Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 330: Unlimited skills

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The sailor who just jumped into the water and used water control to force the torpedo to turn has been pulled up by the rope tied around his waist.

I saw that the other party's figure was illusory, and it was much more blurred than other ordinary sailors.

Needless to say, this is the result of excessive consumption.

Seeing this, Wen Rensheng immediately understood the reason why the scene arranged for him to be the captain of the damage control team...

In fact, the role he really wants to play is to make up the devil!

The object he wants to carry out damage control is not a machine, but an alien.

Thinking of this, he immediately took action.

He ordered his subordinates to bring the two exhausted aliens into the thickly armored cabin below.

Damage control personnel were well trained and immediately began to act on orders.

Wen Rensheng also hurriedly left the deck and returned to the well-protected lower cabin.

The alien who used the mysterious sniper technique was an old man.

The sailor who can control water is very young, about thirty or forty years old, shirtless and muscular.

Wen Rensheng didn't waste time, just briefly told the two of them how to resonate, and then linked the three people's alien powers together.

Everyone's alien power is different, of course it can't be universal, this is not gasoline, but equivalent to blood.

He just uses this method to enhance the other party's resilience.

Fourteen times the resilience, the other party originally needed a day or two of complete rest to recover, but now it only takes more than an hour.

In the age of battleships, a sea battle often lasted a day.

The main reason is that the ship is turbulent and the hit rate of naval guns is low.

The cannons rumbled outside, and the three aliens sat and rested inside.

No one blamed Wen Rensheng for being lazy here instead of fighting the fire. Obviously, the captain understood that this was the best way.

While resting, Wen Rensheng asked the old man, "Master, are you the only one on the ship who can snipe?"

From Wang Wenwen's description before, he knew that NPCs in these scenes could communicate with each other. Otherwise, how would Wang Wenwen be hired and how would he be rewarded?

The old man glanced at him and replied happily: "I understand what you mean, yes, I am the only one on this ship, and there is one on every battleship. It is very difficult to mobilize more people. After all, only master-level sniper skills can work against such a thick barrel."

"Are there any other aliens on the ship that can snipe? Elementary or intermediate?" Wen Rensheng then asked, his eyes burning.

"It's useless for them... Wait," after all, the old man was shocked, "Could it be that you can temporarily upgrade their skills to the master level?"

"You can say the same." Wen Rensheng nodded.

Some abilities have to be used sooner or later to let others know that it is safe to hide them every day, but many precious opportunities will be lost.

For example, now, where does he not know that the more successful the battle of the Zhenxi ship, the greater the reward after the war.

Wang Wenwen and the others just repelled a wave of pirates, and then they gave petrochemical potions, which seemed ridiculous, but were actually very anti-sky, from which a lot of black technology could be discovered.

"I know primary sniping," said the young sailor next to him suddenly. "Most of us who go to the battlefield will master sniping in order to improve their self-defense capabilities."

Wen Rensheng immediately asked a sailor to find the captain and asked the other party to mobilize manpower.

Soon, fourteen aliens were gathered.

Wen Rensheng also briefly taught the resonance method, and after waiting for them to become proficient for a while, he led someone to give the four main guns a "must hit" buff.

After hearing the news, in the bridge command room, the captain and his staff members immediately became excited.

"Pause main battery fire, next target, Royal Princess!"

Then there was a hoarse cry: "Mysterious sniping technique, sure to hit!".

The four main gun barrels flashed blue again.

"Captain, the sure hit effect is ready."

"Aim at the Royal Princess and fire!"

The four main guns roared at the same time, and after dozens of seconds, the watchman sent a message.

"All four hits!"

Then I heard an earth-shattering bang!

"Hit the enemy's main turret ammunition bay and explode!"

"The Royal Princess is going to sink!"

Everyone in the command room has seen the results.

In the distance, a battleship broke off from the middle, head to tail, and began to sink rapidly.

Countless sailors jumped into the sea one after another, and several nearby destroyers rushed to rescue them.

"Very good!"

"One sinking!"

There was jubilation in the command room.

"This, this is turning the main gun of the 19th century into a guided artillery shell of the 21st century..." Taking advantage of the noise, Wen Rende whispered to Ouyang Ling.

"Is there no enemy?" Ouyang Ling frowned.

As a lawyer among the aliens, of course she knows that an opponent who can stand on a stage is often no weaker than her own.

Because the difference in strength between the two sides is too large, this duel will not be fought.

"Of course there are enemies, but they are much fewer than us," a staff officer explained at this time, "so they tend to save skills like 'must hit' and use them at critical times, relying on more battleships first. consume our combat skills."

"But right now, their idea has failed, and I think they'll change their strategy soon and we're going to be hit with a concentrated skill set."

Before the staff officer finished speaking, the captain had already issued an order: "Notify the other ships that our ship will temporarily retreat and fight at the extreme range, and notify the nearby ships to cover us."

"Start to turn, move parallel to the enemy fleet, and maintain the ultimate range."

The Zhenxi ship immediately turned slowly. Huge battleships were not as agile as those destroyers, and turning was a very difficult process.

Originally, their tactic was to hit the first shot, then dash forward, close the distance, and use the abilities of other aliens to hit as many enemies as possible.

Now that the captain knows that there are almost infinite "must hits" available, of course, he will not continue to advance, but will open to the extreme range to fight, avoiding the ordinary artillery attacks of torpedoes and other warships.

In this battlefield of large ships and artillery, the most important ability at this time is hit power.

According to the ratio of the average hit rate of 3%, one battleship is equal to the sum of the firepower of more than 30 battleships, and the combat effectiveness of both sides will be completely reversed in an instant.

In this era, there are no anti-missile missiles, dense protective arrays... After being hit by a large-caliber main gun, you can only rely on armor and luck to resist.

The main battleship has a limited amount of ammunition, and the main gun barrel also has a limit on the number of shots. The higher the hit rate, the higher the output limit.

At this moment, Wen Rende suddenly warned: "No, in 20 seconds, nine large-caliber artillery shells will hit us."

It was his power of prophecy at play in life and death.

He was a little scared in his heart, because he didn't know if he really died after being killed in this scenario.

Judging from the situation of the American people just now, being hanged is really dead.

"Don't panic, they will handle it," the captain said.

"Mysterious evasion technique, must dodge!"

It was probably the shouts of four or five people, which faintly entered the command room.

Then in an instant, a thick fog suddenly appeared on the entire ironclad ship, which completely covered the hull.

Wen Rende breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked curiously: "Mr. Captain, why do those colleagues shout before using skills? Is there any additional effect?"

"I don't know if there are any extra effects. I only know that if they don't call it out, we can't be sure whether it's their victory or our own luck." The captain looked out the window seriously and said casually.

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