Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 351: The one who desires the same above and below wins

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After Huang Feng and others left, Wen Rensheng called in the other foremen who were on the same level as him and repeated Xu Mei's instructions.

Everyone made a fuss, and finally came up with two big principles of reward and punishment.

The first is to reward the diligent and punish the lazy; the second is to give them the hope of naturalization, so that they can be promoted in the future.

In order to complete these measures, the indigenous people must first be divided into teams to manage. Each team also has to find a person who specializes in counting the amount of labor, and then rewards and punishes according to the amount of labor, and calculates points.

The specific rewards are naturally additional meals and rest, as are the penalties. The best ones can even go home for two days.

As for naturalization, the threshold is set according to the points. If you get a reward, you will add points, and if you are punished, you will deduct points.

When several people were discussing, a real scene NPC, a middle-aged man named Liu Gang, was very active.

He turned his eyes and said, "In this case, let's set the amount of the reward to be the same as the amount of the penalty. In this way, there is no need to pay more, and the adults will not be unhappy; and in practice, We can still give them some less rewards. These natives are happy, and they only know how to be happy. How can they dare to go to the adults above for verification? In this way, we don’t have to work hard for nothing.”

It's so realistic, it really is a "faithful" NPC...

Wen Rensheng's admiration fell to the ground.

Is this right? Many people above, expecting people below to hear their own instructions will be able to do it as it is. How is that possible?

Especially under this crude management system, there is not much supervision, and everyone naturally seeks benefits for themselves, either material benefits or comfort benefits.

"Brother Liu said yes."


Seeing the approval of everyone else, Wen Rensheng vaguely understood the key to victory in this scene, who can better organize these NPCs and who can exert their power more effectively, who can win.

Although Huang Feng and the others realized this, it seems that they still don't know that these scene NPCs have their own calculations and interests. They are not data without self-awareness in the game.

The question is, do you need to stop these guys who are selfish?

Of course they need to be stopped, but he is an honest person.

So he immediately said: "It's not good to do this. The island owner has promoted us as stewards, and we are usually very comfortable. This is kind to us. We need to be conscientious in being a human being, and we can't be selfish for ourselves..."

When Liu Gang heard this, he was furious: "Old Tang, don't be a good person there. Before, you only needed to whip those guys with a whip. Now that there are so many bad things, we have to worry about so much every day. Let's be a little more ourselves. If you can't get extra benefits, when everyone is stupid?"

"Why don't we do any good? As long as we mobilize the enthusiasm of the slave natives and assist the island owners to succeed in their hegemony, we will all be able to enjoy prosperity and wealth in the future?" Wen Rensheng asked back.

"Stupid, idiot! The possibility of fighting for hegemony is only one-third, so what can we do with this hard work? We should save more money for ourselves early, and if we fail in the future, we will cast it under the victorious island owner. Go get the money!" Liu Gang said shrewdly.

"That's right."

"That's right, Manager Liu still understands."

The other foremen all stood on Liu Gang's side, sneering at Wen Rensheng.

Wen Rensheng certainly wouldn't be angry. He had already seen that this simulated scene looked like a simple hegemony game, but it was actually very complicated.

It points out one of the most important principles of success throughout history—the one who wants the same thing from top to bottom wins.

Whoever can get closer to this point through various measures will have a greater probability of winning.

Feudal society defeated slave society, and capital society defeated feudal society. In essence, this principle was at work.

In the modern management system, the full shareholding system is better than the ordinary management system, which is also the principle.

Most of what Xu Mei said was right, but in the end, she was wrong - hoping to make others work hard by drawing big cakes, she could only fool some short-sighted people, and those who were a little nimble would not be hooked.

During the quarrel, the last old foreman opened his mouth to persuade and said: "Okay, okay, everyone is working for the island owner. Look up and see, why do you talk like this? All calm down and report the measures that have been negotiated. Give them to the island owner..."

Only then did the foremen calm down, and they all said yes, but they didn't know what they were thinking.


The center of the island is a hill that is not too high.

On the hill, there is a row of stilted houses.

In the room, surrounded by a group of people, it was Huang Feng and others.

Between them, there were scenes, one of which seemed to be the scene of Wen Rensheng and the others arguing.

Obviously, there are aliens among them, and they use the extraordinary management method of illusion.

"Hmph, these scene NPCs are really not to be underestimated. If there is no such alien power, we will not know how to die in the future." Huang Feng shook his head.

"Really, isn't this the most typical situation of a feudal dynasty. A dead emperor does not die. No matter how the country is in danger, the ministers still try their best to benefit themselves. How many of them really care about the great cause of hegemony?" Someone shook his head.

Xu Mei blushed. She said before that these NPCs were rigid, but now it seems that people's minds are flexible...

Before, I could only beat with a whip, because this is the easiest way to stop talking.

Just like parents educating their children, it is troublesome to persuade them to teach by mouth.

Fortunately, no one laughed at her, just talking about how to solve the problem.

"It seems that the key to victory and defeat is how to mobilize the enthusiasm of the people, including the NPCs who have arranged these arrangements for us." Someone suggested It seems that we have to find the answer from the history of our country, Whether or not to engage in an island-wide shareholding system, anyway, what we are after is scene victory, and it doesn't matter if those wealth are distributed to the subordinates. ' someone said.

"You are wrong. There was no reminder when you came in. The final personal reward is mainly condensed by personal wealth. If we distribute all the wealth to the subordinates, we will be busy."

Huang Feng listened to several people arguing and arguing with each other.

He frowned. This scene seemed simple, but it was actually extremely difficult.

Just playing it as a game is definitely a place to die.

We must find a way to solve the problem of distribution of benefits, which is also the most difficult one.

As the person just said, if all the wealth is distributed, it can greatly mobilize the enthusiasm of everyone, but in the end, it is a waste of time.

Then why come here, take such a big risk, waste so much time, and what is the bad thing to do outside?

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