Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 319: Pros and Cons

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When everyone saw this, they all smiled and said they didn't care. Anyway, this is not the first time the other party has lost face like this...

Then, in order to hide the embarrassment, Zhao Han quickly said, "My prediction is that there is a terrible truth hidden behind the Ocean Cemetery. What other drama has finally crossed the calm stage of the prologue and is about to enter its peak..."

It doesn't matter what the front is, just hearing the latter sentence, Wen Rensheng's heart is shocked.

Of course he remembered there was another event, "The Hand in the Well", which had never been prompted to complete.

He originally thought that he would help Lao Zhao to seal the ban and complete the leaves on the well, and when the inspection department found out the truth and Lao Liu called back, he would be able to end the incident by the way.

There are two or three points of mystery that can be increased, after all, it is a 125-point mystery event.

However, the phone has not been called, and the relevant truth has not been announced to him. He is inconvenient and has no position to urge the other party.

Now I hear what Zhao Han said about the drama...

This reminded him suddenly that the "Mysterious Hand" series of events had been prompting him with the words "prologue", "drama" and "conflict"?

Now it seems that this ocean cemetery has a high probability of being related to these previous consecutive events.

After all, the original event "Hidden Hand Underwater" took place on the western edge of the ocean.

If he guessed correctly, as long as he enters that cemetery, the continuous mysterious event will definitely be triggered again.

Wen Rensheng thought of this, looked up at Wen Rende, but found that the other party had disappeared without a trace.

"Oh, uncle went to the room for divination just now. After all, he is a senior prophet. Uncle must need very complicated rituals to get very accurate results. Unlike me, I can only give you a rough guess." Zhao Han envied. .

Wen Rensheng shook his head and said, "You need self-confidence. He may need very complicated rituals to make predictions, but the results may not be as accurate as yours."

"Thank you teacher for your encouragement." Zhao Han said happily.

"You are a prophet, if you don't believe your own predictions, how can others believe you?" Wang Wenwen followed suit.

"That's what I said... Wait, why did you take away the good dishes that my uncle gave me?" Zhao Han just wanted to thank the other party, but then became very depressed.

"Don't be so stingy."

While the two women were fighting, Wen Rende walked back to the restaurant excitedly.

"good news!"

The crowd looked at him now.

"The news is good, not small, but great." Wen Rende sat down at the table again.

"Uncle, drink some water first." Zhao Han poured tea first.

Wen Rende took a sip of tea, and then said vividly: "That place, the name sounds terrible, what the Ocean Cemetery actually contains great opportunities. It is a very good place for cultivation, and the results of my prediction show that , as long as you come back safely, everyone can gain a lot, and at least you can learn two or three mysterious skills, or upgrade a few existing skills to one level."

Wu Liansong, who had been eating silently, was shocked when he heard the words. If he said that, he would also go.

When everyone heard the words, they were all elated and gearing up. Such a certain opportunity to improve their skills was very rare.

The reality is not playing games, you can level up with enough experience.

Many people's skills cultivation is very smooth in the front, but often the last step is unable to pass, and then there is a very embarrassing thing - what kind of intermediate Consummation, expert Consummation, and after Consummation, it will be Consummation for many years...

Only Wen Rensheng's eyes twitched, and in the father's words, there are six-character premise - "As long as you come back safely."

He knows more news than others, and this time it is likely to be related to a series of events, and the danger is even greater.

But this opportunity cannot be missed. It is rare to have such an opportunity to improve one's skills.

If you don't do anything because you are afraid of risks, you will only be like in your previous life.

Mysterious disasters will not come to you because you are afraid of risks.

Always be prepared, improve yourself under the premise of controlling risks, and only when the inevitable danger comes will you be able to deal with it.

Thinking of this, he made a decision, the whole family went, and he had to coax his master Wei Yiqing to be a bodyguard, so that he could be foolproof.

So he opened his mouth to make a final decision and said: "Seeing that you are all so interested, then don't let any of you fall, let's go. Of course, everyone must pay attention to safety, follow my instructions in all actions, and some people must resolutely put an end to unauthorized actions. Otherwise, I will use coercive means."

"Got it."

"Don't worry about this."

"It's time to travel," Zhao Han was excited at the moment, and then thought of something, worried to Wang Wenwen, "Wait, do we still have the college entrance examination? It seems that there are only 3 months left."

"Is there still a college entrance examination? But I have already recommended the art department of Beixia University, and I am a painting expert. It doesn't matter if I don't take the test." Wang Wenwen ignored Haisai.

"Wenwen, how could you be like this? Everyone agreed to work together, but you quietly went ashore alone." Zhao Han said angrily.

Wang Wenwen smiled shyly: "Hey, there's no way, I still have important things to do, so I can only part with you temporarily."

When Wu Shanshan heard this, she was very touched: "I really sympathize with you, my senior classmates, some of them complained to me in the group a few days ago, saying that those looking for a job live like a dog; They live a life like a pig; and those who are admitted to postgraduate studies live a life that is not as good as a pig and a dog."

"Hey, Sister Shanshan, aren't you driving a paradise? Why didn't you recruit your classmates?" Zhao Han said casually.

"Cut, all of my classmates are more ambitious than the sky. They don't look down on my start-up business. They all want to enter a big company, a famous brand, and the worst is to be an executive." Wu Shanshan shook her head and said. .

"That's because they have no vision. Your company is very promising. Now the monthly turnover is several million..." Zhao Han comforted immediately.

"Maintaining life." Wu Shanshan said indifferently.

Hearing this, Wen Rensheng appeased Zhao Han and said, "Sharpen your knives without accidentally chopping firewood. If you can improve your extraordinary memory by one level, you will waste a month and your grades will be better."

Of course he is qualified to say such words, after all, his genius is based on extraordinary memory.

So Zhao Han turned from worry to joy, and stopped worrying about the college entrance examination.

Then everyone went to prepare, hand over work, take time off, buy items, design plans...


On the other hand, Wen Rensheng had to do the most important thing, asking for foreign aid.

After driving to the club, he briefly explained the matter to Wei Yiqing.

"Don't go, it's too far." Wei Yiqing lowered her head and played the game.

Well, I know it's not that simple.

"The distance is just a feeling. I'll take a private plane and go to the luxurious bedroom, so that you can go to the place after a night's sleep, just like living at home." Wen Rensheng quickly assured.

"The sea is all around, it's too bumpy."

"It's okay, there must be a small island nearby that can live, but there is no island. I will temporarily build an island for you."

"You still have this ability?" Wei Yiqing put down the game and said in surprise.

Wen Rensheng vowed: "You will know Then I want to see how you can build an island." Wei Yiqing finally agreed.

Wen Rensheng suddenly felt relieved, it was not easy to ask the master to be a house girl.

Because of the relationship between the seeds of bad luck, the other party lives in isolation, and will not walk around at will, because walking means spreading harm, and it is difficult to know who has harmed.

And staying in one place, if there is a problem, it can be solved in time and the cause can be found.

So Wei Yiqing is actually very kind.

He already knew this.

And this time, it's not that the other party doesn't want to go, but that he doesn't want to cause trouble.

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