Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1651: clean up

Wen Rensheng was doing research in a mutant beast gathering place.

After a while, he found two male mutant beasts fighting inexplicably.

"True males fight with blood and flesh!"

"Only girls hide behind!"

The two of them muttered, their noses were bruised, and finally they both fell to the ground, looking at each other's eyes with light.

Wen Rensheng didn't take it seriously at first, mutant beasts would also multiply, and it was normal to fight during reproduction.

As for the ability to speak, it has all mutated. Is it still difficult to speak?

But it's happening more and more.

Wen Rensheng felt a little unusual.

The reason is very simple, why are only mutant beasts fighting, not those tentacled people.

To say the tentacles are more likely to fight.

"We are all eunuchs, how could we be jealous because of this kind of thing?" A tentacle man answered with an embarrassed expression when he heard Wen Rensheng ask this question.

Wen Rensheng shook his head, he naturally couldn't forget that the other party was only a halfling.

However, eunuchs are also jealous, and it is common in court life to beat eunuchs to death because of the opposite food.

It's just that it won't be recorded by those high-ranking gentlemen.

"You said your partner, did you hear any whispers?" Wen Rensheng guessed.

"Whispering? Is it the devil talking in his ear? Sometimes, but often not. Let me ask it." The tentacled man hesitated.

Soon he walked over to his partner who fell to the ground.

A tentacle pulled the other party up, and then repeated Wen Rensheng's question.

The mutant beast blinked its big eyes, and finally said: "Yes, a beautiful female, said in my mind, to fight for her."

"Uh, that's really the case, what does the female look like?" the tentacle man asked.

"It is more than ten meters tall, weighs more than one hundred tons, and is covered in hair. It is so beautiful." The mutant beast said excitedly.

The tentacle man looked at his partner. This partner was more than ten meters tall, weighed more than 200 tons, and was also covered in hair.

Well, this aesthetic is understandable.

It didn't take long for the tentacle person to feel that a beautiful female figure appeared in his mind.

In the beginning, the upper body was human, and the lower body was tentacles.

Yet a glimmer of disgust flashed through his mind.

He is a tentacle person himself, but that doesn't mean he likes tentacle people.

Instead, he prefers normal, beautiful women more strongly.

The more you lose something, the more you yearn for something.

Eunuchs don't like eunuchs.

Then, the beautiful woman's lower body disappeared, replaced by a normal person.

It's just that the shadow has been left, just like you know that behind a beautiful woman is a white bone spirit, it is difficult for normal people to ignore this.

"Sir, did you see a strange woman in your mind just now?" The tentacle man asked Wen Rensheng.

"No." Wen Rensheng thought to himself, my six senses are pure and my wisdom is perfect, how could I see a woman in my mind?

Do you really think that I am like you, full of vulgar tastes and can't be eliminated cleanly?

"Oh, an image of a woman flashed in my mind just now. I don't know who did it." The tentacle man said in distress.

And now, in the blink of an eye, you can see.

"It seems that someone is eyeing you, this is an attack." Wen Rensheng thought of the New Eagle Castle who had come to win over and threaten them before. Could it be those people?

This method is commonly used by them.

The beauty trick is a trick often used by enemies, but most people don't have that treatment.

The tentacle man murmured, "Then what is this attack for?"

"Of course to control your power." Wen Rensheng said as a matter of course.

"Understood, it seems we have only one way." The tentacle man was silent for a while, then said.

"What way?" Wen Rensheng asked curiously.

"I'll perform egg-cutting surgery on my partner later." The tentacle man said reluctantly.

"Kang a few bang a few", the sound of a group of mutant beasts passing away came from the ears of the two of them.

All of them stretched their long legs and ran so fast.

When eating grass, I have never seen it so happy.

"Uh, why did you run away?" The tentacle man asked in surprise.

"You shouldn't say this, you should be happy. From another aspect, your relationship with them is indeed deep." Wen Rensheng sighed.

If it is not deep, it would have been trampled to death by the giant beasts at this time.

It can also be seen from here that these giant beasts are indeed gentle herbivorous men.

I would rather run than fight.

Isn't this the best object to be controlled?

He immediately went to find Xiao Huan.

What is Xiaohua doing at this time?

It was lying on the head of a giant beast, eating pinecones and hazelnuts honored by a group of squirrels, and watching with relish the cartoons stored on the tablet...

"You are really comfortable." Wen Rensheng sighed.

"What's wrong? What's the matter?" The lark didn't move, just tilted its head and asked.

"Your men ran away..."

Wen Rensheng simply explained the matter again.

This matter seems small, but with his sharp mind, he found that there are many things hidden behind it.

Will there be simulator intervention?

After all, on its territory, it is not an easy task to engage in this kind of evil spirit whispering and descending on a large scale.

Will there be its tacit approval?

"What? These idiots are really crazy! No, I have to keep them clean!" Xiao Huan was furious when he heard this.

It is extremely incomprehensible. Isn't it bad to eat, drink and play every day? There is grass to eat and the sun to bask in every day, so why bother so much?

Is this okay?

This is not good.

"Then what are you going to do?" Wen Rensheng asked curiously.

"You come and help me." Lark grabbed his sleeve in one bite.

"You learn very fast." Wen Rensheng wondered.

"Of course." Lark said with his mouth open.

Wen Rensheng disappeared immediately.

"Damn, if you don't help me, I'll tell you everything about you! I saw it, that blind..."

Wen Rensheng appeared again: "Okay, I'll help you. The other thing about the blind man eating fish has nothing to do with me, and you are not allowed to talk nonsense."

"Okay, okay, then you say, how to solve this problem."

"Simple, let their brains cool and cool, and return to the state they were eight months ago." Wen Rensheng certainly knew the development cycle of these mutant beasts.

"Then what are you going to do?"

"You don't need to worry about Wen Rensheng mobilized his source power, and he successfully cultivated the "interconnection between heaven and earth" that evolved in the previous script.

Then put the first customized brand on a mutant beast.

In the past three days, as they fight each other and eat grass, it has spread all over the place.

Although the last script didn't bring out anything, but once the knowledge and skills are learned, you can't forget it.

What's more, this simulated wasteland world has excellent compatibility with these extraordinary systems.

Wen Rensheng just modified it a little and can use it.

After being branded, he began to clear the superfluous thoughts of these mutant beasts.

Before long, there were no female beasts in their minds, all that was left was fresh grass, the sun, and slapstick...

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