Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 260: intuition


Wen Ren went home.

Wen Rende is exercising at the training ground, making final preparations for the xenotransplantation.

The approval process for transplant procedures is very cumbersome. After all, there are too many things involved, and various accidents must be prevented.

Moreover, after transplantation, the original xenogeneic will quickly age and die, no matter how cautious it is.

I just took advantage of this time to exercise. Although Xenomorphs don't care about the physical fitness of individuals as long as the conditions are suitable, a good body can always make the transplant process go more smoothly.

Wen Rensheng was supervising his father's training and corrected Wen Rende from time to time.

All kinds of "clack" sounds, one after another, he strikes very decisively, without being soft-hearted, in order to achieve the greatest training effect.

"Children, can't you be more forgiving? Be kind." Wen Rende grimaced in pain and couldn't help begging.

Wen Rensheng didn't change his face: "Keep it up, I'm doing it all for your own good. My ancestors said it long ago that teachers are lazy if they are not strict. Of course I can't be as lazy as you."

As he spoke, he adjusted Wen Rende's posture, placing his arms in place, not stumbling and spinning around.

Of these people in the family, only he has the ability to supervise his father's exercise. Mother has to go to work during the day, Lao Wu is busy with company chores, and the others are juniors.

If you ask others, the training effect will be greatly reduced. After all, this guy's situation at this time is like the burnout period after the college entrance examination. Only after there are aliens can he get fundamental changes.

Wait, thinking of this, Wen Ren raised his eyes out of the corner of his eye and caught a glimpse of a bird swaggering past the training ground.

Yes, there is another guy who is very suitable for supervision, and he can definitely be selfless, impartial, and unsympathetic.

Thinking of this, he secretly praised himself, and only a genius mind like himself can think of turning waste into treasure.

Then Wen Rensheng stretched out his hand, and the black phoenix fluttered his wings and ran over, looking up at the feeding officer with his head up, as if waiting for food.

"Come on, supervise this person's exercise. If he is lazy, don't be polite to me. As long as he does it well, there will be plenty of food." Wen Rensheng said ruthlessly.

As he spoke, he threw out a dragon and devoured it for the Dark Phoenix.

The black phoenix stared at Wen Rende, swallowed the dragon-shaped mist in three mouthfuls, and nodded fiercely.

"If you don't bring this, are you still my own son?" Wen Rende felt a somewhat familiar aura of deterrence from the dark phoenix, and shivered a little.

If Wen Wen and Zhao Han were supervising him, they would definitely be embarrassed to be so ruthless. His wife was busy with work and couldn't keep watching.

Lao Wu supervises him, and the two can also drink together.

But how to make him communicate with a divine beast?

He has nothing that the other party is interested in...

When Wen Rensheng heard his father's accusation, he immediately persevered: "You are wrong about this, classmate Wen, relatives will do this. Only those who don't care about you will let you fall, and they will be happier."

Wen Rende has nothing to say, this is the truth, a cold heart, a realistic society.

Although Shenzhou is good, it is not a paradise. It is still a comparison, showing off, and even more serious. After all, everyone has long since separated from the basic needs of life and is in the stage of seeking spiritual superiority.

After Wen Rensheng handed over the supervision task to Black Phoenix, he felt relaxed, and just as he was about to go back to read a book, he received a call from Ouyang Tian.

"Cousin, come and save me. This involves my lower body. No, the happiness of the second half of my life, you can't die without saving me."

The situation seems to be tense...

He was waiting to be rejected, Ouyang Tian's pain was his happiness, he was wrong... It should be that he couldn't help the emperor.

After all, as soon as he heard this guy's words, he knew that the other party had caused an affair again.

"What happened? If there is any physical danger, please call the Inspectorate." He said indifferently.

"My mother asked me to go on a blind date. Originally, I just wanted to deal with it and then pulled it out, but it's so fragrant... But you know, I usually have more friends. Now the girls want to go to a place to play, but there is a chance that they will meet me before. My friend. My cousin please look at our friendship and give my brother a hand."

