Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 312: fish dead net

When the wounded and the dead were carried out of the stone gate, the treasure hunters guarding outside were all horrified.

How many hours have you been in?

So many casualties all at once?

This is not a treasure hunt, but a death hunt!

Some people with some knowledge of first aid came forward to help the wounded bandage, and by the way, to see if anyone could be rescued.

Of course, the people everyone saves are from the wave of people they are familiar with, and no one saves strangers.

Some people looked at the dark corridor behind the stone gate, and could clearly smell the strong smell of blood.

"It seems that fate can't make this fortune!" Someone turned around and left.

"It's still a good idea to go home with my wife and children on the stove, and then retire until I retire. It's a pity..."

"My dream of getting rich just shattered."

A group of people chattered, finding a reason for themselves to retreat.

"If you are afraid, you can go back. People die for wealth, and birds die for food. How much risk can you take to make as much money!" The scar-faced man snorted coldly when he heard this.

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone looked at each other in dismay, and soon twenty or thirty people left.

Wen Rensheng is not surprised by this. This is not an army. There is no strict discipline and training. In the face of such heavy casualties, it is a rare thing for people who come only to make a fortune to stay.

And now, the event of the "opened treasure room" is only half-finished based on the status quo.

"Blood fills the cave" has come true, that is, "wealth and silk moving people's hearts" has not yet come true.

He thought so, and just as he turned around and entered the cave, he heard Old Man Ma shout in surprise:

"Send it!"

"The ancients are so extravagant!"

The armored puppet glanced over, and saw Old Man Ma rubbing those pegboards.

Although Wen Rensheng is knowledgeable and knowledgeable, he has only come to this world for a short period of time and has limited time. Therefore, although he has extraordinary memory, in terms of archaeology, he is really not as good as these local professionals.

"Mr. Ma, are these wooden boards very valuable?" The scar-faced man's eyes lit up.

"Yeah, these things that are used as mechanism wood are all high-quality huanghuali wood! As long as the environment is stable, it can be preserved for tens of thousands of years, so it is no wonder that it is used as a mechanism. It's really a loser. This thing is on the current market. A jin is tens of thousands!" Old Man Ma said incessantly.

Wen Rensheng suddenly understood that the meaning of hiding a soldier's cave, it turns out that "soldiers" themselves are "treasures".

It's a pity that with that fist, he unconsciously destroyed hundreds of thousands of wealth.

"Ah, let's say there are tens of thousands of catties of wood in this place, doesn't that mean it's over 100 million?" The scar-faced man said in surprise.

His investments made huge profits straight away!

The premise is that he is the only one who divides it, but unfortunately there are still too many people.

"I've made a fortune!" Someone hurried back to the corridor and started to grab the planks.

Those who left before, it seems that someone called over, and some people came back one after another.

Danger is danger, but someone has already walked through the first trap, so you have to get something back.

If the thief doesn't get away, if he can't catch any fish, he has to uproot the onion. If there is no onion, he has to drink cold water before leaving.

It's really ironic. Just now, I couldn't avoid one by one. Now, when I hear it is worth millions, I immediately rush to it.

Sure enough, it is rich and silk that moves people's hearts.

Wen Rensheng thought to himself.

"Stop it all, these are all public property, you can't take them away without permission." The armored puppet said to the crowd.

"You!" Someone just took out a dog-leg knife to cut the pegboard so that it can be taken away. Hearing this, he was furious.

"We have killed so many people, can't we bring something back?"

"Yeah, don't think we don't know, you must have deliberately tricked us just now. The delay mechanism triggered by walking ahead caused so many of our people to die!"

A group of people poured dirty water on Wen Rensheng, even some of the people Wen Rensheng had just rescued.

At this moment, whoever stops them from getting rich is their mortal enemy!

There are hundreds of pegboards for this floor. One piece weighs more than 100 jin. Cut it into small pieces and carry a 100 jin on the back. This trip will not be in vain!

"Death is your own choice, but these things cannot be used as compensation for you, because it does not belong to you in the first place." The armored puppet's tone was indifferent.

The scar-faced man looked at Old Man Ma and several other leaders, and immediately felt very troubled.

With such a stinky and tough guy here, he can't even take away one of the treasures in one place!

The scar-faced man couldn't help but persuaded again: "Brother why is this? There is no one else here. Let's discuss it well. There is no credit or hard work, no, blood work, it is not because so many of us come in, I am afraid that so many treasures will not appear."

"Of course your credit is there, but that needs to be calculated separately, but you can't use these antiquities to make up for it. They are all witnesses to history. After hundreds of years, the agency can still be activated, which must be worth studying. Destroy it, and then share it with you as compensation." The armored puppet still refused.

The Scarfaced man couldn't kill the opponent with a single shot, but at this time there was no other way.

It was so dangerous just now, but the other party was unscathed.

