Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 361: doll and meet

After finishing the electronic reconnaissance ship, Wen Rensheng asked the armored puppet to go back. He thought about it, and instead of bringing the armored puppet home, he asked the other party to find another coastal city to live in.

The instruction is to "walk around", where to go where the danger is, and notify him if something happens.

Anyway, the two are connected with each other and can sense it instantly.

After arranging this, it happened that he still had a humanoid locust tree in his hand. He decided to make another puppet and play three numbers at the same time. He felt that he could do it.

So he came to a painting room in the villa and placed the human-shaped wood.

He decided to use the carving method to draw this puppet ceremony.

Painting the skin and painting the flesh is difficult to paint the bones.

Therefore, this form of carving can make better use of the power of alien species, improve the efficiency of use, and make the puppet more realistic.

That's why the locust-shaped wood finally camouflaged for ten years.

He faced the wood, closed his eyes, and began to design in his mind.

Everything is done with confidence, in order to write with confidence.

In fact, this piece of wood has been carved by Mr. Yu once before, but it is a living thing after all, and it is also wood, and it has grown back.

After thinking about it, I heard someone tiptoe in.

He didn't turn his head, he knew who was coming.

"Wang Wenwen, are you okay?" Wen Rensheng asked directly without opening his eyes.

"That teacher, are you going to carve a new puppet?" Wang Wenwen asked cautiously.

"Yeah, if you want to observe, just sit by the side."

"No, I just want to give you a suggestion." Wang Wenwen said solemnly.

"What advice?"

"I've played too many games, do you know what kind of treasure is the best?"

"Uh, it is a treasure that can be updated with the version of unscrupulous merchants, and has always kept its value." Wen Rensheng said lightly.

"A teacher is a teacher, and it hits the nail on the head. You are talking about a growth treasure." Wang Wenwen said excitedly.

"What the **** do you mean?"

"I mean, if you are a puppet, you'd better be a growth-oriented one. In this way, it will have great potential in the future," Wang Wenwen said earnestly, "It took me a lot of work and searched a lot of secret information to find it. conclusion."

"Growing puppets? Oh, that's true." Wen Rensheng nodded slightly.

In fact, isn't that country-suppressing sea beast a growth puppet in disguise?

It has grown for thousands of years, and its strength is far greater than any xenogeneic, and also more than those mushrooms.

"Am I right?" Wang Wenwen was overjoyed, and then took out the pocket fat doll she made by herself before, "Look, if you make this big fat doll from that piece of wood and let him grow into a man slowly, there will be so many it is good?"

"It makes sense, but who will bring it?" Wen Rensheng asked rhetorically.

Wang Wenwen immediately said: "If there is something for the disciple to do it, of course I am here."

"Although I know that you have other goals, but forget it, I also want to see how far a puppet can grow." Wen Rensheng said this, and closed his eyes again.

Wang Wenwen sat down honestly.

Of course there is a purpose, the purpose is to fool my mother.

She waited patiently until three hours later, Wen Rensheng finally opened his eyes and started to cut.

It was carved into the human-shaped wood with a knife.

And the human-shaped wood is very spiritual. When he slashed, the other party immediately shrank the carved part, and no sawdust was produced.

"It's really amazing." Wang Wenwen praised sincerely.

She is more and more confident in her plan. The teacher is stronger than her mother, and since this piece of wood is good at disguising, her mother will definitely not be able to tell the truth.

Just let the teacher keep it a secret, so that no one else knows about it.

Wen Rensheng's carving knife was getting faster and faster, and his thoughts seemed to be captured by the human-shaped tree. With the cooperation of the other party, after a long time, a big fat doll carved in pink and jade appeared in Wang Wenwen. in front of you.

"It's done!" She stood up in surprise, ran to the front, looked left and right, the more she looked, the more cute she became.

She then said embarrassedly: "Well, teacher, can you keep this matter a secret? Just take it as a reward for me to bring it."

"Yes, but you have to bring it back to recharge regularly, your strength is not enough to drive it." Wen Rensheng said, pouring purple mist into the other party.

"Of course."

Wang Wenwen happily watched the fat doll's eyes gradually light up, and after a while, he opened his mouth and started to cry.

She spontaneously developed an inexplicable motherhood, and hurriedly hugged each other.

Uh, what a motherhood, whoever wants this thing wants it!

She thought while coaxing the fat doll.

Then she took out the pocket doll just now and played with it.

It seemed that he had found a homologous thing, and the big fat doll stopped crying suddenly, and played with the pocket doll.

"Well, teacher, I'm leaving. I'll buy him some clothes."

"Go, go, remember not to cause trouble." Wen Rensheng waved his hand.

Wang Wenwen immediately ran out with the doll in his arms. Before going out, he thought of something, and took a canvas to cover the other side.

Wen Rensheng shook his head upon seeing this.

What the other party wants to do, he can guess it as soon as he guesses. Today's young people really know how to play.

In his previous life, he rented his girlfriend home for Chinese New Year, but now Wang Wenwen has gone a step further and made a puppet to fool his parents.

But then Wenwen is clever but is mistaken by cleverness.

Apart from the fact that the puppet doll was not born by the other party, taking care of it is no more worrying than an ordinary child.

At most, there is no need to worry about accidental injury...

He really wanted to see what this growing doll could look like.

After doing this, he felt a little hungry, so he went to eat.

While eating, I suddenly got a prompt from the armored puppet.

Turns out someone called it.

Sure enough, I played too much, and I felt uneasy about eating.

Fortunately, the baby number was lost to Wang Wenwen...

Wen Rensheng hurriedly ate his meal and went back to continue controlling the armored puppet.


"Old Tang, the person you rescued, remembered that Xu Mei was here today, do you want to send him to meet him?" the budgerigar said on the phone.

"Of course, a gentleman has the beauty of an adult."

If I don't go, how will my mysterious event be completed?

"Okay, this is what you said. When you die, you can come and save me again." The budgerigar said angrily.

"It's just a meeting, why are you still alive?" Wen Rensheng asked in surprise.

"I just went out and found the woman near his house. There is also a mystery expert by her side. It is estimated that she has climbed a high branch and wants to come over and break up with him. Do you think he will die or live?" The budgerigar asked rhetorically. .

"Okay, I'll go right now." Wen Rensheng asked.

"Okay, remember, the address for the two of them to meet is near Mu Chengen's house, a luxury five-star hotel... My baby, being green is really distressing."

"If you want to live a good life, you have to have a little green on your head."

"It sounds like you're quite experienced."

Wen Rensheng immediately denied it: "I don't have it, you have it."

"I do not have either."

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