Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 387: Summary of lessons

"Sages have no failures for no reason, no failures without reasons..."

After his girlfriend left, Wen Rensheng repeated what he said when he was pretending to be coercive.

It was just a pretense at the time, but in retrospect, it makes sense.

He is too determined to solve mysterious events quickly and improve the efficiency of obtaining mystery, but haste is not enough.

The sage is inaction, not saying nothing or doing nothing, but not letting his mood interfere with the steps of doing things.

Corresponding to the latter sentence, without obsession, there is no loss.

He thought about many things in his previous life, because he was too urgent, leading to disrespect for science, and there were many examples of failures.

This is the reality of ancient philosophy.

It is just like someone who wants to be successful and goes to the study of success. in front of you.

Thinking of this, Wen Rensheng calmed down again. He only felt that this failure had clarified the spiritual flaws that existed in the past, and he was one step closer to perfection.

After clearing his mind, Wen Rensheng focused his attention on the incident that just failed.

Can the failed event be triggered again?

should be able to.

Reality is not a game, in reality, unless you die, failure can be repeated.

In fact, from the small life to the country, it is the superposition of countless failures.

Failure is the norm, success is rare.

The ability to withstand failure is stronger than any ability; because unable to withstand failure, it means that you will be stunned, or even commit suicide, and there will be no possibility of progress in life.

Those who have achieved great things have all suffered failures that others cannot bear.

From this aspect, the failure this time brought to Wen Rensheng far exceeded the 3 points of mystery!

Wen Rensheng finished comforting himself, and then controlled the armored puppet to continue the incident in the screaming mine.


He came out of the mine again and stood on a barren savannah.

Next to him was the black girl, looking at him eagerly.

"Uncle, is the mine below ready?" She asked expectantly.

"Almost." Wen Rensheng made a gesture.

Both of them were speaking French at this time, which was historically the backyard of Gaul.

Then he called the budgerigar and asked the other party to check more information about the mine, including its origins and its origins, as well as all the origins of the Grandet, so be sure to confirm it on the spot.

"With such a trivial matter, you still have to trouble me back and forth, and I wouldn't recommend it to you if I knew it earlier..." The budgerigar complained directly.

That tone, like to a very good colleague in general.

"The matter is very serious," Wen Rensheng said seriously. "There is a terrifying truth in it. It's not as simple as the death of a few miners."

The budgerigar said disdainfully: "Don't use such big words to scare me, I used to be a boss, those ordinary people's subordinates, every time I report to work, it is like this. If things are not done well, the problem is too difficult. They worked very hard and took a lot of credit..."

Sure enough, he understood, Wen Rensheng remembered his previous life, he did the same, and the solution to it was very simple.

He immediately said: "After the task is successful, the reward will be divided into half of you."

Solving the incident is the most important thing, not the money.

Sure enough, the twists and turns.

The budgerigar said immediately: "You said it earlier, okay, I'll call someone to confirm it again, you wait patiently, this time will take more time."

Wen Rensheng agreed.

Three days later, Wen Rensheng got new information, all of which were confirmed on the spot.

Hans Grandet, whose real name is "Kill Hans", yes, that's what his real name means when translated into Chinese.

If it was transliterated, it would sound rather odd. Anyway, Wen Rensheng had a hard time pronouncing that pronunciation.

This is a Gallic man, and he hates the Oude very much.

His real identity is actually a member of the European branch of the Destiny Society.

And he went to Sanan to dig gold mines, not to make a fortune, but to kill more aliens.

He knew that resentment could cause mysterious disasters, and he knew that aliens were greedy, so he used the gold mine to play a trick.

The lives of hundreds of miners have become props for each other, concocting a screaming pit.

And as he expected, some immature local aliens died here.

And more information shows that this is actually a fishing method used by the Destiny Society.

They know that the total number of aliens is limited, and killing one is one less.

The only pity is that he has no way to squat in the mine, after all, the people who the resentful spirits want to kill include him.

In the end, it led to a result-some of the aliens who were called mages by the black girl died, but the aliens were all recovered, thus cultivating new aliens.

This trap is not good enough, they have more and better ones, and they have indeed mastered a batch of alien species.

Seeing this, Wen Rensheng completely understood what the "terrible truth" was.

A seemingly ordinary disaster pit, just as its name says, this is a pit, but a big pit, killing the aliens who come to deal with it.

When the aliens were blinded by the golden light, they did not know that the deadly trap was under their feet.

After getting such a realization, Wen Rensheng's mind reappeared in the reminder of the event.

"Screaming Mine: Done. Greed, cheating, gold... You won't know what the other person really wants until the last minute."

"Mystery: 88."

"Mysterious composition: bizarre television sets, deadly bait, greed and deceit."

Sure enough.

Events that fail can be done again, as long as the truth is uncovered.

"You have completed a mysterious event of medium difficulty, and the maximum mystery degree has been increased by 3 points to 321 points."

Wen Rensheng finally felt The perfect record has not been broken.

Knowing mistakes can be corrected, capable people can not do.

He is close to the realm of saints again.

Then draw lessons.

In addition to being overly obsessed, in terms of specific methods, because he is manipulating the puppet armor, he began to do things without any scruples.

To put it bluntly, that is because he doesn't have to worry about losing face, so he acts boldly and casually.

If he goes out in person, it must be that every evidence must be implemented on the spot.

And just now, in order to solve the matter efficiently, he directly accepted the investigation information given by the budgerigar for the first time, without actually verifying it.

When they taught Zhao Han before, Wu Shanshan and Xu Yunshuang said that they should look at the actual evidence, not the confession.

Unexpectedly, he himself violated this principle just now.


Fortunately, they don't know, so this face doesn't need to be thrown out.

Wen Rensheng sighed deeply.

He now understands why there were so many heroes in his previous life, and hardships and hardships could not defeat them, but instead, he defeated himself after success.

Just like Tang Xuanzong Li Longji, and later Tang Zhuangzong Li Cunxu, are the most typical examples. He enjoys and relaxes when he succeeds. He doesn't have the style of doing things seriously as before. He knows what to do, but he succumbs to personal comfort and finally fails.

Wen Rensheng reminded himself that he must not repeat the same mistakes.

Just how to overcome this laziness, he needs to think of a way.

At this moment, he heard a voice from the backyard.

"Mom, run slower..." That was the fat baby's voice.

There is a method...

It is impossible to succeed by expecting yourself to supervise yourself.

Only by restraining yourself with other things can you succeed.

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