Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 192: Vortex and Transfer

In the vast ocean, thousands of ships dragging giant nets are heading east.

The camera turns to the Southern Fleet. They have two groups of ships of the same number. One group is dragging the giant net to the north, and the other group is first heading east and then turning west.

Looking at the Northern Fleet, they also began to cast their nets and slowly moved towards the south.


In four directions, there are giant nets dragging and launching a centripetal attack. This is a veritable iron wall.

It's just that the giant net seems to be a little early. It is still hundreds of kilometers away from the sea eye. Will the enemy sit still?

Could it be that you want to force the opponent to play their hole cards as much as possible? In this way, you can test your own strength to a greater extent, while reducing the risk of final repression.

Wen Rensheng pondered this issue seriously, and calculated how the senior officials of the Inspection Department made decisions.

In the past, he has encountered many withdrawals from disaster eyes. Compared with the current situation, the scene is indeed much smaller, but at those times, he was able to participate in person, and he had considerable control over the situation.

But now he can only watch from the side, although the scene is shocking enough, but there is no sense of participation and control, it is really unpleasant...

A handsome talent like him should stand at the bow of the boat and point out the ocean. There should be a row of photographers and reporters at the back, and there must be helicopter photography in the sky, so that he can broadcast to the country and even the world from all angles.

Still have to endure.

Time continued to pass indifferently, not understanding Wen Rensheng's desire to be in the limelight at all.

Another two days passed, and the situation finally changed, and Haiyan's other hole card was forced out.

Dozens of kilometers in front of the Eastern Fleet, huge vortexes suddenly appeared, blocking the fleet's path abruptly.

In front of the other three fleets, these vortexes appeared at the same time.

They were hooked up to each other, and they were only a hundred meters apart, making it impossible for any ship to pass through.

It is conceivable that if it appears directly in the fleet, it can cause a huge subversive disaster in an instant.

The ocean is still too big for the fleet. Even a 100,000-ton aircraft carrier is still a toy in front of it, and can be thrown up and down.

"How can this be good? The maelstrom is a natural disaster. No matter how violent the missile torpedo is, it can't help it." Someone shook his head suddenly.

"This is the meaning of our existence," someone said with an irrepressible sense of superiority, "Modern weapons can't fight the maelstrom, but with the mysterious power we provide, we can break the key node and make it back again. Calm down, this maelstrom is not naturally generated after all, as long as there is no support from the mysterious power, it will naturally disappear."

"Speaking of which, I remember that there is a mysterious skill that should be able to quell astronomical disasters, but it is difficult to learn."

"It's a mysterious weather technique, but it can't deal with the vortex in front of you. It's used to deal with typhoons and torrential rains. If you want to deal with this kind of vortex, you should use water control."

"Water control?" Someone frowned, "It sounds like a lot of money, but it seems like I've never seen it before."

"Of course, the name is cheesy, but it has a high reputation. To learn it, you must first learn the relationship between essence and mystery, you must have at least a doctorate degree in more than a dozen disciplines, and then the alien species must reach the evaluation of master level or above. After learning it, the mysterious power can interfere with the operation of the water flow. If you really practice it to the master level or above, the power is infinite, not necessarily worse than the mushroom weapon, and there is no radiation pollution... Both of these skills can only be learned by joining the inspection department. When you arrive, outflow is strictly prohibited, and of course you can’t see it in normal times.”

"Yeah, water and fire are ruthless. There are so many typhoons and tsunamis every year. If they fall into the hands of evil people and manipulate them a little bit, it will be a catastrophe."

While everyone was talking, they saw dozens of fighter planes flying over the whirlpool again, and in the dozens of the largest whirlpools, dozens of stone pillars were dropped one after another.

The last time the stone pillar was cast, it was to activate the master-level prediction technique to deal with the black hands underwater. It seems that the mysterious skill level activated this time is also not small.

Sure enough, everyone saw the next moment, there was no wind and high waves on the sea, and a huge wave like a wall suddenly set off, hitting the vortex group fiercely.

