Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 339: fatal crisis

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The hit of the first cruiser was treated as an accident.

However, the next four ships were accurately hit, and then they were either seriously injured or sunk, and their speed was reduced one after another. In order to rescue them, the pursuit speed of the entire formation was greatly reduced.

No one thinks this is a coincidence anymore.

"Impossible, horizontal bombing, how can it be so accurate?" Black Albert said in surprise.

"Obviously, there are aliens on the five planes where the bombs were dropped accurately. This information is wrong. Historically, all the aliens in South America have been bought, and no one participated in this war." Charmian, the white man, held his chin and thought carefully. .

"Could it be that the two aliens flew the plane to attack? Impossible, this is just a game scene, they would never dare to take such a big risk!"

Black Albert insisted,

"Shenzhou people are all greedy for life and fear of death, especially the current aliens, few are willing to go to the battlefield, they all like to shrink back, and their inspection department also encourages them to shrink back, what is this called Chongwen suppression? Wu... as long as there is peace for a long time, they will do this."

"You're right, but in any case, those five planes are definitely related to them. Maybe they used some kind of mysterious skill that lasted for a long time, similar to sniping,"

The white Charmian almost guessed the truth, he said pessimistically,

"We may be losing. Now that the mysterious power of our xenomorphs has been exhausted, it is impossible to effectively fight against the planes several kilometers above the sky. Now they are using kite-flying tactics, injuring us and running first. The fastest ship, and then gradually destroy us. A 1,000-kilogram bomb, as long as it hits these thin-skinned and high-speed cruisers, is basically the result of serious injury or sinking."

"They retreated so quickly! These bastards, mixed in a lot of planes, are going to use other planes to cover them! Run away after dropping the bomb, such a fast action, they will definitely come to the second round , the third round!" Black Albert looked up at the sky through gritted teeth.

I saw that above the sky, the dozens of aircraft groups turned around and left, because they were high-altitude bombs, so there was very little loss. Only a few unlucky ones were hit by misfortune, but they still managed to fly back.

The anti-aircraft guns of this era have a very low accuracy rate for hitting too high targets. Otherwise, the battleship will not quickly withdraw from the ocean stage.

Charmian thought for a moment and said: "Well, fortunately they didn't dispatch those 5 planes at the beginning, which gave us a chance, and now we have more than 20 high-speed cruisers on hand, which can also support 4 rounds, 4 The time of the round may allow our high-speed formation to catch up with their aircraft carrier fleet."

"No, this is too passive, we must find some way to gather those aliens." Black Albert said.

"They have already started to gather, let's go too." Charmian looked at the largest heavy cruiser and was sending a signal.

Soon they took the speedboat and then came to the command room of the heavy cruiser.

A dozen or so white aliens gathered.

Charmian glanced at these illusory dummies, and he understood that these should be spirit bodies, the kind of wise spirit bodies.

But who imbued them with the memory, and who can make them perfectly play the corresponding NPC in the historical scene?

This person must not be human, human beings are not that powerful.

Even the master-level aliens are far from being able to do this. They are like those genius scientists. They are very powerful and talented in some aspects, but they can't cover everything. On the contrary, many geniuses are stupid... buy Dishes will be miscalculated.

This manipulator behind the scenes is either God or Satan.

Just as he turned his thoughts, an old white man said, "It seems that we are going to fail. If that's the case, let's prepare to retreat. Ordinary people die when they die. We can't be here."

No one objected.

Charmian smiled wryly, yes, this character is exactly the same as that of America's xenogeneic.

If they say "exist and die with the ship", he will worry about whether there is any conspiracy here, whether they want to deliberately entrap the two outsiders, and do evil things such as drawing power and soul.

"No, the people of Shenzhou can send aliens for a group of mud to hit this point. We Americans must not give in, we must completely suppress them!" Black Albert couldn't help but retorted.

The old white man looked at him with a hint of disgust in his eyes: "Black bastard, you have no place to speak here!"

"What did you say?" Black Albert was furious, "I am a citizen of America, and I have the right to speak!"

"Bang!" As soon as he finished speaking, he took a heavy kick and fell to the ground. It turned out that a young white man next to him kicked him **** the knee.

He forgot that it was only 1931, or even 80 years later, it would still be the same.

"Stop! He is our compatriot!" Charmian was shocked and stood in front of the other side quickly.

"Trash! It's because of you soft-hearted trash that you get into so much trouble!" The white old man waved at the others.

More than a dozen aliens swarmed up and firmly subdued the black and white two people.

Black Albert shouted: "What are you doing?"

No one answered, just looked at him coldly.

Charmian was terrified for a while, and he suddenly remembered that this battle has a name in history called "Sweeping Battle".

This is a battle fought by a group of white supremacists who reject even Latinos, let alone blacks.

He made a mistake...

He should study history hard, but what is hateful is that he received a happy education when he was young, so his grades in history are poor.

He was able to get a different species because he was adopted by a rich man after showing the corresponding talent.

He immediately pleaded: "Sorry, I was wrong, please give me a chance to correct."

The black Albert was shocked and angry at the moment: "What are you talking about? Partner, you are not wrong, they are the fault."

"Shut up, you bastard, I'm just taking advantage of you, do you think we have a common language with you? Fool, you're just an idiot, but you have some talent in physical strength, and I just use you as a cheap bodyguard. ' Charmian yelled at him.

"You, you bastard!" Black Albert was furious and betrayed by his trusted companions. This feeling is absolutely painful.

After the pain, however, came the greater fear.

"Put this guy into the naval gun and shoot me out, our great America, we don't need these dirty things!" The white old man said indifferently.

Charmi was relieved, and it turned out that there was a murderous intention hidden in the scene.

If it is really regarded as a war game, it is courting death!

Their real opponents are not the Shenzhou people, but the people around If the war fails, the two will be trash, and the trash will be cleaned up naturally. He is white and has the qualifications to survive. The other one Black partner will be killed...

He kept his mouth shut, watching the black Albert be carried away with scolding and yelling.

"Okay, I see that you are still a little remorseful. I will spare you this time. Remember, America is the city of God, a place of purity, a place of whiteness, and filth will never be allowed to exist for a long time." The old white man told Charmi. He bowed his head and said.

"Yes, yes, I remember your teachings, and I will definitely fulfill your will when I go out this time." Charmian nodded again and again.

Although he slandered in his heart, isn't it the black people who were trafficked from Africa by your ancestors? When people are willing to come...

People are living well, but they don't need your rescue.

But these rationally neutral and objective words, if they say it, are death, of course he can't say it.

The old white man nodded, and this was the only way he was released from control.

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