Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1679: Replenish

"One, two, three, four, five, go up the mountain to fight tigers..."

Inside a closed building somewhere, a loudspeaker was blaring in a clearing.

In the open space, ten people stood.

One is at the front, and the other nine are in the distance. There are fifteen solid white lines between them.

The front man was holding a pistol with seven bullets in it, and the other nine were holding baseball bats.

Rules: "Tigers" carry guns, others are tiger fighters.

When "One Two Three Four Five" is sung, everyone can move forward in a line, but the tiger cannot move.

When there is a tiger in the lyrics, the tiger can move, but the tiger beater cannot move, and one tiger beater can be killed at will.

When the tiger fighter has walked the last solid white line, it is time to move freely.

so repeatedly.

It is completely an adaptation of the wooden man game, but it leaves room for the wooden man to resist.

If the tiger wants to win, he must kill the seven most powerful people, leaving two weak chickens behind.

If a tiger beater wants to win, he must let the rookie die, leaving the two strongest lions behind.

Two to one, stick to empty hand, win.

Wen Rensheng and the others were all staring, watching how "Tiger" would choose.

In the first round, the tiger took aim for a long time, the tigers were afraid, and the strong began to catch the weak in front of them.

Shot, missed.

This is normal. Although the distance between the two sides is less than 20 meters, it is possible for a novice to fail face-to-face, let alone a target more than ten meters away?

Everyone was surprised when they saw it.

"Haha, don't be afraid, this guy is a novice!"

"Let's stop moving and wait for him to finish shooting!"

However, just after they finished speaking, a countdown sounded again on the tweeter.

"Go up the mountain to fight tigers, and the 30-minute countdown begins. After the countdown is over, there is no winner, and all members will be executed."

Wen Rensheng looked at the person next to him, it was obvious that the addition of this rule was done on an ad hoc basis.

It seemed nothing, but in his eyes, it was imaginative.

When I came to this world, what I encountered must have deep meaning.

Otherwise, that voice wouldn't say that all problems are solved here.

Game simulators also supplement the rules.


The Tiger Fighters had no choice, but they were still reluctant to rush forward.

They made a fuss internally, and based on the previous basis, the winner and loser were completely divided. The five are the strongest, suppressing the four weakest and acting as shields.

Time passed minute by minute.

Tiger did not shoot again.

When the time passed to the 15th minute, some of the tiger fighters finally couldn't bear it any longer.

"Rush up with a shield, he only has a gun, we rush in separately, he can only hit one direction."

"But I don't have a shield!" A strong man said dissatisfied.

"You're behind me." Another person compromised.

The battle begins soon.

In the next round, the tiger beater advances.

Tiger didn't shoot.

He still had six bullets, but fortunately, the other party had abandoned his martial arts, and only five people were threatened.

As long as he bypasses the meat shield and kills the remaining five, he will win!

Then, when there were ten meters away from him, the five people stopped again.

As for the other four, they had already been knocked unconscious or killed, and no one could quietly accept the fate of being a meat shield.

The five tried their best to block themselves with their meat shields.

It is a pity that the real meat shields become meat shields because they are short and thin, which is the complete opposite of the game.

Tiger suddenly woke up, he didn't need to kill the five people, just hit them in the leg and make them crippled.

When you can finally move freely, you can kite to death!

It's just that time is not enough now, he can't waste time.

He saw hope of victory.

In the next round, he aimed carefully and caught the opponent's flaws.

At this time, the distance between the two sides was less than seven meters.

At such a distance, for a pistol, the hit rate is also not high, and veterans may not be able to hit.

Fortunately, the opponent still has a problem, the meat shield is too thin to cover everything.

As for lying on the ground to avoid, it is impossible, because the distance between the two sides is only seven meters, he can look down and shoot.



A strong man was hit in the waist.

In pain, he let go of the meat shield in his hand and struggled on the ground.

In reality, it's not a movie. You get ten shots and eight shots, and you still have mobility. In reality, as long as one shot hits the torso, the severe pain can make people lose their mobility.

"Okay!" shouted the tiger.

The remaining four panicked, not knowing who would be next.

Fortunately, it was their turn to act soon.

But they soon discovered that this was not necessarily a bad thing.

They killed the wounded directly, and then four people had five meat shields.

The strongest one occupied two, one in each hand, barely able to cover the whole body.

But the dead are very heavy, because the human body is irregular, and such things are the most laborious to lift.

The strongest tiger beater obviously lost a lot of strength.

Tiger still has five bullets.

Now there are four threats.

He concentrated and looked for the enemy's flaws again.

This time, however, the four of them lined up.

Tiger continued to work hard to find flaws.

"Listen at number one, I see your feet. If you don't want to be disabled or become a shield, then run to the back!"

He was self-taught without a teacher, and used a strategy of attacking his heart.

The first tiger beater panicked.

He didn't want to get hurt, he didn't want to be the new shield, so he pulled back as hard as he could.

The man behind pushed him forward.

With this uproar, the tiger discovered a new flaw.

He aimed carefully and fired again.

But missed.

At a mere five-meter distance, some people will say that this can't be hit?

The question is, how many 100% did you pass in elementary school? The subject is also very simple.

"Haha, he still has four bullets left!"

"Keep going!"

"There are only six minutes left!"

The crowd started to get nervous.

Don't win the duel in the end, only to be executed overtime.

The next round, Tiger Fighter action.

Again they walked over a white line.

Each step closer, the greater the probability of the opponent's hit.

Human shields are not real shields after all.

And the remaining four people also began to have ghosts.

Victory is at hand, and who wants to be hit by the remaining bullets?

Therefore, they tried their best to hide their heads and feet, trying their best not to reveal any gaps.

It's a pity that they can't stand on the opposite side to check whether their defense is comprehensive.

It's time for the tiger to shoot.

This time, the tiger grabbed the gap.


"Ah!" The second tiger fighter's big legs were too fat, causing a lot of gaps to appear.

The bullet hit his thigh, and he lost his center of gravity and fell directly.

Fortunately, the tiger did not refill the gun.

There are still three bullets to deal with the remaining three.

"The last three steps, everyone hold on!"

The three cheered each other up.

Forward again.

This time, the tiger and the tiger beater were almost face to face!

The black was almost shot with its head on.

The three didn't want to move forward, but each round would consume time. If they didn't move forward, they would end up dying with the tiger.


This time a tiger beater was hit in the neck, and he seemed to be well hidden, but there was actually a gap.

immediate death.

"it is good!"

Someone clapped and shouted on the stage.

"It's really intense, such an activity must be standard enough!"

"It's just that I still can't understand. Can this kind of event be held to stop the end?"

Wen Rensheng did not speak.

He doesn't have to be responsible for the world.

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