Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 367: 2 booms

Hearing Wen Rensheng say this, the mysterious experts thought about it and agreed.

Most of them belong to logistics and researchers, and have never learned puppet manipulation before.

And the consequences of going out in person, Qin Laoyoutiao has personally demonstrated.

They don't think they can be much better than each other.

In the previous era, this skill was very practical, because there were a lot of occasions to end the battle, but now it has been a long time, the order is good, and the demand is greatly reduced.

As soon as the price-performance ratio is low, they naturally won't study, anyway, they just need to find a black-shirted person if they have something to do.

Wen Rensheng agreed with them on a study time and returned home.

He remembered something and called Wu Shanshan.

"Help me find the corresponding puppet materials in the market, buy the cheap ones, and put them on my account."

"Got it." Wu Shanshan responded.

After that, in addition to continuing to teach in class, Wen Rensheng had another task of teaching older students.

But he immediately discovered that his master-level teaching was not effective for those older students.

After thinking about it for a while, he understood: this is because the opponents are all mysterious experts, mature and powerful, with stubborn three views, and with the support of different species, it is not easy for people to change their minds.

Originally this kind of resistance is good, but when it comes to teaching, it becomes self-defeating.

This reminded him of the body's immunity, which was originally a necessary defense against foreign aggression, but has become a huge obstacle in organ transplantation.

However, the power of the aliens lies in their ability to actively control the strength of this resistance.

He told the older students about this situation.

They have suppressed their alien species, lowered their resistance, and took the initiative to accept Wen Rensheng's content. In this way, the teaching effect has recovered.


Just as there was a frenzy of learning puppet arts in various places, the land of Nanzhu, which was on the verge of the south of China, was also setting off another upsurge.

"The new era of sailing has begun, recruiting sailors, settling expenses, 10,000! It's not Zhu coins, it's Shen Yuan! Sign the contract on the spot, and pay before boarding the ship!"

Such signs are hung in front of slum entrances in many major cities.

A distinguishing feature of modern times from ancient times is that everyone knows how to put on a cassock before doing bad things.

Obviously it is to kill and plunder, but it is for your own good.

Jinling Xie family members, a man and a woman, appeared in front of one of the recruitment sites.

Xie Linghui and Xie Yanjie were patrolling.

"How can these people from Tianzhu still have the simplicity recorded in Journey to the West? All of them are liars. The Tathagata would be embarrassed to say something about Xi Niu Hezhou, neither greed nor killing..." Xie Yanjie glanced at the sly faces behind the recruitment site, and the skin The dark Nanzhu team said with disdain.

A person in charge of the recruitment point is also from Shenzhou.

He nodded in agreement and said, "Yeah, the eldest miss is right. At the beginning we recruited, and for the sake of effectiveness, we directly paid the settlement fee. After the result was paid, they ran away, and the signed contract was useless! Later, we had to board the ship. If you give it again before you get on the boat, you won't be able to run away. These guys are really the people who have the least contract spirit I have ever met! They deserve to be treated as cattle and horses for generations."

Xie Linghui didn't speak, just held his hands on his chest and looked up at the sky.

"Uncle Wang, how many people have you recruited now?" Xie Yanjie asked again after venting.

"We have recruited 200 people at this point. When we get to 500, we will come to the big truck to take them to the ship in a while." The person in charge replied respectfully.

Xie Yanjie shook his head and said, "The speed is still a bit slow. We need to meet the target of one million people by June."

"Oh, I thought they were stupid. In fact, these guys are more shrewd than each other, and they are not easy to fool. Except for the belief that they can be reincarnated as nobles, other aspects are much more cunning than our Shenzhou people. We have done a lot of advertisements, believe us. Not much." The person in charge said distressed.

At this time, a Nanzhu person quarreled with the recruiter, using the local dialect, which was difficult for people to understand.

Xie Yanjie only understood what he was talking about by relying on the person in charge to translate.

"You have to give a deposit to sign a contract. How can I believe that you want me to be a sailor without a deposit?"

"You take your family, get to the boat, and we give your family the money."

"I don't have a family. How can I spend money on the ship? Seafarers work hard. I need the money now. After I spend it, I can follow you on the ship."

"Go away!" The recruiter directly called the security guard next to him and beat the man away with a stick.

The security guard was also from Nanzhu. He beat his own people ruthlessly, picked up the thick and long white stick, and slammed it down.

The candidates who were beaten didn't feel annoyed, but fled away laughing.

"At first glance, this person is here to cheat money." The person in charge said helplessly.

Xie Linghui frowned slightly, and suddenly said, "So, all the people you recruited are honest people?"

The person in charge was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said: "Not all of them, some are very greedy, and some still think that they can escape after getting on the boat..."

Xie Yanjie smiled and poked him: "Why, are you still soft-hearted? Nanzhu's population is the largest in the world, and it is still growing every year. In a few decades, it is possible to break through to 2 billion. Let's do this, too. For their own good, reduce the burden on the earth."

Xie Linghui did not speak, but was thinking about something.

Xie Yanjie was boring, and then ignored him, but said to the person in charge: "It's not enough to rely on recruitment, one is that the cost is too high, this time it will cost 10 billion, although relying on those industries, it can support it, but it still consumes It’s too big, and secondly, the efficiency is too I have to think of a different way.”

"Then what else can be done?" Uncle Wang said in distress.

"Have you made any powerful contacts locally?" Xie Yanjie thought for a while.

"Don't tell me you want to traffic people? That won't work. The impact is too bad. We won't be able to return to the country if it spreads out." Uncle Wang shook his head again and again.

"No, this guy reminded me just now that Nanzhu people are full of liars and thieves. If the prison where they are held is put in that place through powerful people, in this case, don't say one million in half a year, it is five million, also It's easy, it doesn't cost a penny. Of course, the money and transportation costs are still to be paid." Xie Yanjie sneered.

When Uncle Wang heard this, his eyes lit up, and then he said, "Miss, I remember that we have already cooperated with a few powerful people? We can do this through them."

"If I can pass them, I won't ask you. This matter is very important, and we can't entrust important things to the same people. Otherwise, with the character of these Nanzhu people, they will definitely be in the future. Blackmail us." Xie Yanjie shook his head.

"Oh, I was wrong, let me think about it, yes, the Spertu king of this country has this right, but he always wants a xenomorph. If it can satisfy him, I think he will agree to anything. Come down." Uncle Wang replied.

I don't have it myself, should I get it for him?

Xie Yanjie was suddenly dissatisfied.

But she thought about it again, as long as this thing is done well, from that cemetery, you will definitely be able to harvest alien species.

So she said: "Okay, you go to contact him, find an opportunity for me to meet him, and say we can fulfill his wish."

Uncle Wang nodded, then handed over the recruitment to another person, and immediately went to call the contact person.

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