Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1610: actual combat

Hearing the questioning of the Seventh Hall Master, the Holy Maiden's eyes were faint and she pondered for a long time before slowly saying: "There is only one possibility. His accomplishments in the Heavenly Fiend's Blood Concealment Technique far exceed those of our entire clan."

"This is impossible!" The Thirteenth Hall Master immediately denied, "The Heavenly Fiend Blood Concealment Technique is our entire clan's secret technique, and only the direct descendant can master the full text."

Thirteen hall masters are also full surnames, except that the nine halls and ten halls must be held by all surnames, and all surnames can also compete for the hall masters of other halls.

"That's what you say, but excluding all the impossible, this is the only truth." The Holy Maiden shook her head.

The reason why she can't persuade her uncle is because the achievement of Tiansha blood hidden art is too far behind her uncle.

As a result, my uncle's bloodline is more orthodox, and he has received more genetics.

Second, the other party is much older than her.

Third, the other party is the leader.

Her aptitude is not far beyond that of her uncle, and her attainments are naturally much worse.

Do you really think that Wen Rensheng can just say a few words and make all the sect masters bow their heads?

Those truths, if another person said, the whole sect leader must first see if you are familiar with it.

The same reason, different people say, the effect is very different.

"Ah? How is this possible?" The hall masters were shocked.

But on reflection, this is the only possible reason.

They are all at the highest level, and they are familiar with the full-name inheritance method, the Heavenly Demon Blood Concealment Technique.

Knowing that this martial art can be practiced in the spiritual realm in advance, this means that the day after tomorrow begins to possess innate power, and the various benefits of martial arts practice can be imagined.

The Holy Maiden guessed right, Wen Rensheng understood this practice far more than their own clan.

When the sect leader asked the question, the two sides actually had a spiritual contest.

But no one can see it.

The whole leader is crazy, but not stupid.

He will recognize Wen Rensheng as a teacher, that is because Wen Rensheng is really capable of being his teacher.

Otherwise, if you just want to make him a teacher by saying something mysterious, that would be treating him as a fool.

"In that case, what should we do?" The Seventh Hall Master asked again.

"No matter how strong he is, he is only one person. Sooner or later, he will be alone. There are so many of us, as long as we separate him from the sect master..." The Thirteenth Hall Master said ruthlessly.

He had hoped that the sect leader would continue to go crazy, and sooner or later he would be forced to abdicate by everyone, and then he would be able to inherit the position.

Fortunately, the core of the entire Holy Religion has been usurped by outsiders.

Not to mention inheriting the good deeds of the sect master, he will become a cannon fodder on the battlefield in a few days, responsible for being a scout, sieging cities and plundering land.

Finally, he was besieged to death by the masters of some major factions.

When the saint heard this, she got up and left without saying a word.

The hall masters looked at each other, then nodded to each other...


The next day, Master Quan followed Teacher Wen Rensheng to train troops.

"Teacher, I think the soldiers and horses are already elite enough, are we going down the mountain?" The leader of the whole sect was eager to try.

In the concept taught by the teacher, there are many watermelons under the mountain, and many are still cooked.

Such as Confucian scholars, county magistrates...

A child is half-baked, a scholar is a little familiar, a person is familiar, a scholar is familiar, an official is familiar in one year, and it will be rotten in three years...

He can't wait to open the watermelon.

What the teacher said must be true!

He's going to try those overripe watermelons!

"Well, it's time to go down the mountain, so let's take Wuguan County at the foot of the mountain as the first pilot." Wen Rensheng couldn't always let the soldiers practice empty-handed. The best way of training is actual combat.

"Okay, I'll make arrangements now." Apart from being stubborn about watermelons, the leader Quan is very proficient in other aspects. Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to be appointed as the leader by his father.

"First prepare the organizational structure after entering the city. We must develop the three structures of the supervision department, the inspection department, and the administrative department, so that they can operate stably, and then organize a team to go to the countryside..." Wen Rensheng instructed again.

"Yes, teacher." Master Quan is like a primary school student who listens to the teacher's nagging. Although he is annoyed, he has to obey honestly.

Disobedience is a big slap.

Wuguan County.

The county seat is tall and tall, with a wall of twelve meters, which far exceeds the regulation of ordinary county seats.

When the first group of Holy Cult soldiers appeared under the banner of "the world is for the public", they fell into a panic.

There is magic on the mountain.

This county was established in the early years to keep the demons and demons in check.

In fact, there are similar counties at the foot of the mountain of every martial arts faction.

However, over time, it was inevitably infiltrated by local snakes.

How can the power of the imperial court be maintained?

In the feudal era, the sky is high and the emperor is far away, which is an iron law.

So it didn't take long before someone opened the city gates to welcome the soldiers of the Holy Religion into the city.

Then there is the acceptance of the yamen, the treasury, the inspection of the streets, the martial law, and the clearing of the rebels...

Everything has been said and trained on the mountain.

But in practice, there are still many surprises.

For example, there were originally 4,000 taels of silver in the treasury, but when the people from the Supervision Department came over, they found that there were only 3,000 taels left in the second inspection.

After asking carefully, it turned out that it was the first group of soldiers who arrived, and someone had privately divided it.

"Old Guo, your signboard of being a public servant in this world has been smashed by your own people."

On the mountain, Zhao Han, who saw this scene through Xiawang, shouted at Wen Rensheng "Wang Wang", and rolled on the floor with laughter after finishing speaking in Xiawang.

"Steward Wang, today, I want to eat dog meat pot." Wen Rensheng suddenly turned his head and said to the housekeeper.

The housekeeper immediately cast his eyes on the purple dog.

This dog is the fattest and tightest he has ever seen, and he knows how to exercise himself every day.

This is to elevate the taste to the extreme, and it really is a good dog.

A real dog should take the initiative to train himself like this, if only he could actively jump into the pot again.

Zhao Han quickly slipped away with his tail between his legs.

The teacher has always pursued perfection, so why did the students who taught him greedy for a thousand taels of silver as soon as they came down the mountain?

She was also a little confused.

In fact, Wen Rensheng knew that this was because the cleaning time was too short.

Ideas and matter collide, and the pure white theory touches the silver of the white flower. Obviously, the latter has a higher probability of victory.

At the same time, he also realized that the dragon **** was powerful.

The other party turned a group of refugees into mad believers in an instant.

Life is more important than money.

Now, if he meets the opponent, he is not the opponent.

Fortunately, the dragon **** did not come into this script, and could only be dealt with by indirect means.

As for the reason, it is probably because this is where the principals are concerned.

Only with their collective permission can real power come.

"Dispose of it according to the law." Wen Rensheng said lightly.

He has long designed a perfect closed-loop management The first layer is self-picketing, and the second layer is verification by the Supervision Department.

The last and most critical third layer is to make it public on, and let everyone verify the process of the first two layers.

The more open it is, the more fair it is.

This is a social law. Under the watchful eyes of the public, no one dared to say that private division was right.

The more closed, the darker it is.

Without Xiawang, you will only fall into the vicious circle of feudal society. The more supervision, the more expensive it will be, and it will not be sustainable.

Why does feudal society use Confucian moral governance, in order to reduce costs, expect to teach everyone to be a moral person, thereby saving supervision costs.

However, as it is now, the real money of Bai. Hua. Hua can easily defeat the theoretical thinking that seems to be correct and perfect.

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