Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 353: farmer

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When Wen Rensheng was thinking, a scene NPC suddenly came over and patted him on the shoulder, and said in a low voice:

"Steward Tang, come over later."

Well, after fast-forwarding, in the words omitted in the narration, he has a new identity - the chief steward of the terminal, which is equivalent to the position of the port chief.

This position is naturally extremely important. After all, a large part of the development momentum of the island comes from the port.

The last meeting has just started within 5 minutes, and I am going to the next meeting.

Of course for these scene NPCs, they've fast-forwarded 5 years.

Not long after, Wen Rensheng followed the scene NPC to a new conference room.

Compared with the previous hall where you could only sit on the floor, this place is much more luxurious, and even the tables and chairs are much more beautiful.

Just after sitting down, a leading middle-aged man clapped his hands and focused his attention on him.

"Ladies," the middle-aged man greeted and said, "now the island is thriving, thanks to the generosity and selflessness of the island owner who is willing to give us his shares. But five years later, there have been many people who are not outrageous thing."

Someone immediately interjected: "Yeah, many people don't have the energy they had before, and they rely on the annual dividends to live. It's only a few years since the good days?"

"That's right, especially those in the logistics department. They just perfunctory things every day and expect us front-line people to work hard. What a bastard!" Another person echoed.

Wen Rensheng only heard a few words before he understood the contradiction.

Some NPCs who hold shares, have a hard-working temperament, have a high level of consciousness, and can understand their own interests and the overall stake, and other NPCs who hold shares but are greedy for comfort and vainly lie on the shares to receive dividends, resulting in serious contradictions and conflicts. conflict.

This is one of the disadvantages of holding shares. There is no such thing as the best of both worlds.

The advantage of this kind of shareholding for everyone is that at the beginning of the business, when everyone is poor and white, they can naturally contribute to one.

But after small achievements, people's nature of pursuing comfort began to emerge, and because they already have sufficient surplus products, some people want to rely on dividends and dividends to get by, and they can indeed get by.

This reminds Wen Rensheng of the recessionary history of Gaul in his previous life. It was because they invested a lot of money in foreign investment and lived on dividends and interest, instead of investing in the hard and risky industrial field, which eventually became food. profit class.

As a result, Gaul's industrialization declined, and it was overtaken by Germany and Russia. It was a complete defeat in the subsequent war, and it was as embarrassing as the Qing Dynasty.

Apparently, the same thing happened on this island.

This is the harm of full shareholding, which has led to the partial failure of the mechanism of rewarding diligence and punishing laziness.

"In this case," Wen Rensheng said, "then it should be suggested that the island owner increase the exit mechanism for shares and confiscate the shares of those who are lazy."

"This can't be done, Lao Tang. Diligence and laziness are not easy to judge. If this is the case, there will be many problems. For example, some people use this hole to create unjust cases and steal other people's shares." Someone retorted.

"Then everyone, what are your plans?" Wen Rensheng smiled.

The leading middle-aged man clapped his hands again: "Everyone be quiet, listen to me, since I called you all together, I naturally have further plans."

The crowd suddenly calmed down from the noise.

"In the past, the entire island was a big company, but now five years have passed, and the scale is so huge that it can no longer be managed like this. The island should be divided into many small companies, and then each individual's shares must also be converted into small companies. The company they work for is not profitable, so naturally they can’t pay dividends, so they have to be diligent.” The middle-aged man said loudly.

"Hey, that's a good idea."

"Yeah, divide big companies into small companies, and it's easier for whoever is diligent and who is lazy."

"I agree."

"Wait, how is this divided? Some factories are profitable, while others are poor. Who wants to let their shares fill the factories with poor profitability? It's going to be a piece of chicken feathers."

Wen Rensheng listened patiently. Farming is like a farmer's farming. It is a superposition of trivial matters, such as watering, pest control, spraying medicine, fertilizing, neighborhood disputes, fluctuations in value, chicken and cow dung... all kinds of big things. Big and small things come together, and finally constitute the beautiful pastoral scenery in the minds of many people.

Farming is hard and tiring, and farmers cannot eat the rice they grow.

After the crowd clamored, they reluctantly came up with an outline, and added a contribution coefficient of different industries. The coefficient of heavy industry must be higher, followed by agriculture, and finally light industry products that satisfy luxury and entertainment life are the worst.

After taking out the outline, the middle-aged man found Wen Rensheng again: "Old Tang, the island owners trust you the most, you can leave this outline to them. This is all the brothers' thoughts, and everyone hopes that this place will last forever. do it."

Wen Rensheng looked at the other party with a serious face, and there was a trace of pity in his heart.

Sure enough, the farmers couldn't eat the rice they planted. How could these serious NPCs know that they were working so hard, and in the end it was just a battle to win?

After the results come out, these things will disappear.

He didn't sigh much, took the outline, and went to the island owner's office to find Huang Feng and others, but he was turned away by the guards on the grounds that the other party was in a meeting.

He thought for a while, and entrusted the guards with the outline to find a chance to hand it up, because if he guessed correctly, the other party must also be holding a meeting on the new problems that are currently emerging.

The guard did not lie, Huang Feng was indeed in a meeting.

In the island owner's office, the Shenzhou people who were not plot NPCs gathered together.

"There are problems when you are poor, and there are more problems when you are rich. This reality scene is really not as fun as games. Whoever tells me that 100% virtual reality is fun, I have to kick him to death." Someone complained.

"Nonsense, this is desperate, you are playing games? The accumulation now is to prepare for the decisive battle in 15 years! Logistics, armament, soldiers, which one does not require money?"

"Well, the soldiers don't need to be paid, as long as they have enough to eat and drink, and they are armed with spirit..." Someone raised his hand.

"Then education needs to be developed, and education also requires money. Money is materials and productivity."

Huang Feng knocked on the table: "Everything is quiet, the big guy will sort out the problem first."

Xu Mei raised her hand and said, "Brother Feng, let me tell you."


"First of all, some NPCs have lost their fighting spirit and just want to live a comfortable life. Although they are told that there will be a war in 15 years, no one really believes Second, the scale is getting bigger and bigger, and the industries are developing one after another. , we can no longer manage as effectively as we used to."

"The last is the recruitment and training of soldiers. We need intelligence, and we need targeted intelligence from our opponents. Otherwise, there will be great deviations."

Huang Feng nodded and said, "Yes, Island Master Mei summed it up very well. Brothers, I need to come up with a charter today."

At this time, a guard saw this and handed over Wen Rensheng's outline.

Huang Feng took a few glances and frowned.

"Let's see, among these NPCs, many of them are very proactive. This proves that our previous measures are powerful, and this can really win their hearts." He passed the outline to others.

It doesn't matter whether the method is right or not, what matters is the attitude of taking the island as home, which will only emerge after it is truly integrated into it.

And in order to protect their families, the cowards dare to go all out. The so-called country as home, is like this.

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