Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 334: want something

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Wen Rensheng and Wu Liansong sat in the lifeboats and set off again towards the route in the fog.

After seeing them set off, the three foreign warships, and then a speedboat, followed.

There were also two people sitting on the speedboat, one black and one white, one young and one older, and they really followed suit.

"Albert, among those two guys, we have to be extra careful about that young man," the older white man said.

"Why, Charmian, don't all the aliens get stronger as they get older?" the young black man asked in surprise.

"Because I just remembered a piece of information about the latest aliens in China. That young man, named Wen Rensheng... looks young, and now he should have master-level strength." The white Charmian was serious road.

"Master? He is so young, how is it possible?" Black Albert was shocked.

"In the mysterious world, nothing is impossible. After all, the power of our human beings, in the face of alien species, is like the earth facing the sun. The latter emits a little light and heat, which allows us to give birth to a brilliant civilization." Mian sighed.

"I understand, the aliens like that little white face very much, so the charity gave him more power." Black Albert, now no longer shocked, but rather disdainful.

The white Charmian saw the attitude of his companions, shook his head and said, "Alchemy? We humans can survive on this planet, and it is also a natural charity. If there is no natural charity to give us sunshine, water, and air... We would be extinct long ago. Now, nature has given us a new resource - alien species. Whoever develops this new resource better will be able to rule the world, and even go out of the solar system and rule the entire galaxy."

"Yeah, America must be the one who can complete this task. We have the best system in the world, the most inclusive society, and we can attract the best talents in the world. Everyone wants to come to us." Black Ai Burt believes in himself.

"That's right. Although there are some noises that discriminate against you in China, don't take it to heart. Those are all vulgar views that arise from **** people who are lazy and fail in competition. We elites are truly one. "The white Charmian laughed.

"Don't worry, I know very well that we come together by wealth, achievement, knowledge, and ability... not by a piece of skin. Isn't it easy to become white? But if I choose to become white, it is to those who Idiots give in, and they can't help us in Greater America to attract the most physically gifted people on the planet." Black Albert said seriously.

"Yes, Albert, you are indeed a smart person. Only a fool can slander you for being lazy and stupid. In fact, we all know that you are the ancestor of mankind, the source of wisdom, and the most industrious group of people. Just give You have the opportunity, your achievements will not be inferior to any other ethnic group." The white Charmian encouraged.

The black Albert reached out and shook each other: "Well said, partner, we will always be together."

When they shook hands, they saw Wen Rensheng and the two were boarding a dilapidated aircraft carrier.

From a distance, the bridge of the aircraft carrier is toppled, and the high antenna hangs down, how desolate and desolate it is.

"Hey, they have already boarded that aircraft carrier, let's follow quickly." The white Charmian said, increasing the speedboat accelerator.

A surging white wave appeared behind the two of them, which seemed to herald the rise of a new storm.


Wen Rensheng and Wu Liansong were walking on the wide deck of the aircraft carrier. Under their feet were more than a dozen large dilapidated holes, scattered like scars, and occasionally a few tethered aircraft wreckage could be seen.

"This should be the Sansha-class aircraft carrier built in 1925. It weighs 48,000 tons and can carry 121 carrier-based aircraft. It was the main aircraft carrier at that time. Unfortunately, good things are useless to people." Wu Liansong squatted down and stroked his body. Broken deck.

"I have a feeling that it is very unwilling, just like the Zhenxi and the sailing battleship before." Wen Rensheng glanced around, a special sense of desolation permeated around him.

"Oh, you mean, all the shipwrecks collected here have this common feature?" Wu Liansong heard Wen Rensheng's voiceover.

"That's right." Wen Rensheng recalled the popular ship girl flow in his previous life, which condensed the existence of the national will.

Those guys don't even let go of the rough-skinned, masculine big warships, they really have nothing to say...

"Could it be that this cemetery wants to borrow these wreckages to gain some special power?" Wu Liansong frowned.

Xenomorphs all have seven emotions, and he certainly knows that emotions are a very powerful force. Its power is not only in itself, but also in that it can move the mysterious world, which is equivalent to a catalyst, which can grab power from the boundless mysterious world.

How many emotions do people have? The anger of a common man is only five steps of bloodshed and only two calls.

But the mysterious world is like the real universe. The energy that human beings can utilize at present seems huge, but in fact it is extremely small.

Wen Rensheng nodded slightly: "This is just my conjecture, because there is no good thing in this world. This cemetery has given us so many benefits, and it is not the mother of nature that is generous and selfless, of course there will be some benefits. Require."

"Well, you may be right," Wu Liansong nodded first, then said in surprise, "Wait, we've been up for so long, why hasn't it acted yet?"

"Maybe it's because it feels that there are enough opponents coming over?" Wen Rensheng looked up at the speedboat that was getting closer, and said.

Wu Liansong looked up and saw one black and one white, two sturdy American men driving a speedboat toward the aircraft carrier.

Before long, the speedboat stopped under the high deck of the aircraft carrier.

"Hey man, can we come up?" asked Charmian, the white man, with his head up and laughing.

"This is not our place. Whether you can come up or not depends on us." Wen Rensheng shook his head.

"Okay, Albert, let's go up then."

Charmian, the white man, greeted his partner, then jumped and rolled over to the side of the ship more than ten meters high.

The speedboat sank suddenly, his posture is very graceful, his slender body is like a seagull flying on the sea.

Then he heard a "bang" and a "thump", as if he had hit the transparent glass, his limbs were wide open, and he fell into the sea in embarrassment.

"Hey, partner, are you okay?" Albert immediately threw a ball of rope, ready to pull his partner up.

"I'm fine." The white Charmian quickly swam aboard the speedboat.

"Bastards, you hypocritical Shenzhou people!" After the black Albert found out that his partner was fine, he then yelled at Wen Rensheng, who was looking down on the deck of the aircraft carrier.

"Just now I said we could go up there, but now we are suddenly attacking us! You people from Shenzhou will play these clever little tricks!"

"Fuck your motherfucker!" Wu Liansong was furious, "Don't you think you're worthy? We will attack you, we can kill you with a slap, do you need a sneak attack?"

Without his daughter by his side, he would not suppress his own nature.

Wen Rensheng looked at the black man coldly, and couldn't say that the other party was stupid. As I said Their way of thinking is like this. If something goes wrong, find the reason for others first.

Anything to be reasonable to the customer is what they use to fool others. The key is that there are still a lot of idiots who have been fooled. When looking at problems, they don't put their position first, but first talk about the rationale.

The black Albert suddenly became furious. He suddenly took out a pistol and was about to fire at Wu Liansong.

"Stop!" At the critical moment, the white Charmian held down his partner's hand, "It has nothing to do with them, I was shot down by this ship."

"How is it possible? This is a broken ship, it can hit people?" Black Albert was still reluctant to admit it.

"You forgot, they are ghost ships. Since they can start on their own, why can't they hit people?" Charmian explained patiently.

The black Albert glared fiercely at the two people on the deck of the aircraft carrier and retracted the pistol.

"Sorry, two guys, this friend of mine cares about me, so let's switch to another boat." The white Charmian still smiled at Wen Rensheng and the two, then started the speedboat and headed for another boat not far away. The battleship departs.

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