Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 2218: meddled physics

Mr. Ruhr said: "It's just that Poisson mathematics is very good. One day someone gave him a paper, saying that light is fluctuating."

"After careful analysis, he deduced according to the other party's theory and formula. If the light wave theory is correct, then the light hits a circular board, and as a result, there will be bright spots in the center of the shadow."

"This is completely contrary to the common sense concept. After all, we all know that there is no light in the center of the shadow. The light also moves in a straight line. It should be just a circular shadow."

"As a result, after doing the experiment, that guy Poisson was slapped in the face, and there really was a bright spot."

"His doubts became the most powerful proof of the other party's theory."

"But the good thing is that his name is much more famous than the person who came up with that theory."

"You see, everyone mentions Poisson's bright spots, but they forget who that person is."

"He's Fresnel," the student added.

Teacher Ruhr went on to say: "Now this discovery, I think it is similar to that."

"Although it goes against our common sense and intuition."

"However, there are too many things that go against our common sense and intuition in the microcosm."

"For example, space is discontinuous."

"Microscopic particles can be teleported."

"You can't measure its speed and position at the same time."

Listening to Teacher Ruhr's explanation, the rich student couldn't help but admire him.

"Teacher, you are really strong."

"Hahaha, average, third in the world." Teacher Ruhr said triumphantly.

"No, I mean your eloquence is too good. I was desperate, but you can still bring me back." The wealthy student said angrily.

He actually knew that the teacher was talking nonsense.

But after listening to the teacher's nonsense, he felt relaxed instead.

Yes, there are people like Mr. Ruhr who don't care about the destruction of physics. They can accept new physics and rebuild it.

Mr. Ruhr is operating the X-ray machine.

He knew that according to the normal operation method, only clear bones could be photographed.

When taking pictures of soft tissues, they are clearly distinguished.

When the liver and intestines are taken by x-ray, it can hardly tell the difference between the two.

But your bones are very distinct from your flesh.

He naturally knew that this was because when X-rays passed through calcium, they couldn't pass through.

absorbed, or reflected.

Like light passing through an opaque object.

Either absorbed or reflected.

When passing through soft tissue, the penetrating power is relatively strong, and it is directly regarded as transparent.

However, although he didn't care on the surface, he was actually surprised to find that:

Now, through this special method, he discovered that the penetration rate of x-rays has undergone a strange change.

The same X-ray machine did not make any equipment changes, and did not add any contrast agent.

However, under the new method of operation, the soft tissues inside the human body can be clearly illuminated.

For example, if you want to see the liver, the outline of the liver will be displayed.

If you want to observe the intestines, the outline of the intestines will be displayed...

Exactly what the students said.

This is really a magic method!

"This, this is the observer effect, no, this is telepathy!"

"It knows what I want to see!"

"This is impossible!"

"This is a medical miracle, no, no, this is a miracle!" Teacher Ruhr went crazy first...

He ran around the hospital with his head in his arms.

Show the photos to one person after another.

The wealthy student helplessly dragged the crazy teacher Ruhr to the doctor to give him a sedative, and the other party calmed down.

Doctors came one after another to watch the famous physicist nearby.

Physicists are rare.

The crazy ones have never seen it.

Many people even took shameless group photos...

I only heard Teacher Ruhr shouting: "This is incredible!"

"Really, it's a miracle, a miracle!

"This is not a major discovery in physics, this is the end of mankind!"

"Physics is gone, and humans will be gone too!"

"I must know immediately who was the first to find out!"

The wealthy student thought for a while and said, "It seems to be from a hospital in the Eastern Daxia."

"It says a district hospital issues an operating manual."

"They stumbled upon this phenomenon by accident, after assiduous research."

"Damn it, they shouldn't have discovered this phenomenon. Wouldn't it be good to find out after I die?" Teacher Ruhr said angrily.

"Then you can only blame yourself for dying too late." The wealthy student said mercilessly.

How much the other party taunted him just now, and how much he slapped him now.

