Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1603: Donghan

Broken Star Ridge, in the twelfth hall.

Zhao Han was lying in the square in front of the main hall, basking in the sun.

It's been really relaxing and leisurely these days.

All day long in a drowsy dream, stealing half a day to spare.

Wen Rensheng walked out, swept his mind to the purple dog, and shook his head slightly.

If you want to be happy, you should be stupid.

Unlike Zhao Han, he already felt the danger approaching quietly.

The last time Sun Changcun chased Shi Baizhang, he was disgraced by tens of thousands of crazy refugees.

He felt a problem.

It seems that someone is using the spiritual imprint network that they have spread out.

He tried to leave the script and found that he couldn't.

Including the mysterious seed, it cannot be used.

Otherwise, he would not have been so embarrassed that he fell under the cliff.

But he did not panic, still relying on his own unparalleled wisdom, developed the Xiawang, and successfully took the situation into his own hands.

After all, he has come this far, relying on his own wisdom, blood and sweat, and hard work...

All the cases were solved by him.

Now that he thought about it, all the people who were infected with the spiritual brand were his eyes and ears.

In this case, it is impossible for anyone to threaten him again.

Unless, that's not human.

Wen Rensheng looked up at the sky and saw that there were many, many people in the sky.

They were floating in the sky, and some people tried to fly around, the movements were very clumsy, but they were never tired of it.

Of course he wasn't hallucinating.

He is blind now, and what he sees is naturally spiritual.

Those people in the sky are the content of

Flying is an invention of some people.

They found that on Xiawang, the only thing that limited them was their imagination.

Here, the emperor can't control it, the officials can't control it, the petty officials can't control it, and the parents and clan can't control it... The only thing that can control is their own hearts.

As long as you break through the shackles of your heart, you can do all kinds of things.

Of course, it still needs a premise, that is, the spirit is strong enough.

Wen Rensheng swept over for a while, then turned to another place.

He wanted to see where the threat was.

The palace is fine.

Desert, nothing.

At sea, nothing.


In the end, he discovered that the threat was outside the border, the land of the Tartars of the Great Yan Dynasty.

In fact, you should not call the other party Tartar. When you call the enemy with contempt, it means that you are not far from failure.

Since it is the enemy, we must fight the lion against the rabbit and analyze it carefully.

The Tartars here, officially called themselves "Donghan", means that they live in a world of ice and snow.

From the self-proclaimed, we can see their yearning for the land within the customs.

Cold drives people to warm places.

This is also why people at higher latitudes are always more aggressive, geographically determined.

The capital of Donghan is a border city of the Dayan Dynasty that has just been captured, and it is called "Yangdu".

After they captured it, if they found a treasure, they moved the capital to Yangdu, and learned the construction of the palace city of the Yan Kingdom, and copied a small capital as it was.

Wen Rensheng's gaze swept across Yangdu, and finally found clues in a palace in the north.

More than a dozen elderly men with feathers on their heads and wrapped in bear skins are dancing around a python...

It seems that the Donghan people are worshipping a local totem, and they are still in primitive belief.

But the place where they live is very cold, why do they believe in snakes?

Instead of bears, or even tigers, these are more suitable animals?

After a while, the feathered men stopped.

The oldest old man said: "Dragon God told us that since the emergence of the evil net, the national fortunes of the Dayan Dynasty are on the rise again. We must quickly inform the Great Khan and let them send troops to Dayan to interrupt their recovery momentum."

"Yes, the big sacrifice." The others responded in succession.

The crowd immediately lined up and entered the palace to see the great Khan of the Donghan people, Tuolu Tuohan.

Toluthan is the second great sweat of the Donghan people.

The first Khan was originally the chieftain of the Dayan Dynasty in the northeast. Seeing the decline of the Dayan Dynasty, he took the opportunity to rebel.

Just at this time, the toasts in the southwest were also rebelling.

Two rebellions, and finally the Dayan Dynasty chose to quell the southwestern chieftain who was closer to the Jiangnan area.

After ten years, the southwest was finally pacified.

Trout Khan's father took the opportunity to take the opportunity to seize many important places.

When Dayan turned around to calm the Northeast, he found that there was not enough money and food, and there was not enough powerful soldiers.

Let Trut Khan's father and the army complete the transition from novice to mature.

There are many records in history. If a rebellion cannot be solved within three years, it will take more than ten years to completely solve it, and it will even be overthrown by the rebellion.

Because three years, just in line with the modern summary of "10,000 hours to become an expert" law.

Rebellion is an urgent task, and those who take the lead must study hard in order not to be suppressed.

This is the period when they are most motivated to learn.

That's what Talut Khan's father did. He built a heavy infantry from scratch, and tried to make the elites wear double armor or even three armors.

He also learned the military system of the Yan Dynasty, changed it, established eight divisions, distributed land, and integrated the army and the people, which is actually a variant of the military household.

The military households were naturally capable of fighting in the early days, but after the early days, when the military households lost their land, plus unfair rewards and punishments, they immediately decayed into disrepair.

At this time, Tulu Tuohan was listening to the reports of the priests.

"Dayan's national strength is recovering again? Emperor Dayan seems to have benefited a lot from that evil net." Tulu Tuohan frowned.

"Yes, according to the report of the spies, Emperor Dayan cleaned up the tax system and received a lot of money. However, the northwest has been experiencing droughts and rebellions are frequent, and they are still trapped by thieves." The big sacrifice returned.

"How did you do the shielding of that evil net?" Trout Khan then asked.

"The gift of the Dragon God can use the energy of the army to suppress the evil seals in the soldiers' bodies to cover the exploration of the evil net." The great sacrifice continued.

"Isn't there a way to remove it?" Trout Khan didn't like the feeling of being watched.

No emperor would want to spy on the emperor without authorization, but it is a capital offense that is disrespectful.

Unlike Emperor Dayan, Trout Khan immediately realized a problem: if you can see others, others can also see you.

He attaches great importance to spies, and does not really need the information provided by Xiawang.

On the contrary, the appearance of Xiawang greatly reduced his intelligence advantage.

"There is no way, unless you cultivate to the innate realm mentioned by the Central Plains martial arts, and explore the spiritual realm, you can remove it." The great sacrifice shook his head.

"Damn, in this way, aren't all the secrets of Lone being seen?" Trout Khan said angrily.

"This, this, as long as the Khan tries not to be with outsiders, the secret should not be leaked." The great priest said.

"Okay, it seems Gu has to learn that Cao Cao."

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