Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 382: Question 1

Mu Chengen listened ignorantly, nodding as if he didn't understand.

Wen Rensheng was about to say something when suddenly, he heard a ringtone on his cell phone.

The ringtone came from Mu Chengen.

The other party took out his mobile phone and answered the call: "Ah, it's me, Mu Chengen, who are you?"

A roar suddenly came from his mobile phone: "Mu Chengen, you rubbish, bastard, if your courtship fails, you will kill you, the murderer, you killed Xu Mei, you return my Xu Mei"

Wen Rensheng was stunned. With his intelligence and extraordinary memory, he had already deduced the truth from a simple sentence.

For Xu Mei who died before, another spare tire appeared. The other party spent a lot of effort to finally find out the cause of the other party's death, which was related to Mu Chengen.

Alas, it is good to have more spare tires, at least someone will care if you die, not just one hundred.

As for how he knew that Xu Mei died, of course, he knew it through the incident of "licking a dog can't die well".

And this voice is not that of the mysterious expert Huang Feng.

It was normal, Huang Feng would not take the risk of offending two mysterious experts to come forward for a deal.

Mu Chengen stayed for a while, and then returned to the past: "Who are you, Xu Mei and I have already broken up, whether she is dead or alive has nothing to do with me."

"You, you said where are you not, you don't need to say, you wait, I have located you, don't go, I will come to you right away" The man on the opposite side didn't answer Mu Chengen's words at all, and He hung up the phone aggressively.

Mu Chengen was holding the mobile phone and was stunned on the spot.

Later, he looked at the budgerigar and said in a panic, "Dad, what should I do now?"

"Listen to the voice, it's just an ordinary person. How to deal with the provocation of these ordinary people is the first question for you. We only have two or three hundred thousand aliens, and we have to rule over a billion ordinary people. What a problem," said the budgerigar in a subtle tone.

When Wen Rensheng heard this, he suddenly remembered what the other party had said before, to let the mysterious world come, and to block technology, the purpose is to better rule more people.

Thinking about it carefully, in the past life, only the Manchu Qing could rule the powerful people of hundreds of thousands to rule the Shenzhou people in units of 100 million.

Taken together, their methods are: one is to unite with the landlords, the other is to fool the people, the third is to imprison technology, and the fourth is to advocate Confucianism

Knowing that there is an advanced version of the musket outside, but not developing it, this is fooling.

The methods of the aliens are much more clever, but they also rely on prophecy. They know that by confinement and fooling, they will only be beaten by the outside world, and they have to keep up with the trend of the world.

However, with the development of science and technology, the power of ordinary people has surpassed that of aliens. At least in terms of technology, ordinary people have an absolute advantage.

Westerners rely on establishing a complete set of rules, and those who benefit from the rules will spontaneously maintain this set of rules.

With "money, everyone is equal" as the core, and rules to ensure that the ownership of money is not violated, so that aliens are dominated by money and become a means of production and living, thus ensuring general stability.

It has to be said that this is actually a very clever method.

Shenzhou is "in the face of opportunity, everyone is equal", which deeply connects aliens and ordinary people.

Ordinary people are jealous of aliens, and they can only complain about their bad luck and lack of ability, instead of venting a lot of anger on the entire system, thus ensuring the stability of the system.

Each of these two forms of governance has its own merits.

Just thinking about it, there was a roar of a car in the distance.

He looked up and saw a dozen luxury cars lined up in a row, driving towards the beach.

At the end of the road, the cars stopped, and twenty or thirty people got off the cars. All of them wore sunglasses. The leader was a shirtless half-fat man in his forties with a newspaper in his hand.

If ordinary people see this posture, they will definitely feel that they have caused a big problem.

The budgerigar just looked at those people with cold eyes, very disdainful.

Mu Chengen was a little panic in his eyes, he didn't seem to know how much power he had.

The half-fat man walked directly towards Mu Chengen and threw the newspaper in his hand to the other party: "See for yourself, you murderer"

Mu Chengen took the newspaper and looked down.

Mysterious love murder case, beauty becomes a lonely soul

The title is quite ordinary, and the content is that Xu Mei died in the hotel bathroom, including some of her experiences before her death, all of which have been discovered.

Among them, there is naturally the process of Mu Chengen giving the beauty water to the other party.

This is normal, after all, it was not sent privately at the time, there were not only witnesses, but also hotel surveillance video.

"She's really good to die." Mu Chengen suddenly laughed "haha", "I can't get the woman I can't get, and no one else can get it. I finally figured it out. In this world, only strength is the most important thing. Power brings money, and money brings women"

The half-fat man was stunned for a moment, then burst into anger.

"You bastard" He went up to slap the other side.

In Mu Cheng'en's eyes, the fat hand swung by the other party was like slow motion.

He suddenly remembered the action video of "flies watching people call" that he had seen on a video website before. It was exactly the same.

He subconsciously leaned over to dodge, and then a left hook, in turn, hit the half-fat man's chin hard.

The half-fat man was beaten and flew out and fell heavily to the ground. Fortunately, there was a beach below, so he was not seriously injured.

What made Wen Rensheng a little surprised was that those wearing sunglasses didn't even come forward to help him. After a little thought, he understood.

"You guys, call me back hard," the half-fat man yelled at the men in sunglasses behind him.

"Boss, what we agreed is just to support the scene. This beating, but you need to pay extra, and it's easy to get in." A leading man in sunglasses stepped forward and said.

Sure enough.

"Add more money, you must call me back." The half-fat man got angry and couldn't care about anything.

The men in sunglasses looked at each other, and then stepped forward.

Mu Chengen was excited.

He had just really felt the power.

Beating people is cool

Being scolded is really uncomfortable.

He really didn't understand whether the former self was a fool who was ordered to come and go by Xu Mei at will, and he even made a fool of himself.

Obviously he could be better off

Obviously he can be more dignified He lost his fear and stepped forward to fight with those men in sunglasses.

He had also learned boxing and fitness before, and with his physical advantages, twenty or thirty ordinary people with heterogeneity advantages were knocked to the ground by him one by one.

The half-fat man was terrified.

He knew that the other party was definitely not an ordinary person.

Ordinary people, even if they are good at fighting, can't deal with twenty or thirty people at the same time, but the other party is like a master in the film and television, in front of him, even dodging and dodging, really knocked those people over.

It's not acting, it's not cheating, it's real fighting.

Mu Chengen walked to the half-fat man again, squatted down, and patted the other's fat face: "Who are you, Xu Mei, and what does it have to do with you?"

"I have nothing to do with her. I want to chase her, but she doesn't like me." The half-fat man said timidly.

Mu Chengen's eyes showed a trace of cruelty, and he wanted to kill this man.

The woman he once had, the other party dared to covet

Now he feels that he is too stupid to let Xu Mei die so easily. He should concoct the other party well, like this half-fat man, begging for mercy under his knees.

Wen Rensheng watched the whole process with strength, and from the beginning to the end, he saw the changes of a new-born xenogeneic.

This made him sigh.

During the Manchu and Qing Dynasties in the previous life, those Han people who carried the flag should also have this mentality.

Once he gained power, he immediately transformed his mentality and became domineering.

There are very few people like him who have the power and maintain a normal mentality.

The so-called first question of the budgerigar, Mu Chengen's solution, is the most direct and rude, using fists directly.

Very refreshing, but the real answer is not so simple.

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