Such a powerful person, why do you have to fight with yourself?

"I don't believe it, there is something for you to kill me!"

Many people resisted a broken nail board and ran away. Those boards weighed 40 to 50 pounds, and they were still walking fast.

For a while, the crowd scattered birds and beasts, like vultures, after grabbing food, they flew away.

Wen Rensheng really admired them.

Someone said it was true, he couldn't resist throwing a hundred pounds of cement on the side of the road, but if he was exhausted with a hundred pounds of banknotes, he had to move it home.

However, instead of chasing after these people, he made a direct phone call.

"Hey, is it the Jiangnan Police Chief? Someone stole ancient treasures. I'll send you a list of the characters. The names may be fake, but you all have fingerprints connected to the national network, and focus on monitoring these people..."

"You! Don't do things like this, right?" The scar-faced man said angrily.

He still had a bit of luck, thinking that the other party had ulterior motives, either wanting to take it alone or looking for a special treasure, so he couldn't let anyone take it first.

Unexpectedly, the other party would contact the inspector directly!

This is going to smash the pot for everyone to eat!

Following behind the scar-faced man, the tall woman saw this scene, her eyes were red.

She said to the armored puppet, "You're amazing, but we're not vegetarians. Since you're dead, and you don't want to give it to us at all, then don't want this place, just blow it up and bring it down!"

She said this, holding a detonator in her hand.

The scar-faced man didn't speak, apparently tacitly agreeing.

The armored puppet was silent.

After a while, Wen Rensheng asked earnestly, "You really don't have any love for the soil? Are you completely stunned by the money? It's not that you can't eat and have no future. In fact, all of you are middle-class. You can buy tens of thousands of expedition equipment, and you have to risk violating the law for this little thing in front of you?"

"Everyone is for themselves, and the master is for everyone. Who is not like this now? What is the use of loving soil? Poor people, Diaosi likes to use love for soil as an excuse, because they have no other way but to love soil. After all, they have no ability to run away. Go out and live." The scar-faced man said disdainfully.

Wen Rensheng was indifferent.

Sure enough, the real thoughts of these people were consistent with what they had observed earlier.

They don't care about the overall interests, they are all about stealing or earning. As for whether it will damage the whole, it has nothing to do with them.

For him, the real gain of this treasure hunt is not only the upper limit of the mystery, but also allows him to see the universal hearts of this world.

Compared with suppressing a country, it is more troublesome to clean up people's hearts. When the wounded and the dead were carried out of the stone gate, the treasure hunters guarding outside were all horrified.

How many hours have you been in?

So many casualties all at once?

This is not a treasure hunt, but a death hunt!

Some people with some knowledge of first aid came forward to help the wounded bandage, and by the way, to see if anyone could be rescued.

Of course, the people everyone saves are from the wave of people they are familiar with, and no one saves strangers.

Some people looked at the dark corridor behind the stone gate, and could clearly smell the strong smell of blood.

"It seems that fate can't make this fortune!" Someone turned around and left.

"It's still a good idea to go home with my wife and children on the stove, and then retire until I retire. It's a pity..."

"My dream of getting rich just shattered."

A group of people chattered, finding a reason for themselves to retreat.

"If you are afraid, you can go back. People die for wealth, and birds die for food. How much risk can you take to make as much money!" The scar-faced man snorted coldly when he heard this.

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone looked at each other in dismay, and soon twenty or thirty people left.

Wen Rensheng is not surprised by this. This is not an army. There is no strict discipline and training. In the face of such heavy casualties, it is a rare thing for people who come only to make a fortune to stay.

And now, the event of the "opened treasure room" is only half-finished based on the status quo.

"Blood fills the cave" has come true, that is, "wealth and silk moving people's hearts" has not yet come true.

He thought so, and just as he turned around and entered the cave, he heard Old Man Ma shout in surprise:

"Send it!"

"The ancients are so extravagant!"

The armored puppet glanced over, and saw Old Man Ma rubbing those pegboards.

Although Wen Rensheng is knowledgeable and knowledgeable, he has only come to this world for a short period of time and has limited time. Therefore, although he has extraordinary memory, in terms of archaeology, he is really not as good as these local professionals.

"Mr. Ma, are these wooden boards very valuable?" The scar-faced man's eyes lit up.

"Yeah, these things that are used as mechanism wood are all high-quality huanghuali wood! As long as the environment is stable, it can be preserved for tens of thousands of years, so it is no wonder that it is used as a mechanism. It's really a loser. This thing is on the current market. A jin is tens of thousands!" Old Man Ma said incessantly.

Wen Rensheng suddenly understood that the meaning of hiding a soldier's cave, it turns out that "soldiers" themselves are "treasures".

It's a pity that with that fist, he unconsciously destroyed hundreds of thousands of wealth.

