Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1518: attack

Although we have made preparations for continuous resistance and guerrilla warfare, the necessary landing counterattacks are still to be done, and it is impossible for the enemy to easily land.

Military and civilian morale will also be greatly reduced.

Nancheng Port is the largest port and the most prosperous port in the southern country. The imperial court has collected as much as 80 million taels of tariff silver from here.

Trade produces far more wealth than agriculture.

Because agricultural production in some places is very high, cheap and abundant food can be obtained through trade.

There are more than 70 forts in Nancheng Port, all of them are tall and strong, and they are all circular defenses to ensure that there is no dead angle for defense.

There are 450,000 troops defending the city, and 1.2 million reserve troops are assembled in various places.

The governor of Nancheng is ready to live and die together with the city. Of course, he has also prepared a million bottles of the Fountain of Youth.

After the modernization and innovation of the Dacheng Dynasty, the mobilization power is far from that of the ancient court.

The so-called modernization, the core is the germination and use of national consciousness.

Adults have their own national consciousness, and five hundred years of dynastic rule is enough for this consciousness to quickly germinate and grow in the face of external threats.

Although Westerners say that it is to popularize the secret of the Fountain of Youth, the imperial court is also right. If the secret is taken away, everyone's welfare will be lost.

The annual Spring Festival relief, unemployment insurance, and various job opportunities will disappear.

Guangming Division posted the export value of Fountain of Youth:

For five consecutive years, the annual export volume has reached as high as 1.5 billion silver taels.

Of the huge income of 1.5 billion, 800 million was directly allocated by the royal family for education, 300 million for medical security, 200 million for poverty relief, and 100 million for various social relief. 100 million into the pile-sealing library as a reserve for emergencies.

"If we hand over these secrets, will everyone still have these funds? If we lose the queen mother and replace it with an emperor and a president, are they willing to invest so much money in the people's livelihood like the queen mother?"

"Impossible. Let's take a look at the Prime Minister and Speaker of Dasu Country. Before they came to power, they were originally from ordinary families. After they stepped down, they received huge remunerations from major financial groups in just five years. Become a millionaire!"

"Did anyone hold them accountable? No, because they didn't receive donations when they came to power, they were all collected after they stepped down. But are we fools? This is clearly a deferred payment."

"Think about it, if it is replaced by such a speaker, 1.5 billion silver taels, and 10 million in our hands, it would be not bad!"

There are also many letters from real readers.

"That's right. I have three children. Among them, my youngest son is seriously ill. Thanks to the free treatment in the Royal Hospital, the child can be cured. If the royal family has no money, how could such a good thing happen?"

"Me too, I lost my job this year. When I was at a loss, the Royal Relief Fund sent me a 6-month subsidy so that I could breathe a sigh of relief, then rent a new house and find a new job, otherwise If I did, I would become a little match girl and freeze to death on the street."

"And me, I was seriously ill at work, tuberculosis, and the black-hearted Westerner boss wanted me to go to work. It was the Guangming Division and the Royal Workers' Association who helped me, allowing me to rest for a year and still receive my salary. In the end, I got sick. healed."

"Have you seen what the famous western writer Tu Wen wrote? Sugar, getting up early and hard work, the hard-working Liya finally got tuberculosis. She gets up early to work every day and believes in getting up early to be healthy. However, she is sick and still has to get up early, even if After drinking sugar water, it's still not good."

Case by case, adults believe that if they lose this battle, they will be treated like Western workers.

The reason why they have so many benefits and guarantees is the secret of establishing the royal monopoly on the fountain of youth.

So for yourself, for the royal family, but also to defeat the enemy!

The role of Guangming Division is far beyond everyone's imagination.

Especially when it comes to war mobilization.

Everyone was in high spirits, and the recruiting fields everywhere were close to full.

The restaurants and hotels everywhere were crowded with young adults rushing to apply.

"I thought that most adults were afraid of death. They only thought about one acre of land, and their wives and children were on the kang head. I didn't expect such a strong fighting spirit."

"Do you really think our land is given away for nothing? We are the real fighting nation, but the technology of agricultural civilization was only so high in the past. Now we should take this opportunity to occupy more land!"

"Yes, we obviously didn't provoke them, and they still came to beat us, why didn't we beat them all down in advance?"

"The imperial court said that when you are a soldier, you will give out pills made by the Spring of Youth. You can be reincarnated by taking a bite before you die in battle. What are you afraid of death?"

Western intelligence officers, after discovering these circumstances, immediately passed the information back to the Coalition Command.

"The fighting spirit of the Orientals made us stunned. We couldn't imagine what it would be like to face millions of militiamen after you landed. They came from all over, brought their own dry food, were well-trained, and had similar military personnel. Weapons and ammunition, how are you going to deal with these people?"

The commander of the coalition forces read a piece of information, but was greeted with sneer.

"Let them talk to our artillery, planes, and warships!"

"A group of militiamen with only rifles and grenades, can they still go to sea?"

"We can come and go on any coast, can they be deployed everywhere?"

"They need food, and Dachengguo imported more than 100 million tons of food last year. Without these cheap imports, they would have revolted long ago."

Crowds are still optimistic.

The coalition commander also put this information aside, and he has much more important information to deal with.

Millions of militiamen are terrible.

But they are poorly trained and not elite enough to play a decisive role in the frontal battlefield.

The army of this era does not take guerrilla warfare seriously, because they will easily destroy the means of guerrilla warfare - scorched earth invasion.

Wherever you go, there is scorched earth, where is there any guerrilla soil?


The war has begun.

The first shell was fired from the Dasu people's battleship, the Sea Sovereign, but it landed far on the ground in front of the Dongshan Fort.

At the same time, the turrets opened fire in turn, and launched a counter-fire with the enemy ship.

At this time, the coalition fleet had dispatched three squadrons to bypass the main battery and land in a roundabout way.

The way to deal with the fort is to detour and land.

Many feudal troops were extremely brave when fighting head-on, but once they were detoured, their morale plummeted.

Simply because they can't guarantee that friendly forces can help them resist the enemy.

It is easy to be cut off from the back However, this time around, he was attacked unexpectedly.

Teams of militiamen emerged from the field.

A certain military chaplain recorded this in his notebook.

"They shot at us from the rice fields, from behind the houses, from the fields, from the woods."

"Most of them shoot badly, but there's always one or two sharpshooters, they're all well nourished, and there's always one or two unlucky guys injured in the mess of stray bullets."

"If you meet sharpshooters, it's a nightmare, you have no way of knowing where they're hiding."

"Some people have a natural affinity for guns, and they even hide in a large pile of dung that is common on the roadside, and give you a shot when you are alone."

"It's hell."

"They say there is a fountain of youth leading to heaven, and I believe there is only poison leading to hell."

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