Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 269: Dragon Eagle Fight

Wang Wenwen said in his mouth, stretched out his hand and threw out a long line.

Zhao Han couldn't, so he could only turn on his mobile phone and review his homework on the deck.

After a while, Wang Wenwen suddenly shouted: "Hey, how did you catch someone this time?"

Zhao Han looked around and saw a short man bound on the long fishing line, which looked like a local aboriginal.

At this time, there were already sailors looking at it, and then someone put down the lifeboat and went down to save people.

Not long after, Wen Rensheng and Teacher Qin were in a cabin, and after some rescue, they talked to this indigenous man who claimed to be "Deli".

"Many thanks to the two adults for saving their lives, the villain has something urgent to tell you." Deli stood up and bowed his hands.

"Okay, you don't need to be polite. You are weak, so just sit and talk." Teacher Qin waved his hand.

"Thank you for your understanding," Deli said after being polite, sitting on the chair and saying seriously, "I want to sue our patriarch, Mr. Kan Dang, and the fortunate villain Dewei. They are all in one accord, provoking the heaven and conspiracy. "

When Teacher Qin heard the words, he was not surprised. Instead, he glanced at Wen Rensheng and said, "Tell me in detail."

"Well, it's like this. Dewei has colluded with Daluo Kingdom, and Nikan... No, that is, America, to be the patriarch of Kande, to seek our Kande people to stand on their own, and to try to break the earth. They are really daring. , sins deceive the sky, the villain is unwilling to join forces, and he can't bear the clan to be used as cannon fodder, so he risked his death to come and sue him first."

Although Deli is weak, he speaks in an orderly manner, which shows that he understands in his heart and is not confused.

"Okay, it seems that I have been supported by Shenzhou for three hundred years, and there are still loyal people who repay the kindness. It's not a waste of our years of education," Teacher Qin said with relief, "You have done a good job, continue talking. ."

Deli then continued to say that it turned out that some people from the Daluo Kingdom found Dewei first and told him that there would be a different species born here.

Then Dewei brought Candang Patriarch and his party to search for the alien species, and found that the adults of Shenzhou had already taken the lead, and they did not give up, and pushed Kandang and the adults of Shenzhou to **** the alien species.

When things went wrong, the Amerikas had to come and fetch chestnuts from the fire.

It is said that the oceanic fleet of the American people has set off and is rushing here.

After Wen Rensheng heard it, he immediately understood the whole story and looked at Deli, and his eyes softened a lot.

Sure enough, everything has to be viewed from two sides, even if it is aboriginal people, there are people who are sincere and friendly to China.

For example, in those frontier places in the previous life, even if the Divine State was extremely weak, there were still many people who had their hearts on the center, but they couldn't survive the general trend.

But in this life, he will not allow the bad things of the previous life to happen again.

It’s just that I don’t have to wait, I’m making progress myself, and others are stepping up their arrangements, so I need to speed up the pace. After all, this is not a stand-alone game.

When Teacher Qin heard this, he immediately became cautious and walked out of the cabin immediately.

Wen Rensheng told Deli to take a good rest and then left.

Following Mr. Qin to the captain's room, on the opposite side of the fleet commander, a colonel instructed:

"Captain He, hurry up to investigate, first of all to determine whether the American fleet is coming here."

"Okay, I'll do it right away." After the colonel saluted, he left.

Afterwards, Teacher Qin used the satellite phone to contact the Inspection Department of the Archipelago Region.

"Director Ye? It's me, Qin Zhengxian. There is something very serious here. I hope you can send someone to support me."

Wen Rensheng listened quietly from the side.

A different species has already tossed up many big figures, and it will cause a huge wave.

Before and after, only the fleet and personnel were dispatched, and these funds added up to no less than one billion...

It can be seen that if it is really calculated in terms of money, the practice of the American people is still in line with the laws of the market.

This is exactly what they do. It can be accepted by the people, and not many people feel unfair. The cost is very high, so why give it to you for free?

The practice of Shenzhou, where everyone has a chance, is regarded as a country of hope and a place of lighthouses by people with a public heart.

This is actually not surprising.

Before the Middle Ages in the previous life, the Shenzhou system was recognized as far superior to the dark Europe, and was considered by some Europeans to be the land of gold and the land of wisdom.

The civil service selection system of the imperial examination was learned from the West and became a selection system for affairs officials.

After the phone call, Mr. Qin sighed and said to Wen Rensheng, "It seems that there will be a battle between dragons and tigers. I will arrange a plane to send you back."

Wen Rensheng was about to say no when he heard a prompt in his mind.

"Dragon-Eagle Controversy: The day has finally come, the Dragon of Decline and the Eagle of Rise, is the former still able to maintain their dignity, or the latter to shred the former's fig leaf? Everything will be known soon."

"Mystery: 95."

"Mysterious composition:???"

When he saw this, of course he couldn't leave, so he shook his head and said, "A real gentleman would not do anything to escape."

"Why is this so hard? A gentleman is not under the wall of danger, and you are not a full member of the Inspection Division. In order to protect the mysterious expert, it is impossible for you to play. If you stay here, it will only increase the danger." Teacher Qin persuaded .

The two armies are at war, missiles are fired at each other, cannons are fired, and planes go into battle. In this case, a mysterious expert can easily die.

Wen Rensheng is not like himself. He usually has so many benefits and conveniences, and he has corresponding constraints. It is impossible to leave here. In that case, he will be severely punished.

And Wen Rensheng informed the birthplace of the alien species in advance, which has already made enough credit, and there is no need to resist here.

It should be young people who need face... As everyone knows, face counts, it has to be like Liu Bang and Sima Yi. Survival is the most important thing!

Wen Rensheng refused again: "This is a national war. Since you are a national, if you have a share of strength, you have to make a share of your strength, and you have a share of light, and you have to give a share of your light. How can you learn from some people that enjoyment comes first and suffering comes later? Only use the buzzing of flies, but don't do something like a warrior?"

He is confident that he will not encounter any danger, and that he can play an irreplaceable role, and of course he will not flee from it.

The upper limit of the mystery degree of more than 200, the strength of the master, is his confidence.

But he turned and said: "It's my two students, since the war is coming, the chance of the birth of aliens can only be passed up and sent to the rear base first. After things are in order, we will see if there is any chance. "

"Okay, since you insist, I won't persuade me too much. It's really inconvenient to mobilize experts at this time. One more person means one more possibility. I'll arrange for someone to send your two students away." Teacher Qin finally agreed.

Afterwards, Wang Wenwen and Zhao Han got on the carrier-based and prepared to evacuate.

Wen Rensheng waved goodbye to them.

"Teacher, you must be safe!" Zhao Han waved and shouted loudly.

Wen Rensheng smiled: "Everything is fine, you can go back in peace."

Wang Wenwen just waved her hand, she couldn't understand Wen Rensheng more and more.

On the plane back home, she couldn't help but say, "I didn't expect Uncle to be such a patriot at such a young age. With other young mysterious experts, who would be in the front at this time? There will be a lot of artillery fire soon. , even if an expert is a body of flesh and blood, if you are not careful, you will be buried in the ocean."

"The teacher has always been such a great brilliance, there must be some blessings, and it will be fine." Zhao Han gritted his teeth.

"Yes, yes, it's definitely fine." Wang Wenwen echoed.

It's not easy to see a person clearly. Without the test of several major events, who can understand whether this person's heart is red or black.

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