"Cousin, you're wrong," Wen Rensheng understood immediately, and he said earnestly, "Dating a blind date is to show a true self. Feelings gained by deception are unreliable and will cause disasters. We can't pretend to be poor and rich, but we can't pretend to be pure. It's what it should be."

"You don't give me righteousness, I'm better at playing this set of words than you. I will make a good change in the future, but I can't even be turned off at the first level, right? I have to make other girls feel good enough for me, Show the real past a little bit more." Ouyang said in a panic.

Wen Rensheng was slightly surprised, could it be true that love can turn a person into a madman?

Otherwise, where did this guy have the guts to yell at himself?

So he said lightly: "Okay, cousin, I'll give you another chance to organize your language."

"Uh, I was so excited just now. Cousin, seeing as I have worked hard for you all these years, I have no credit or hard work to help my brother once." Ouyang Tian had no choice but to seek justice.

Wen Rensheng nodded and said, "It's almost the same. Who made me a person who values ​​friendship. Tell me, how do you want me to help you?"

"This is very simple. I will tell the girl after a while that I know a mystery expert and can talk about her research project. In this case, she will definitely not have the heart to go to the original place to play." Ouyang Tian calculated it very delicately.

Hearing this, Wen Rensheng immediately wondered, "You have a big problem with doing this."

"What's the problem with this? I know you are busy with other people, but this matter is also very beneficial to you. If a new drug is developed, it will be a lot of money." Ouyang Tian urged.

"I'm not worried about money, I'm worried that other girls will look at me. Isn't it all written like this? Brothers against fire, theft, and prevention." Wen Rensheng said seriously.

"Cousin, you are really a real person," Ouyang Tian had nothing to say, so he could only thank you, "Thank you for thinking so well for me, but the girl is 28 years old, you are a younger brother in front of others, the age gap is too big ,I'm not worried."

"Sister and brother love is popular now..." Wen Rensheng would never do that kind of lousy thing that affects brotherhood.

That is too destructive to the image, he is a pure and flawless person.

"Uh, don't worry, your charm is not as big as you think." Ouyang Tian had to promise.

So half an hour later, Wen Rensheng took a car to the cafe where Ouyang Tian was.

Inside a box.

"You, you are Mr. Wenren, right? It's my honor to meet you." Xu Rong stretched out his calloused hand, with some surprise in his eyes, and took the initiative to shake hands.

Wen Rensheng touched it lightly, then let go.

"Well, Dr. Xu, right? Since I was introduced by my cousin, of course I have to come and see. However, I have a lot of things to do, and I can't spare much time to chat with you. Please get to the point quickly." Wen Ren Li rudely.

Since he is often slandered as "central air conditioner" by some guys in the company, he has to blow the cold wind occasionally to prove himself.

"That's natural." Xu Rong didn't take it seriously, reached out and asked Wen Rensheng to sit down, then quietly glanced at Ouyang Tian next to him.

She looked at each other with a sense of admiration.

Previously, Ouyang Tian said that he was very familiar with xenogeneic experts and could be invited to discuss the project with just one phone call.

She only regarded it as a young man's self-show, and did not feel much disgusted.

After all, from a certain point of view, the other party cares about himself, so he will do this. Otherwise why bother?

Peacock opening screen is also divided into objects.

Unexpectedly, the other party is still a phone call, just a person.

She had just checked the information through her classmates' channel using her mobile phone, and knew that the handsome young man in front of her was a real mystery expert.

Wen Rensheng, 21 years old.

There are well-known xenogeneic experts in China and even in the world, and the youngest xenogeneic experts that can be known through public channels. Distinguished Consultant of Dongshui District Inspection Division, Manager of Tianxing Club...

Just last year, I was a judge for the progress assessment of newcomers and aliens, and I have a bright resume and a promising future.

Ouyang Tian, ​​his blind date, would definitely not be too bad if he could be with such a person.

This kind of person is beyond the reach of ordinary people. When she saw the other person at first glance, she understood that they were destined to stand at the top.

This is elite intuition.

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