Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 326: Just don't save who you love

Hearing the screams in the fog, everyone looked at each other.

"This is just an illusion, or is it the reality that is happening?" Ouyang Ling asked.

"Auntie, it's hard to say now, but I've also checked the information," Wu Shanshan replied, "There's a scene here, the fastest, it only takes about an hour. After an hour, see if anyone has Come out, you can be sure of one or two."

"Well, then wait and see." Ouyang Ling nodded.

The crowd waited patiently in the two lifeboats.

It wasn't long before another speedboat was put down on the cruise ship and headed towards the crowd.

There were several white people sitting on the speedboat, and among them Wen Rensheng noticed the blond young white man before.

"Hey, you aliens, Ralph and the others seem to be in danger, please help them, you have this ability." The young white man said.

"Yeah, it's been said in Spider-Man movies that with greater ability comes greater responsibility. You are aliens, so you can definitely save them." The others on the speedboat echoed.

Wen Rende glanced at his son, he couldn't understand the brain circuits of these people

Those guys came to pick on things just now, and now there's a bunch of guys here, asking us to save them

Is there something wrong with the brain?

Wen Rensheng glanced at his father, and immediately understood from his father's eyes what he wanted to ask.

There is nothing wrong with their brains, people have always thought like this.

What should I do if I don’t have enough land and food? Open up a new world, kill all the natives, sell slaves, and grow food

What to do about global warming

Their own large-displacement cars cannot be parked, air conditioners cannot be stopped 24 hours a day, and large villas that consume a lot of electricity cannot be built less. They can only let those places with many people and poor continue to be poor.

From this point of view, although the people of Dongdao have a despicable character, they know how to save energy. This is the precious heritage of oriental culture.

Therefore, as long as the countries in the eastern cultural circle can stabilize, they can basically solve the problem of food and clothing in the era of industrialization.

Wen Rensheng did not answer his father's doubts, but looked at those people coldly and said, "We only save those who should be saved."

"Ralph is the one to save, he has four kids and two ex-wives to pay child support," the blond white babbled. .

"Only those who have been kind to us will we save, not those who laugh at us." Wen Rensheng shook his head.

"No, they just made a small mistake, and they can't be saved because of this." Another person went on to persuade.

"Do things yourself, take responsibility for yourself." Wen Rensheng dropped the last sentence and never spoke again.

Those people did not give up, and even said to the two ladies Ouyang Ling and Wu Shanshan: "Good-hearted ladies, you must not bear to see your child lose his father and his wife lose her husband."

However, Wen Rensheng had long expected this, and he released the mist again, directly isolating the lifeboat from these people.

"It's really noisy." Wen Rende shook his head.

He is very kind, but he is not a stupid farmer. His kindness is for someone like Zhao Han who reciprocates his gratitude, not those who know the poisonous snake at a glance.

The speedboat had to go away, and then left a place to curse:

"The devil, the cold blooded devil"

"Yes, they are really cold-blooded devils. All aliens are like this, and they never take our ordinary people's lives seriously."

"They are the witches of the Middle Ages"

When Wu Shanshan heard this, she said angrily, "Bastards, we have no obligation to help them at all. Why should they scold us like this? What reason do they have to scold us?"

"There's no reason, just because of different positions." Wen Rensheng shook his head.

Li Shuangyue suddenly said, "Miss Wu, you probably haven't lived in the countryside before."

"Not really."

"There is an old lady in our village, she is the type who can't see the good of others in her life. There is no reason. As long as others are comfortable, she feels uncomfortable. So she provoked everywhere. Man, who stole something from someone who lost it, and then watched other people quarrel, she said that this is the best way to eat," Li Shuangyue said flatly.

"I see," Wu Shanshan is so smart, she understands Li Shuangyue's meaning now, "Those people are like this, they don't see our goodness, they want to push us into the fire pit with words, and take chestnuts for them, if we fail , they laugh the happiest. And when they don't get there, they get angry."

"Don't care about these guys, they just bark," Wen Rensheng smiled suddenly, "Wait, you can listen to their conversation now."

Everyone was surprised, and then listened carefully. The developed hearing brought by the extraordinary physique allowed them to hear what the cruise ship said.

"Hey, didn't you say they are witches, why didn't they dare to say anything about burning them to death?"

"Nonsense, they are really witches with devil power."

"That's right, they're not fakes from the Middle Ages. Didn't you see that the fog just now is exactly the same as the fog in this cemetery?"

"They really can control the power of the devil"

Everyone was speechless when they heard this.

"That's it. If you want them to shut up, you must not follow them. On the contrary, the more they fear and hate, the more we should have. In this way, we will be completely safe." Wen People rise earnestly

Everyone's mood suddenly calmed down.

Wen Rende then said with some doubts: "It seems that the interior of the American people is more chaotic and fragmented. The contradiction between ordinary people and aliens is extremely sharp. Why do they always have the time to find fault with us?"

After recovering the alien species, he quickly got a lot of the latest news. After all, he is a prophet, so divination is his own cultivation.

"It is precisely because of their internal chaos and division that they come to find fault with us. This is their specialty to divert the target and mobilize the emotions of those mediocre people." Wen Rensheng said simply.

Wu Shanshan said in surprise: "Hey, how do you know them so well?"

That's because I know them better in another world. Although the world is different, their hearts are the same.

Wen Rensheng thought secretly.

Of course he couldn't say that, but said solemnly: "As the youngest xenogeneic expert, I understand my responsibilities very well, and of course I have to pay attention to the whole world. What I know is far more than you think. Because when you sleep, eat and play, I'm thinking. Although I've only lived for 21 years, I've actually been thinking for a hundred years."

"It's no wonder that sometimes I always think that you are older than the two of us. If you think too much, you will indeed grow old faster. You have to be careful about baldness." Wen Rende suddenly realized, and then became worried.

"Uh, it's impossible to be bald. I just said that although I'm young, my thinking depth is far beyond yours, but I can't fully express it. I have to accommodate this superficial world. After all, taking half a step is a genius. , if you take one more step, you will be a lunatic." Wen Rensheng said helplessly.

"Then you've worked really hard. You should change your name to Socrates in the future." Wu Shanshan didn't believe him and rolled her eyes.

She didn't know that what Wen Rensheng said was completely true.

Many things that Wen Rensheng knows cannot be revealed. He can only follow the context of this world and make it slowly improve, which is enough.

If the threat of mysterious disasters is ruled out, the Shenzhou people in this world live a life that their counterparts in another world can only dream of.

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