friends! Do you know why you are poor?" he asked the audience.

"My life is not good, I was reborn into a poor family." An aunt nagged.

"I was courting death myself. I obviously saved three hundred taels of silver, but I was tempted by my fellow villagers to play Pai Gow, and I lost all in two days."

"It's my son who is stupid, and the house next door in the same village is poorer than mine, so his child was admitted to the scholar's examination and moved into the city. From selling characters to becoming a rich man's western seat, after ten years, he has a home. industry."

"Oh, my parents are not serious about doing things..."

A lot of people are talking about it, but there is no answer.

Liu Jian was not disappointed.

On the blackboard, he wrote the word "justice" with chalk.

"The reasons you mentioned are all correct. In the final analysis, it was caused by the injustice of this court!"

"Take you as an example. You say your life is not good and you are reborn into a poor family, but your parents go to the ground every day at 5 or 6 o'clock, and only go home at 7 or 8 o'clock when it is dark. They work in the field for more than ten hours a day. Why are you still so poor?"

"It's very simple, because most of the land's promise was taken away by the landlord!"

"But the owner of our village is very good. When my family almost died of starvation, he came to bring us food."

"He took ten copies and sent back three copies to keep you from starving to death, and let you continue to be cheap labor. You have to be grateful to him."

Liu Jian replied.

Everyone listened ignorantly, and seemed to understand a little, but they didn't seem to understand.

It's just that someone understands one thing.

This guy is going to...

Someone slipped away quietly from the back of the school.

Only the next moment, Liu Jian's words appeared.

"Don't you think about it, you have no money in this life, you can't reincarnate well, you barely saved ten taels of silver before you die, and you only remember your name in the next life, or you still have no money, and you will suffer from generation to generation!"

"If you don't understand why you're suffering, you'll go on like this forever! It's not for your children and but for yourselves!"

The person who slipped away inexplicably stopped.

Say yes.

If your head falls off, you can drink the spring water and be reincarnated. After ten taels of silver can endure for a few years, you can still get it together. But if you don't understand why you suffer and suffer, you have to be like this from generation to generation.

No one wants to leave anymore.

"Very well, let's go on to talk about the injustices in the court. I will summarize them into thirteen articles, which are referred to as thirteen injustices for short!"

"First, the imperial examinations are unfair, and the rich and powerful can let the county magistrate directly recommend the talented person with the leader of the case."

"Second, the landlords are unfair. The landlords take advantage of them, lend at high interest rates, and squeeze the marrow out of their bones."

"Third, the yamen is unfair, and the yamen's entrance opens south..."



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