Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 187: destiny

After everyone took their seats, someone replaced Wen Rensheng and took the lead in complaining.

A mysterious expert in his 40s said indignantly: "You really can save costs, can't you make more decorations, add some screens, rockeries? And this pit, the whole thing is like a kennel... It doesn't matter what our elders are, we have to leave some respect for the ladies, right?"

As soon as he finished speaking, some beauty experts in their thirties turned their heads away and spit at him, "Fuck you, it's true that a dog can't spit out ivory."

The crowd burst into laughter.

The inspector followed with a smile: "Sorry, what you said will be realized in the second and third phases of the project. This is the first phase of the project, and it is temporarily opened. It is a bit crude, and some decorations are too late to be added. If you add it, it may have a negative impact.”

A companion next to this man immediately stopped him and said: "Okay, Lao Tu, Shao Haw is crooked, not like a man. You can be content without letting you soak in the quagmire, and it would be nice to have a pit to sit on. Back then, we went to the battlefield with our master to hone our skills and endured mosquitoes, scorpions, and long bugs crawling by..."

"In order to avoid evil spirits, I often have to go through the quagmire. One soak is three days. At that time, I didn't see you complaining, and I made a resolution to the master every day. How many years have you become?"

Hearing the words of his companion, the slaughter expert smiled shyly and stopped acting strange.

Everyone nodded equally, yes, now is the battlefield, with such conditions, compared with the past, it is time to be content.

They can be promoted to mystery experts, and they all have this awareness.

After waiting for everyone to quiet down, the inspector took out a black remote control and pressed it against the ceiling.

It didn't take long for the six display screens to slowly drop from the top of each ring where everyone was standing, forming a straight hexagon, allowing everyone to face one piece without having to look sideways.

"The next operation process will be displayed on these monitors. In fact, what everyone is asked to do is very simple, and it is a fool's step. Simply put, it is to inject a little alien power first and establish a connection with the ritual under the body. Then the whole ceremony starts, and then the factory draws a steady stream of power from the mysterious world,"

The inspector explained,

"These powers will flow through your alien species, and then return to the ceremony. You have all studied modern science and know the concept of electronic circuits, right? You are like a filter, responsible for extracting the mysterious power to ordinary people. Harmful parts, noise, resentment... these impurities are resolved through their own alien species, and finally obtain pure mysterious power, which is provided for the battle."

Hearing this, everyone looked at each other, all of them suddenly.

"So it is. But listen to what you mean, it seems that this kind of filtering work can only be done by alien species?" Someone suddenly asked.

"Yes, this expert is very keen. To be precise, only the alien species possessed by the expert can complete this work. The mysterious power is unpredictable, regardless of good and evil... To ensure that it is harmless to ordinary people, only let It has been filtered by the alien species itself. Only the alien species that have been activated by humans and have been tempered for a long time have the ability to 'harmless',"

The inspector smiled and explained patiently,

"And this ability to make the mysterious power harmless is irreplaceable by any tool and ritual at present. Everyone says that the alien species is the gift of the mysterious world to human beings, and this should be one of the best manifestations. And now , it is time for our experts in China to use this god-given power to fulfill their destiny and protect the entire human world."

When the experts heard this, they nodded, looked at each other and smiled, a sense of accomplishment, satisfaction, and superiority came spontaneously...

Even with the somewhat indecent squatting behavior at the moment, everyone felt that it was much more sacred, and each one looked at the nose and the heart, and became serious.

At this moment, no one wants to care about anything.

They have to try their best to show their excellence to prove that they activate xenomorphs and become experts...

It's not because of luck, but because he has been arranged by the mysterious world for a long time. This is the destiny that no one can take away.

Wen Rensheng laughed secretly in his heart upon seeing this.

Sure enough, even if they become mysterious experts with two or three hundred years of lifespan and mysterious power, most people still cannot escape the shackles of human nature.

Whether it's worrying about the next generation or thinking about yourself, that's all there is to it.

At present, everyone is just said a few good words by the inspector, it seems that the squatting pit is no longer a squatting pit, but is carrying out some kind of sacred ceremony...

Of course, out of ten of these good words, nine of them are true, otherwise, so many people can't be fooled.

The only lies are the words of destiny.

How can these guys have any destiny? It's all about blood, sweat and hard work.

There may be some luck, but that's survivor bias, not them, someone else will take their place.

But he himself is completely different, he is the only one who has the real destiny.

The only alien that spans two worlds and activates impossible to activate, destined to become the most perfect man, destined to stand on the highest peak.

This is the real destiny, the destiny that no one can replace.

Thinking of this, he straightened his back and raised the corners of his mouth slightly, revealing that perfect demeanor, perfectly reflecting the brilliance of the protagonist of the movie.

After a few people on the opposite side looked at them, all of them were ashamed and had to bow their heads slightly, as if they couldn't bear his radiance.

At this time, the inspector looked at everyone one by one, and his eyes fell on Wen Rensheng.

He smiled lightly and nodded secretly. In the end, he was the rising star who was focused on above. At any time, the attitude can be superhuman and correct, and this real awareness is the most irreplaceable.

After finishing the scan, he started to operate the remote control again, and the hanging screen finally began to play images and sounds synchronously.

"After 5 minutes, start to infuse the power of alien species, absorb the ritual, and enter the trial operation state."

"After the infusion, ask participants to remain relaxed and maintain their connection to the ritual."


Five minutes passed quickly.

"Running countdown begins, 10, 9, 8..."

When the countdown reaches 0, everyone collectively pours the power of alien species.

For a time, a hundred flowers bloomed in the big factory, and colorful mist poured out of everyone and poured into the ceremony below them.

After the infusion, the rings began to shine, and the patterns in the rings seemed to come alive, shining and radiant.

Wen Rensheng followed Shi Wei.

Sure enough, it is a fool-like operation. This is the characteristic of modern industrial products. Try to treat users as the stupidest guy.

Never leave them any room for error in the operational process, or someone will make a mistake and perfectly avoid all insurance.

When he finished the operation, he used his mind to contact the alien species, ready to peep the changes in the mysterious world.

Soon, in his mind, the mysterious world composed of a large number of fog masses appeared again.

At this moment, two faint lines appeared on many fog masses, forming a semi-closed ring, and the gap in the ring penetrated into the nothingness in the distance.

Obviously, these mists with lines are the alien species possessed by the mysterious experts around.

And that gap ring is the connection between the alien species and the ritual under them.

At this moment, various colors of light flashed on the gap ring, and those lights were flowing rapidly in a clockwise direction.

After seeing this, Wen Rensheng disconnected from his mind.

That's right, the ceremony is indeed using their alien species to filter the mysterious power.

The inspector didn't lie about this, and he couldn't hide it if he wanted to.

At this time, watching everyone enter a stable state the inspector said again:

"Well, the operation is actually very simple. I know that everyone will get bored soon, so I will broadcast the current situation of the battlefield to everyone. In fact, the battle has already started."

When everyone heard the words, they immediately looked up at the display screen in front of them.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the image on the big screen to change again.

A huge harbour appeared.

Hundreds of thousands of ships, lined up in a row, are slowly starting up, pulling out a long waterline behind them, heading towards the ocean in the southeast.

On the top of the ship, a dark cloud-like plane is circling and escorting.

Wang Binyuan was right, this time the battle was really big.

This is just a harbour, and I believe there will be other places to attack.

The ships, the planes, the people and things behind them are the destiny of this world.

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