Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 379: Stability secret plan

Wen Rensheng thought of this, so he shook his head and said: "Director An sent us here, not only to investigate the truth, but more importantly to solve the hidden hidden danger of the Destiny Society, not to push the problem to the top, if everything is pushed to the top Go, what's the point of us being here?"

"But now there is something that we can't be the master of. It's not to shirk, but to be safe." Inspector Chen explained patiently.

The truth has almost been investigated, and it is the people from the Destiny Society who assassinated, then urge the people in Dongdao to do a good job of handing over the position of the general, and then continue to clean up the Destiny Society.

It's just that he knows Wen Rensheng's ability and the name of the other party. Even though he is a senior, he has to give three points and be more patient.

"When they make excessive demands, we should strangle and reject them from the source, instead of handing them over to the top. If we hand them over to the top, the top will misunderstand that we have acquiesced in their demands as reasonable." Wen Rensheng insisted.

"But their demands are not too much. It's just for the benefit of the market. In exchange for the stability of the border, it's still very cost-effective." Inspector Wu said suddenly.

"Not too much," Wen Rensheng said with a wry smile, "They demanded that the tariffs on imported goods be lowered, which probably means that many of our industries will be squeezed, and many people will lose their jobs and find jobs again. And the key is themselves. It's wrong, why should our innocent people bear the loss and give in? There is no gratitude, only an inch. It should be noted that in exchanges between countries, fear of power rather than virtue is the law."

He thought of the past life, the American people did a good job at this point, completely settled this scourge, and became the most docile hound in their hands.

Those people in other places may have made many mistakes, but they are the nemesis for the people of Upper East Island.

And what he has to do is to transplant the other party's means.

Chen and Wu were silent, because Wen Rensheng said everything in order. The Destiny Society that targets the upper class and the aliens in Dongdao is the problem of their Chinese and gentry, and they did not distribute the benefits properly.

Now that there is a problem, it is an unreasonable request to ask China to support them.

It would be irresponsible if they passed the request of the other party to the above.

After thinking about it for a while, Inspector Wu took the lead and nodded: "I didn't expect that we would look bad, but Manager Wenren didn't see it so deeply and correctly. Yes, your statement is correct. In the whole thing, we have to do It's a watchdog, not someone who solves their problems."

Inspector Chen also nodded in agreement.

Wen Rensheng breathed a sigh of relief. Compared with my Qing Dynasty, the xenogeneic experts are still wise and able to distinguish between inside and outside.

The key is that they have their own strength, their bones are not soft, and they are only afraid of trouble, not afraid of trouble

Then Wen Rensheng took control of the puppets and began to supervise their handling of related matters in Dongdao.

The first is to determine the cause of death of the general.

The cause of death was poisoning, the person who poisoned it was a maid, the maid had committed suicide, and the controller behind it was someone from the Destiny Society.

Then there is the transfer of the position of general.

Two days later, the two elders of the late general found out the will left by the general before his death and handed it over to the three.

After seeing the three of them, they were immediately surprised: because the will said that it was neither the eldest nor the second child, but the third child to take over the position.

Of course, in order for this will to take effect, it needs three people to read it and then submit it to the Inspection Division for approval, so that it can have real effect.

Otherwise, any mysterious disasters in the East Island in the future will not be accepted by their self-appointed generals.

After Wen Rensheng read the will, he sighed inwardly, the Inspectorate has such a strong means of control over Dongdao, but they can still allow an organization like the Destiny Society to appear within them. It can only be said that they ignore the internal management of the other party too much.

"What can I do? It's not the eldest or the second child, but it was given to the third child. Isn't this encouraging internal fighting?" Inspector Wu shook his head.

"Check the archives, I remember there is something like Dongdao Chronicle." Wen Rensheng suggested.

Inspector Chen has already connected to the database of the Inspection Division and started to check it.

Soon he said: "I don't know if I don't check it, but only after I check it out, this is their tradition, not to the eldest, not to the second, but only to pass the position to the third. The second yin is too strong, and only the third is the balance of yin and yang, which can concentrate all the advantages of the first two, and can shield the shortcomings of the latter."

"It's really interesting." Inspector Wu smiled with a look of disbelief.

Wen Rensheng's heart moved, isn't this a great opportunity?

He immediately said: "Stop submitting it, give me two days to check the story behind it."

"Oh, this is their tradition, what else is wrong?" Chen Xuncha wondered.

"The general is an alien and can live for hundreds of years. In this case, the tradition of passing the throne should not be passed on to the grandson, or why did the great-grandson designate his third son to be only twenty years younger than himself, right? For aliens, it is not a suitable transfer object, unless there is an inevitable reason for this." Wen Rensheng said seriously.

"Oh, it seems that there is something strange in it. Could it be that their general is someone from the Destiny Society?" Inspector Wu opened his mind.

Inspector Wu also nodded and said: "This idea is very good, it may not be self-directed and self-acted, play a hard game and ask us for benefits."

Then the three decided not to submit a will for the time being, and will talk about it two days later.

In the past two days, Wen Rensheng used his past life memories to sort out a secret strategy for the stability of Xiongwen East Island.

From the beginning to the end, he explained what he saw and heard, and analyzed their true thoughts, and then emphasized that the bridgehead had become a sore on the body.

The entire method of stability was mostly copied from the measures of America in the previous life, from dog chains to horse whips, from classrooms to soldiers, and explained them in detail.

Two days passed ~ Xiongwen created.

The only thing that surprised him was that during this process, the Tokugawa family luck did not come to him.

He originally thought that the other party was so enthusiastic, he must have the intention to take the position of general, but he didn't expect the other party to be indifferent.

There really is a big story behind this.

But no matter how big the story is, his whip is ready to come off.

Shenzhou, Dongshui, Inspection Division.

Director An and several big bosses circulated the secret strategy for the stability of Dongdao submitted by Wen Rensheng, and they all sighed.

"It's true that the back waves of the Yangtze River push the front waves. One wave is higher than the other, and the future generations are formidable." A big man shook his head.

"Yeah, we have never thought of such perfect measures, or we don't have the energy to do these things. We always feel that it is enough to master the power of alien species. Now it seems that letting them do their own thing is cultivating themselves. Misfortune." The other person nodded.

Director An put down the document and said, "Do you think this article can be used?"

"Good is good, but who will do this?" Some people wonder.

"Yeah, ordinary people can't be stationed in the past, otherwise, they will send meat to the door; alien experts, time is precious, and can't be wasted there every day."

This is the real difficulty. Ordinary people who leave the organization of aliens are fat in the eyes of others.

"There is a solution to this. Those stationed here can enjoy the offerings of East Island. The annual income is not comparable to one billion or eight billion." Director An smiled.

Someone said helplessly: "Uh, this is true, but to protect others, you have to pay for protection, it's a bit like that"

"This is also a matter of course, it should have been so long ago, holding face and losing money."

Therefore, the measures against the East Island were decided accordingly.

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