Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1672: effect and cause

"We worship the Lord, not because He is powerful, but because we respect Him from the heart, not an evil **** like you, who will never get our respect!" The old man rejected the clown's proposal.

If he hadn't thought the other party was too weird, he would have scolded it directly as blasphemy.

Of course, the most important thing is that he knows in his heart that his **** will not come and will not give him any miracles.

"Hmph, ignorant and stupid fellow, how can the gods care about your worship? The gods won't listen to your prayers. Has He ever responded to your prayers for so many years? Gods will occasionally open their eyes and look at you. The buzzing of these little bugs is your great honor." The clown mocked recklessly.

The old man was silent.

The people behind him were also silent.

The other party is right, you have to say that in the past, everyone had no gods, science was better than superstition, and everyone just asked for psychological comfort; but now, gods from other families have appeared in the world, such as the Colossus who took his own followers to hide in other worlds. god.

Years of habit and subtle anticipation are at work they can endure until this point.

"So believe in my Savior and Heavenly Father, and He will bring you strength, courage, inspiration, and wisdom." The clown said, taking out one after another octopus head statues from his arms, which seemed to never be finished. .

"Impossible, our true Lord will come to this world sooner or later, and whoever can endure the most will be able to go to heaven." The old man gritted his teeth.

The clown didn't even reply.

Because even he can't be sure of this, after all, who can say what will happen in the future?

Only Wen Rensheng, who was watching the excitement next to him, understood that the old man's lord could not come, and would never be possible.

As for the reason, of course, it is an indescribable reason. Those who understand it understand it, and those who don't understand it don't understand it.

There are always such stubborn people.

However, the next moment, "Bang" a gunshot rang out, and the old man fell down.

It wasn't the clown who killed him, but an old woman behind him.

She was shivering and clutching a revolver, and there was still smoke on it.

"Okay, old John, I've had enough. I used to take everyone to believe in the Colossus God. You said it was the evil god. However, people followed the Colossus God to heaven, leaving us struggling in the wasteland. Now that God has appeared before us again, you still have to refuse!" The old woman roared hoarsely.

Everyone else watched this scene indifferently.

They had already had enough. If it wasn't for the outstanding leadership of Old John, who led them through many disasters, everyone would have run away.

The old man gave up his mind, which does not mean that some other people gave up.

"Those are all evil gods. Only the Lord who never comes is the one who has nothing and is really good for us..." The old man looked at the indifferent crowd with pity, and then took his last breath. Complain about it.

Wen Rensheng shook his head, it's a pity, if the other party was born in a world that believes in the gods, he must have the ability to be a pope.

"Very well, you made a wise choice, and the great Father will reward you...and let you enter his temple." The clown said, and began to distribute the statues.

Everyone took it one by one.

It didn't take too long, and the people in the bar fell into the same confusion, release, and dream.

"Very good!" The clown snapped his fingers and left the sanctuary.

Wen Rensheng did not leave immediately.

He looked around carefully, frowning.

"What are you doing?" Crow asked curiously.

"Have you not found out yet?"

"Found what?" Crow asked confused.

"That clown appeared in the future time and space, and he appeared again here. Like us, he will only appear one at a time." Wen Rensheng said lightly.

"Isn't this normal? Because only we have souls, which are unreproducible data, so there is only one." The crow took it for granted.

"No, the clown's situation is different from ours. He first has the effect, and then has the cause. This is caused by the interference of some existence in time and space." Wen Rensheng shook his head.

"I don't understand it at all." Although the crow can predict, it is completely driven by instinct, just like people who can drive a car, many do not know what is the principle of an engine and what is a stroke.

"Fool, don't you understand this?" Xiao Huan finally got enough sleep and got up and chatted, "This is very simple, that is to say, when playing the game, first modify the perfect ending, and when replaying, find this perfect ending. The ending affects the original character, and that happens a lot."

"Hey, your metaphor is perfect!" Wen Rensheng praised Xiao Huan in a rare way.

Xiao Huan said triumphantly, "Humph, of course, this is what Wenwen told me."

"I knew it was impossible for you to come up with it." Wen Rensheng retracted his praise.

"Perfect ending, modification, affecting the original character?" Crow pondered.

First there is the effect, then there is the cause.

"I understand, when Cthulhu puts his children in this wasteland, the time and space will be corrected, allowing a person to return to the past and give birth to his children, so as to ensure the integrity of time and space cause and effect, and there will be no logical paradox. Otherwise, there will be a problem of why there are children who have never given birth." The crow suddenly realized.

"Yes, the clown's body contains the secrets of time and space." Wen Rensheng said lightly.

The secret of time and space, it is not a problem to give 100,000 mystery degree?

"But you said before that this world is a simulation. Since it is a simulation, how can there be a real time and space?" The crow was puzzled.

"Of course it's because the simulation is not complete. This is exactly the loophole that existence deliberately left behind. Part of it is real time and space, but if you want to interfere with real time and space, you must be an existence that grasps the truth of the universe." Wen Rensheng finally revealed Open all secrets.

However, although the secret has been revealed, he still does not know the specific details and principles.

Therefore, we must continue to follow the clown and explore the mysteries of the other party.

"So it is." The crow was convinced.

For the first time, it realized that someone's wisdom is completely superior to it, and it is not even a primary school student in front of the other party, at most a baby.

Elementary school students can still question their teachers for a sentence or two.

Wen Rensheng nodded, then walked out.

This time, the Joker comes to an old library.

He flipped through a lot of books, as if looking for something.

At last he found a parchment.

It looks ancient, yet the author's name is strange: "The Nameless".

On the cover of the parchment is a line in Latin.

Wen Rensheng looked over and said, "The Okay, the famous Necronomicon has been born.

This is a cult. In the Cthulhu mythology, it is an important clue to many stories. It is not only the source of disasters, but also a tool for people to reluctantly expel the evil gods.

The Joker can't wait to open the book and look it up.

He was so attentive, every line and every word seemed to be written down, and the crow was ashamed.

Because the crow had never read a book so seriously.

"When the stars are in place, the great Cthulhu will wake up from the deep sea, and when he wakes up, everything will be submerged in the deep sea."

"To summon it, you need the following ritual..."

"On the coast..."


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