Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 391: battle outside

Wen Rensheng looked at the screen carefully and listened to the host's narration.

The content in the front is the same as what he found, and there are different discoveries in the back.

"...Black vortex, we call him the import port, the main types of absorption include mysterious power and mysterious objects, as well as purely hand-made processed objects. The white whirlpool is the export port, which will convert the goods and currencies that enter the import port into The corresponding currency and goods, the ratio of prices between different goods, partially obey the market laws in our real world, the craftsmanship is good, the quality is high, and the price is high, on the contrary, the price is low.”

"This discovery is not good news for us in China."

"Mysterious power and mysterious objects cannot be sold in large quantities, and our labor costs are high and materials are abundant, and we want people to invest time in the production of handicrafts, unless we buy them at extremely high prices, and a small amount is acceptable. , if a lot of it is worth the loss, we don’t have that much wealth.”

"And some underdeveloped areas can take advantage of this opportunity to sell a large number of handicrafts. In fact, they originally lived by handicrafts."

"We can't achieve a monopoly, because we just got news from overseas branches that this black and white vortex has appeared in 5 locations around the world at the same time..."

Wen Rensheng couldn't help laughing bitterly when he heard this. In the previous life, Shenzhou was famous for its cheap labor, good cultural foundation, high-quality workers, convenient infrastructure, and easy to set up factories. It directly dumped industrial products all over the world. Guy goes bankrupt...

Director An raised his hand to ask questions.

The host nodded.

"We can allow our vassal countries to carry out this business. Just like Dongdao, we began to change the measures that were ignored beforehand, but from top to bottom, in-depth management, and combing from time to time, this model can be extended to other vassals. ." He said slowly.

"Well, this is a good way, but there is no doubt that the other party will definitely get a lot of benefits from this trading activity. Of course, we can control the outflow of mysterious things, but this will cause separation." The host frowned.

"It is a false proposition to expect others to be of the same mind and virtue. Before, we basically had nothing to do with those vassals. What did we get in return? The people of Dongdao acquiesce to the development of the Destiny Society. Return the benefits." Director An shook his head.

"Old An is right," Director He, a square-faced middle-aged man who had just introduced Wen Rensheng to him, nodded, "It's like Nan Tianzhu in the southwest of our country, who always ignores them. They still feel that they are very capable, and they have been ruling the king in their nests, but they don't know that this is a gift from us."

"Okay, okay, don't brag about yourselves," the very old Director Wang shook his head and said, "Place management, this is the experience left by the ancestors, you have a deep control, they will find you if they have something. And when the time comes, the two sides get too close, and when they strike again, they will be psychologically hindered and easily criticized."

Wen Rensheng was horrified when he heard the words, Jiang was really old and hot.

Both he and Director An saw the side of Dongdao people who didn't care, but Director Wang was also right.

Pilots at high altitudes, press the bomb button, and kill opponents face to face with army soldiers, the pressure is not the same level. Although the former killed more people, it was the truth.

Don't underestimate this kind of pressure. Xenomorphs are also human. Because of this kind of pressure, they are likely to hesitate or even refuse to execute.

At this critical moment, it is a catastrophe.

In the past life, Amerika had to withdraw from the army several times in wars that Amelica could clearly win, which had a lot to do with this pressure.

The host made an assessment at this time: "What the three said is reasonable. At present, it is necessary to use the labor force of the vassal to make adjustments slowly, and strive to mobilize the enthusiasm of our citizens. This is the fundamental method."

Others nodded slowly, this is the correct way to use the vassal, all kinds of buffers... instead of just trying to make a name and face like the feudal dynasties in history.

Director An thought for a while and said, "Everyone, do you think this is a trap and a complete set?"

The crowd looked at him.

On the opposite side, Director He said again: "What Brother An wants to say is that this is tempting us to de-industrialize, right?"

"That's right, Brother He is right," Secretary An emphasized, "handicrafts can only be exchanged for items. In the future, everyone will be engaged in the manufacture of handicrafts, while ignoring the investment in large-scale mechanized production and research on related technologies, although We get benefits for a while, but destroy our foundation and long-term. Alien species are foreign objects after all, and technology is what we can really understand and master, and can be promoted and expanded at will."

Wen Rensheng smiled when he heard the words, but he didn't expect that Lao An was the most mainstream industrial man in his previous life.

This time, the director Xing spoke up. The youngest director, who only looked at his appearance, was similar to Wen Rensheng.

"I don't agree with Director An's words. Mysterious power is also the power that we can master. It focuses on our own strengthening, which is the foundation, and technology is the complete external thing. Anyone can master it. Things outside the body. One book is outside, not to be confused."

Wen Rensheng's eyes widened immediately. It was the first time he participated in such a top-level meeting, which made him realize what a struggle for ideas is, and the struggle for ideas is what has the greatest interest.

Whose idea becomes the who will get the leading power, so as to gather the most people.

Looking at the success or failure of the previous life, whoever has the upper hand in the concept, it is difficult to completely fail.

Obviously, there is also a technology-based or mystery-based concept dispute within the Inspection Division.

It is impossible to say which of the two is good or bad, because they are both things that have been proven by practice.

"No matter how strong your mysterious power is, it can't solve the food and clothing of more than one billion people, and it can't solve the transportation connection of 40 million land. Without a few industrial revolutions, without a few technological innovations, the mysterious power will be rootless. Wood." Director An emphasized.

"Hmph, the one billion people and 40 million land you mentioned were all earned by the power of mystery. Without it, let alone 40 million, if you leave 10 million, you will burn high incense!" The Secretary does his part.

"According to your opinion, we have to catch up now and guide the people to learn some handicrafts and make traditional handicrafts?" Director An laughed.

"Of course not so extreme, but try to guide those ordinary workers, those ordinary people who have no innovation or enthusiasm after evaluation, to invest in this industry, and at the same time vigorously strengthen the automation of technology, large industry, to reduce the labor force. demand..." Director Xing shook his head.

Director An was silent, since the other party said so, then he had nothing to argue.

In fact, the two sides have reached the same goal in different ways, and both understand the truth that they cannot be partial, but after all, they are human beings, and each has their own preferences.

Hearing this, Wen Rensheng nodded earnestly. The young Director Xing used the spear of his son and the shield of the attacking son to directly defuse the attack of Director An.

And his own philosophy did not deviate, using technology to solve manpower, and then investing more manpower into the mystery, and finally, the mystery is the foundation, and the technology is supplemented.

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