"I don't know, damned Orientals, why did they find this? Do Orientals really have mysterious spells?" Teacher Ruhr said fiercely.

After this toss.

He also calmed down.

After all, the effect of drugs still overcomes the spirit.

"This thing is very, very big."

"You must know that this discovery is definitely more than the invention of x-ray itself."

"Because he proved that through different operating methods and different observation targets of the observer, the x-rays with stable physical properties can undergo strange changes..."

Teacher Ruhr continued.

"It's a complete subversion of the underlying physics."

The wealthy student stared blankly, isn't that what I said before?

"No, it's not subversion, because it involves microscopic particles, and microscopic particles have too many characteristics."

"Not to mention now, even in another 50 years, no one can guarantee that they are fully proficient in quantum mechanics."

Teacher Ruhr said seriously: "It's completely explained. If anyone dares to say that, then he must be a hypocritical scholar."

all in all.

There are many, many cases like Mr. Ruhr.

And there are really crazy physicists.

But that's not the reason.

The reason is that the other party took his wife to take a film, and it turned out that the other party had already had a fetus.

The problem is that he just came back from a business trip for a year...

In short, with the efforts of Zhao Han, a new law of physics was discovered.

It's just that physicists have a headache and don't know how to describe it.

I had to write it as it was originally:

"According to a certain method of operation, when you want to see a certain organization, you can point to it and it will be displayed."

"The most incomprehensible thing is that if you want to see the tissue under the liver, the liver becomes transparent again in an instant..."

"It reminds us of the fluctuations and particles of light. If you want to see the particle nature of light, it will show the properties of particles, such as walking in a straight line, reflection, refraction..."

"If you want to see volatility, it will show volatility, such as diffraction, such as interference fringes..."

"In short, the X-ray at this time is also a kind of electromagnetic wave, which is actually the same as visible light."

"And it has a more special nature. Under this special method of operation, it seems to be able to sense the psychological state of the operator..."

Anyway, physicists even find scholars in other fields to ask whether the human brain really has spiritual power, qigong and other things.

They said: "It was easy to say in the past, but definitely not, and it will be difficult to say in the future."

But it's a pity that Zhao Han didn't have the ability to leave his name on this important discovery.

It was written above that through the collective efforts of a certain hospital, this discovery was made.

This is also the consensus view of the Dean and others.

Zhao Han did not pursue this so-called fame.

After Wang Weiguo heard about it.

The whole person froze for an entire hour.

Finally he said: "Oh, it's a pity, this discovery is enough for you to win a hundred Nobel Prizes."

"You became a millionaire in an instant."

"Really?" Zhao Han was a little excited.

Can you become a great scientist yourself?

To know the standard answer to the dreams of primary school students when they were young, they were scientists and astronauts...

"I am very sure of that."

"If they don't give it to you, they're blind."

Wang Weiguo knew the importance of this.

"It's a pity that the Nobel Prize is awarded to individuals."

"At most three."

"Since it was jointly researched by one of your hospitals... it is impossible to award it. I can only give you some other honors."

"But it's okay, at least we Daxia people have researched it."

Wang Weiguo sighed: "Then I want to say that you are really good."

"You have the **** spirit so quickly."

He thought to himself, isn't this guy's hook too big?

His broken system is indeed a broken system.

It's just a reward for not dying of hunger.

Compared to this guy's hanging, it's not worth mentioning.

The opponent is a hook that changes the laws of the world.

Can this compare?

Can my own kind of summoning thunder crackling from the sky be compared with others?

No, it seems that my own is also magic?

Zhao Han thought comfortingly, I'm here for vacation, so it doesn't matter if the reward is given or not.

Now Zhao Han is enjoying his life here.

She didn't want to go so fast, so she left.

Because she wants to get more recognition here.

Of course recognition came quickly.

a week later.

When Zhao Han came to the hospital on a newly issued bicycle.

The dean said: "Just now we collectively made a major decision."

"We will promote Zhao Santongzhi to be the director of the Department of Radiology."

Everyone was not surprised.