"Ah, let's say there are tens of thousands of catties of wood in this place, doesn't that mean it's over 100 million?" The scar-faced man said in surprise.

His investments made huge profits straight away!

The premise is that he is the only one who divides it, but unfortunately there are still too many people.

"I've made a fortune!" Someone hurried back to the corridor and started to grab the planks.

Those who left before, it seems that someone called over, and some people came back one after another.

Danger is danger, but someone has already walked through the first trap, so you have to get something back.

If the thief doesn't get away, if he can't catch any fish, he has to uproot the onion. If there is no onion, he has to drink cold water before leaving.

It's really ironic. Just now, I couldn't avoid one by one. Now, when I hear it is worth millions, I immediately rush to it.

Sure enough, it is rich and silk that moves people's hearts.

Wen Rensheng thought to himself.

"Stop it all, these are all public property, you can't take them away without permission." The armored puppet said to the crowd.

"You!" Someone just took out a dog-leg knife to cut the pegboard so that it can be taken away. Hearing this, he was furious.

"We have killed so many people, can't we bring something back?"

"Yeah, don't think we don't know, you must have deliberately tricked us just now. The delay mechanism triggered by walking ahead caused so many of our people to die!"

A group of people poured dirty water on Wen Rensheng, even some of the people Wen Rensheng had just rescued.

At this moment, whoever stops them from getting rich is their mortal enemy!

There are hundreds of pegboards for this floor. One piece weighs more than 100 jin. Cut it into small pieces and carry a 100 jin on the back. This trip will not be in vain!

"Death is your own choice, but these things cannot be used as compensation for you, because it does not belong to you in the first place." The armored puppet's tone was indifferent.

The scar-faced man looked at Old Man Ma and several other leaders, and immediately felt very troubled.

With such a stinky and tough guy here, he can't even take away one of the treasures in one place!

The scar-faced man couldn't help but persuaded again: "Brother why is this? There is no one else here. Let's discuss it well. There is no credit or hard work, no, blood work, it is not because so many of us come in, I am afraid that so many treasures will not appear."

"Of course your credit is there, but that needs to be calculated separately, but you can't use these antiquities to make up for it. They are all witnesses to history. After hundreds of years, the agency can still be activated, which must be worth studying. Destroy it, and then share it with you as compensation." The armored puppet still refused.

The Scarfaced man couldn't kill the opponent with a single shot, but at this time there was no other way.

It was so dangerous just now, but the other party was unscathed.

Such a powerful person, why do you have to fight with yourself?

"I don't believe it, there is something for you to kill me!"

Many people resisted a broken nail board and ran away. Those boards weighed 40 to 50 pounds, and they were still walking fast.

For a while, the crowd scattered birds and beasts, like vultures, after grabbing food, they flew away.

Wen Rensheng really admired them.

Someone said it was true, he couldn't resist throwing a hundred pounds of cement on the side of the road, but if he was exhausted with a hundred pounds of banknotes, he had to move it home.

However, instead of chasing after these people, he made a direct phone call.

"Hey, is it the Jiangnan Police Chief? Someone stole ancient treasures. I'll send you a list of the characters. The names may be fake, but you all have fingerprints connected to the national network, and focus on monitoring these people..."

"You! Don't do things like this, right?" The scar-faced man said angrily.

He still had a bit of luck, thinking that the other party had ulterior motives, either wanting to take it alone or looking for a special treasure, so he couldn't let anyone take it first.

Unexpectedly, the other party would contact the inspector directly!

This is going to smash the pot for everyone to eat!

Following behind the scar-faced the tall woman, her eyes turned red when she saw this scene.

She said to the armored puppet, "You're amazing, but we're not vegetarians. Since you're dead, and you don't want to give it to us at all, then don't want this place, just blow it up and bring it down!"

She said this, holding a detonator in her hand.

The scar-faced man didn't speak, apparently tacitly agreeing.

The armored puppet was silent.

After a while, Wen Rensheng asked earnestly, "You really don't have any love for the soil? Are you completely stunned by the money? It's not that you can't eat and have no future. In fact, all of you are middle-class. You can buy tens of thousands of expedition equipment, and you have to risk violating the law for this little thing in front of you?"

"Everyone is for themselves, and the master is for everyone. Who is not like this now? What is the use of loving soil? Poor people, Diaosi likes to use love for soil as an excuse, because they have no other way but to love soil. After all, they have no ability to run away. Go out and live." The scar-faced man said disdainfully.

Wen Rensheng was indifferent.

Sure enough, the real thoughts of these people were consistent with what they had observed earlier.

They don't care about the overall interests, they are all about stealing or earning. As for whether it will damage the whole, it has nothing to do with them.

For him, the real gain of this treasure hunt is not only the upper limit of the mystery, but also allows him to see the universal hearts of this world.

Compared with suppressing a country, it is more troublesome to clean up people's hearts.

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