Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 357: Weakening and coming

The budgie has nothing to say, because it really intends to deceive Wenren for a promotion.

Now it seems that this guy is strong and shrewd, and he can't move without taking out something real.

"Well, it's up to you to do it or not, and it's up to me to tell it. You don't even have the courage to listen to me, right?" the budgerigar said excitedly.

"Speaking is your freedom." Wen Rensheng said casually.

Anyway, if it was noise, he would just cut off the link with the puppet and let the other party talk to the iron nugget...

"Okay, now we aliens, no, alien experts, the reason why we can't decide the battlefield like the golden age, the reason is that the lethality of modern weapons is too great, and the modern troops of thousands of people cannot fight them head-on, and the other side can fight against them. To the last person, only auxiliary means can be used. However, the power of alien species is limited, and after a period of time, they will retreat, and they must give up control of the battlefield." The budgerigar chattered endlessly.

"Correct nonsense." Wen Rensheng commented, who doesn't know these things?

"So if we want to return to the golden age, there are two ways out. One is to strengthen ourselves so that it is not afraid of modern weapons, and the second is to weaken modern weapons and greatly reduce their lethality." Budgerigar finally Throw in a little dry stuff.

"Weakening?" Wen Rensheng was thoughtful.

"You should have thought that the Ocean Cemetery can actually partially accomplish this. The environment it simulates is difficult to distinguish between true and false, and it actually has the ability to interfere with reality." The budgie saw him fall into Thinking, and finally have a trace of pride.

"It's difficult, it's too difficult. This is to control the environment and change the rules. If you want to do this, it is impossible for a master-level alien." Wen Rensheng shook his head.

"We can't do it, but the mysterious world contains everything. For example, the intersection of the present world and the inner world can form such an environment if it is properly guided." The budgerigar finally threw out the real idea.

"Don't you want to turn the entire earth into an environment where the power of technological weapons is weakened?" Wen Rensheng said suddenly.

When the other party was nagging just now, he said that he wanted to imprison technology, so he could think of this.

"Smart, you think deeply, yes, our plan is very grand, right? Follow us and restore the golden age of our aliens! And by that time, our lifespan can be greatly extended again, you You must know that the more the material world tends to the mysterious side, the greater the influence of xenogeneic species on our body, and all our qualities can go up!" The budgerigar said more and more excited.

It flies up and down and dances.

Wen Rensheng was silent, and a scene appeared in front of him.

Hundreds of ghosts walk at night, the gods are obviously holy, terror comes, and bad luck is plentiful.

No matter what technology is prosperous and civilization is developed, it will be like a dream bubble, fleeting.

"Not good." Wen Rensheng said suddenly.

"Why not? You said it yourself, in the illusory scene before, indulging your mind and letting that mortal figure out every possible way, it's not as powerful as your palm, so you can be at ease. Now you can't say it well, isn't it contradicting yourself?" Budgie sneered.

"It is because I have indulged myself that I know how terrible it is for the strong to indulge. I have the power of self-control, but I can't expect others to have it, so this kind of unconstrained world is not good." Wen Rensheng shook his head.

The budgerigar immediately said with disdain: "Idiot! Life is selfish, and that is the way of heaven. As long as the world comes, we can all become Buddhas and ancestors. For thousands of years, we will enjoy immortal blessings forever, why should we care about his life and death?"

Wen Rensheng grabbed it and grabbed its mouth: "Why did you talk to me, sir?"

"I, I was wrong, let me go." It flapped its wings vigorously.

Wen Rensheng then let it go.

The information I got today is really big. It turns out that someone, no, is probably the Sovereign Club. Their goal is actually this.

Retro and advent, both in one.

The budgerigar lingered for two weeks, then flew out of the command room, as if afraid that Wen Rensheng would pinch it again.


The budgerigar flew back to the antenna on the bridge and contacted Yan Ze again.

"You finally have news." Yan Ze said with relief.

"No way, I was almost unlucky this time. Sure enough, to do these dangerous things, you still have to use puppets. Otherwise, this time, it is very likely that you will even die." The budgerigar sighed.

"Is it so dangerous?" Yan Ze was a little disbelieving.

"There is only more danger. We are caught in three battle scenes. You also know that my parrot puppet is only good at confusion and illusion, and has no defensive power. , it is easy to be killed." The budgie cried bitterly.

"Understood, I will give you half of the profit this time." Yan Ze said immediately.

"It's almost, by the way, let me tell you something. That guy, I don't know what's going on. I used our great cause to confuse him, but he didn't move at all. I really don't know if he is hypocritical or just a Gentleman," said the budgerigar again.

Yan Ze disbelieved: "Not at all moved? How could it be Could it be that we still meet a saint? I think he just has a deep mind and doesn't want to be fooled. After all, the goal is too big, so It is similar to the realization of the Great Harmony of the World, and he certainly will not rashly promise when he cannot see the specific possibility of success.”

The reason why he worked so hard for the Dominion Club was because he was attracted by this big goal.

People always have to understand what to do, and then they will have infinite motivation and the consciousness to sacrifice for it.

What he wanted was to bring the mysterious world to the present world. At that time, with a different species, it was equivalent to the myths and legends, with a spiritual root and a fairy bone, and could sit on the ground and become a fairy.

By that time, let alone two hundred years of lifespan, two thousand years, 20,000 years, is not much.

As for how many disasters ordinary people will suffer in this process, the power of mysterious disasters will suddenly increase from 01 to 100 or even 1000 indicators, he will not care.

Anyway, no matter how terrifying and difficult the world is, there are always people who can reproduce.

The budgerigar shook his head slightly. He saw a lot of people, his eyes were not blind, and he understood what the puppet just said was true.

There will always be such fools who put their own countless interests aside and insist on seeking benefits for more people.

It's just that such a guy has the hardest bones.

It has a hunch that if something big goes wrong, it will happen to this person.

Do you want to get rid of him in advance?

No, the hunch is always like this, the more you want to get rid of a person, the more you fulfill him.

Very simple, the ancients said, hardships and hardships, Yuru Yucheng.

For such a hard-boned person, the more he chases and blocks, the more he can stand out.

On the contrary, turning it into a delicacy with sugar and medicine can actually soften the bones, depress the will, and reduce it to obscenity.

The budgerigar made a secret decision.

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