Although Zhao San is only twenty-one years old now.

Twenty-one-year-old department director, let alone now.

Even in future generations, only private hospitals or small hospitals can do it.

Public hospitals are basically impossible.

You have to be at least 30 years old to be qualified as a department director.

Most of them became department directors in their 40s.

But compared to Zhao Han's discovery, it is pitifully small.

Changing to another place, Laozhou and Maiguo, she has already become a star of public opinion, a hot spot in the news, a frequent visitor of the rich and high society...

All the honors rushed over in an instant.

"Congratulations Xiao Zhao, this is how much the dean and the group value you."

"Yes, we must work hard in the future and make more contributions to **."

Then bursts of congratulations came,

Zhao Han started to work and work hard again.

Alas, still no vacation.

But the changes are still big.

From today.

Many people came to her radiology department.

As said, someone wants to steal this discovery.

That doesn't exist.

First, it was announced at an international exchange meeting.

Many people have seen it.

Second, this discovery is too big.

Those who want to steal and have the ability to steal understand the important position of this thing in human history.

I will definitely dig in every possible way and make repeated inquiries.

No one can hide it all.

People who don't know the importance of it have no ability to steal it.

Even if they claim to have discovered it by themselves, it will be quickly debunked.

After all, many films and cases in the district hospital have already proved which unit was the first to discover it.

So many cases, and so many people.

In short, if it is stolen, the risk is too great.

It's easy to be nailed to the pillar of shame.

Most importantly, many people have not figured out what laws are contained in it.

There is a sense of fear of science and mystery that stops their greedy hearts.

After all, no one would have thought that such an almost idealistic discovery would still exist in this age of scientific prosperity.

And with this discovery.

Numerous experts and scholars hope to conduct research visits at the first discovery site.

For a time, the entire department was overcrowded.

There are even more people who come to visit than patients.

Some people are indeed supernatural.

They actually pinpointed the radiation room where Zhao Han was.

They started archiving and taking pictures of this piece of equipment.

Everyone said:

"This is the first device to discover variable transmission of x-rays."

"The X-ray absorption rate can be changed through some special technique."

"It changes the absorption rate depending on what the observer is looking at."

"This is already a super blockbuster dropped on modern physics."

"No, it should be Mushroom."

"However, it's the physicists' turn to have a headache."

"How on earth do they explain this phenomenon?"

"Through a certain method, as well as the change of the observation object, the absorption rate can be changed."

"This is a major subversion of the theory that physicists have created."


as they say.

Now physicists are at a loss.

One international conference after another is held frequently.

Airplanes fly between the cities where famous universities and laboratories are located.

"Damn me, I don't want to look at physics theories again!" A famous physicist, holding his head.

"I don't want to read it for a day. It's good that I finally solved the problems encountered by quantum mechanics."

"Now there is another magic mechanics..."

"Yeah, it's just magic."

"Yeah, one student suggested it was magic, and we're all a bunch of Muggles."

A group of physicists sat there worrying about each other.

The meeting room was so smoky that fire trucks came by several times.

Burning this group of physicists is a big deal.

"Damn it, it's magic!" someone repeated.

No one expected that a Ph.D. in physics would make complaints casually, but hit the truth instead.

Isn't this magic?

Through fixed gestures, coupled with thoughts in mind, special powers can be mobilized.

This is the characteristic of typical magic.

"If your method is wrong what you want to observe is wrong, you will not be able to mobilize this power."

"Now it's that unknown force that changes the nature of the x-rays."

However, at this time, a physicist who was also writing popular science articles in his spare time suddenly said:

"Actually, there is still a scientific explanation."

"What's the explanation?" Everyone asked.

"That's a higher force interfering with our physics."

"Although I don't want to easily attribute unknowable phenomena to some aliens, that's boring."

"But now it seems that there are indeed hidden variables, that is to say, the quantum mechanics of hidden variables may be complete." The popular science physicist said firmly.

When there is no way to explain everything, there is only one last possibility left, which is the truth.

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