Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1620: The method of defeating the enemy

"Four hundred and twenty-three Donghan warriors!"

"Twenty-five white armors!"

"Damn, is this the power of the Central Plains martial arts? No wonder the Khan has said many times, don't touch the Grange Fortresses related to these major factions!"

In an unremarkable military tent, Hadu, the head of the seven divisions, clenched his fists.

His tone was very angry, but his feet were shaking.

In order to prevent assassination, he has never lived in a conspicuous tent.

This time the opponent does not seem to be ready to assassinate the main general.

But this is not good news, because it seems that the other party is going to kill them all!

More than 400 elites died at one time!

He was the vanguard. He only brought 3,500 soldiers in total, and left half of them at home.

And he is the weakest one, the other divisions have more than 10,000 soldiers, and the eight divisions can send nearly 100,000 soldiers!

Dayan has been unable to initiate an active encirclement and suppression against them, and can only be in a state of passive defense.

This is the strength accumulated over the years of looting the Great Yan.

However, today, a master from the Central Plains killed more than 400 soldiers and horses in a short time!

And it's not those young and strong minions, they are all real soldiers.

The only good thing is that the other party can only kill, but cannot take away the precious armor and weapons.

He can quickly replenish it, but he just needs to practice a few more games before he can become an elite.

Several of his sons, as well as the lieutenant, were also trembling.

Only those who have experienced the battlefield will know how terrifying the middle-aged man just now is!

More than 400 soldiers, enough to defeat tens of thousands of Great Yan Army, were slaughtered like cattle and sheep!

If they lost in battle, although they feel distressed, they will never be afraid, but will earnestly sum up their experience, and then try to turn defeat into victory.

As entrepreneurial people, they still have this spirit.

And now, they simply can't think of a way to deal with the enemy!

"What should we do, father, let's quickly withdraw our troops!" said the eldest son.

"Yeah, if the other party comes back tomorrow, it won't take ten days, or even five days, and we will collapse!" The second son also said.

"Retreat? Will the Khan allow me to retreat?" Hadu shook his head.

"Just tell the Great Khan what happened here. The Great Khan is someone who takes care of the overall situation. Thousands of warriors, he will not let them die because of selfishness." The youngest son said suddenly.

Hardu nodded slowly.

On this point, I really didn't think clearly.

Just thinking that the Great Khan will take the opportunity to kill him, he did not expect that the Great Khan would not want to lose the precious Eastern Frost Warrior.

After all, this is the foundation of the eight parts.

In the previous battles and purges, the middle and lower layers have never been involved, and there have been several attempts to fight against each other, but in the end it did not happen.

To be able to take the top position is to accurately grasp the common psychology of everyone: you can fight from above, but you can't damage the foundation, and you can't kill people with the people below.

Otherwise, it will be taken advantage of by Dayan to enter and be destroyed together.

"Okay, go through the divine net immediately and tell the big Khan what happened here."

The people in the East Cold used the Divine Net in military affairs much faster than the slow Dayan.

Like the emphasis on firearms.

I heard that Dayan didn't even pay the firearms troops with full salaries. It was absolutely impossible for them, not only to have money and food, but also women and land.

Several people went to sleep together, and then in the dream they turned into sea holly and flew to the place where the great sweat was.

They don't know that their actions are being watched by someone.

In the Chinese army camp two hundred miles away.

"We already know what happened on your side." Trou Tuohan frowned and said, "It's not your fault, it's because we underestimated the power of the Central Plains martial arts."

"Thank you for your generosity, Khan." The seven masters, Hadu, breathed a sigh of relief.

He was afraid that the sweat would take advantage of the topic, but now it seems that the other party is still measured and will not do something cold.

Also, every time the opponent makes a move, they always occupy the righteous position first, and every time they are an opponent to be dealt with, which makes no sense.

"It seems that this attack on Da Yan will end without a hitch. It's just that we don't have a single congenital expert because our Donghan background is too shallow." Dahan said in distress.

"Although we don't have innate masters, we have Dragon God..." At this moment, a voice sounded.

Everyone saw that it was a sacrificial sacrificial accompanying the army, and he said with a frenzy on his face.

When several ministers heard the words, they could not help frowning.

As ministers, they need to use the Dragon God Sect to paralyze the lower-level followers, but they don't want the prestige of the sacrifice to be too high.

"Dragon God? Can Dragon God deal with those masters?" A minister couldn't help but question.

"Yes, as long as we wholeheartedly believe in the Dragon God, we can exert our divine power..." Then the sacrificial priest carried the "one mind" method invented by Wen Rensheng before.

"Very good!" Trout Khan was overjoyed when he heard the words.

He has already made all the preparations to enter the Central Plains, but he cannot grasp the variable of the martial arts faction.

Although he thought about using canonization and more land, many of the opponent's masters insisted on the Huayi debate.

Well now, there is finally a way to restrain them.

As long as they remain neutral, Dayan will have a way to deal with it.

Dayan is a rotten giant tree, rogues are the worms in the tree, and they are loggers.

No matter how big the tree is, it will collapse if it is carried out in two ways.

"Khan, do you want all of your followers to believe in the Dragon God?" At this time, one of his counselors, who looked like a great flame, quietly reminded him.

Trout Khan suddenly woke up.

Yes, if they all believe in the Dragon God, who the **** does that tribe belong to?

In the future, isn't it easy for the Dragon God to change his sweat?

"People are not divided, let's use some soldiers to do this first." He thought about it and decided to use some people.

After taking the world, these people can die.

In short, although he started his life with the Dragon God, he would never allow future generations to be controlled by it.

"Okay, big sweat." The sacrificial soldier lowered his head.

Stupid mortal, do you want to use your shallow wisdom to fool the Dragon God?

You don't know the greatness of the Dragon God at all.

Now the Dragon God just hasn't woken up, just leaking a little breath.

"Seven masters, withdraw your troops and horses. This attack is temporarily suspended. What you grabbed is only soft and soft, and the other women's cloth and silk are discarded." Trout Khan then ordered.

"Yes, Khan is wise." Hadu said sincerely.

Being able to realize the strength of the enemy in time, recognize the opponent, and then decisively stop the loss, this big sweat is indeed wiser than many great generals.

It's a pity that he is too wise, and wants to cut down other people's followers and become the emperor of the Great Yan Dynasty.

"Each division will recruit a thousand elites to form a battalion of 8,000 people to defeat the enemy, and then draw out 50 white armors to make a death camp of 400 people. We need to concentrate the strongest Practice dragons The power of God, come to deal with the masters of Dayan!" Trout Khan then ordered.

When Hardu heard this, he felt bitter in his heart.

Damn Talut Khan, I just praised you, and you did this again!

Who will direct the people who are selected?

Must belong to the Great Khan.

This is the method of the strong and the weak.

No one can find anything wrong with this order.

How to deal with those masters without concentrating the strongest power?

He looked at the other ministers, and sure enough, although their faces were somewhat dissatisfied, no one objected.

This time, Khan succeeded again.

It is impossible to prevent.

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