Wen Rensheng knew that in order to form a large vortex, in the final analysis, it must comply with the laws of fluid mechanics - unique water channels and boundary conditions, the high-speed flow of fluids and tides, and the viscosity of fluids must be greater than a certain specific value. The critical value, when all three are in place, can create a maelstrom of terrifying power.

To destroy it, you must destroy one of these three conditions, and by applying a strong external force, you can do it.

In a sense, the knowledge reserve of some mysterious experts just now is not enough. If the missile is powerful enough, it can also destroy the maelstrom.

As long as the geological conditions on which the vortex is formed are destroyed, it will naturally disappear.

However, the current whirlpool is obviously maintained by the power of mystery, instead of the harsh geological conditions.

So of course ordinary missiles will not work, but the weapons used by this fleet are of course not ordinary missiles.

It is only because of insurance that the master-level water control technique will be used directly, setting off a big wave, attacking poison with poison, and destroying the conditions that the opponent relies on to exist.

Just as Wen Rensheng thought, the huge wave came, and the vortex was submerged from above, and then was violently impacted by the sea.

On the surface of the sea, it was like being boiled, and huge white foam burst out.

I don't know how long ago, when the foam disappeared, a lot of green and red scum appeared on the sea surface, and finally the sea calmed down and the whirlpool disappeared.

"Sure enough!"

"Yeah, that kind of big wave, I'm afraid the aircraft carrier can't resist it."

These new generation of experts, once again intuitively see how much heritage the Inspection Division has.

Although the birth of this institution is not long, only a few hundred years, its predecessor has many names.

The "Patrol Division" was created in order to adapt to modernization, in order to cope with the more complex modern social environment. Both efficiency and organization are far superior to those of the feudal government in the Middle Ages.

The accumulation and inheritance have never been cut off.


At the same time, three deep-sea submersibles are lurking in a deep trench not far away.

They are completely dark, hidden in the deep sea where there is no light, and it is difficult to find them.

All submersibles are on radio silence.

In one of the largest and best equipped submersibles, several white people and two black people were watching what was happening on the sea through mysterious illusions. .

"Shenzhou people's heritage is still strong, and even such killers as Maelstrom can't help them. It seems that Haiyan, who has been cultivated for decades, has to give up." He shook his head, his tone full of disappointment and regret.

A black man wearing a lieutenant's epaulette pleaded: "Lieutenant Colonel Steve, can we move it away? Humanize that sea eye, costing thousands of lives before and after, he is the most determined America. Patriots. With so much soul and flesh filled in, it can only be at our mercy. Wouldn't it be a pity to give up like this?"

Lieutenant Colonel Steve frowned when he heard the words, and then thought about it: "Transferring the disaster eye is a frontier topic. This is a key project of SEP. I heard that they are lacking experimental subjects. We are now submitting the field observation report, and they may feel that Interest, but time may not allow it, looking at this situation, Shenzhou people have another week to completely surround the sea eyes."

"Then we will find a way to delay it for a To remove the vortex and macroalgae, we can also stimulate other methods, such as super storms." The lieutenant black suggested.

"The meaning of the storm is not great. If you really want to drag them down, unless the two ocean fleets are dispatched at the same time. But that is absolutely impossible. No one will support us, whether it is outside or at home. On the contrary, once we control the sea eye We will only be pushed by those big men to sit in the electric chair to appease the anger of the Shenzhou people, or we should think of other ways." Lieutenant Colonel Steve shook his head.

The black lieutenant gritted his teeth and said: "Those idiots who only know profit and enjoyment, and even secretly transfer a large amount of assets to big cities in China, are a group of idiots who should reclaim the sea. Don't they understand that if they can't contain Shenzhou people continue to be strong, sooner or later we will become the fate of Nanzhu? If there is another cataclysm in the future, they will still transfer the disaster to us."

Another white man nodded and said: "Yes, there have been two cataclysms that swept the world in history, and 80 million people died one after another. Most of these 80 million people are located in the poorest and weakest places. Originally, we thought it was only because of their poor resistance. In recent years, we began to study the topic of shifting the eye of the disaster. Only then did we realize that the original cataclysm can actually be shifted and weakened. Those high-level alien masters are really heartfelt It's utterly dark."

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