Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 424: Handling all things

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After Wen Rensheng heard the news, a humane smile appeared on the big cat's face.

Puppet master?

There must be many stories hidden in the other party, but they can take advantage of this opportunity to get in touch with one or two.

So he asked: "In this case, I am arrogant; I wonder if there is a chance to meet this old senior and ask for a lesson or two."

The man smiled and said, "Based on Your Excellency's exploits today, I believe that master will soon find his way to Xiongtai."

Everyone laughed afterwards, and the atmosphere was harmonious again.

After the celebration, everyone went to rest.

Wen Rensheng was also temporarily able to escape.

To do this, has greatly exceeded the requirements of the previous agreement. He can completely watch on the sidelines, and then let him take action, and the other party will pay other rewards.

Then Wen Rensheng went to work on his own business.


The wind was turbulent outside, but the house was still peaceful.

After Wen Rensheng returned home, he gave his mother another gift for celebration, a painting he made himself - home and prosperity.

Ouyang Ling is very happy. At this age, what she likes to watch the most is family harmony.

After dealing with the family affairs, Wen Rensheng began to deal with the company's affairs. These days, he is busy with all kinds of important affairs. The company's own affairs have always been left to the agent of Lao Wu.

Of course, Lao Wu won't say much, after all, he knows what Wen Rensheng did, which is very beneficial to the company itself.

Having a good relationship with the Inspectorate Division, many things can be done with half the effort. Not to mention that the West does not care about human feelings, as long as it is a human society, there is always the role of human feelings.

After coming to the company, he listened to the report of Team Leader Hu during this period of time, and felt that there was no problem.

He went to Wei Yiqing's office to take a look, and found that the other party was fine, so he was relieved.

After seeing the majesty of the longevity before, he deeply understood how difficult it was to overwhelm the opponent.

Still have to work harder.

After returning to his office, he browsed the student files. These people were the people he relied on to speed up.

In these files, it can be said that all of them are excellent people, even if they are not very good, they have become excellent people under the oppression of alien species.

Just like the student Hua Youcong I met in the extreme north area, he was originally a cowardly person, but under the toss of his own sorrow, he is now a little more determined and mature. Among the students, he can already be ranked among the students. front row.

This is the accumulation of money. After that kind of sad thing, it completely fits the growth conditions of the alien species, allowing it to use this condition to absorb nutrients from the mysterious world and grow rapidly.

Man is the catalyst for the growth of alien species.

Anyone who has studied industry understands that the role of catalysts is indispensable. With a suitable catalyst, the production efficiency can be improved hundreds of times. Without it, the so-called large-scale industrial production cannot be realized, and can only stay in the laboratory.

Wen Rensheng is not a cold-blooded person, using students is actually a mutual achievement.

The investigations he arranged were all based on his own assessment of the dangers. In order to avoid accidents, he also asked them to form a team, and they all acted in the country.

It can be said that unless you are overly reckless, there will be basically no danger, and you can persist until rescue if there is danger.

Now the re-emergence of puppet arts can give these students an insurance.

Whether it is the mysterious world or the technological world, unmanned and automated are all major trends.

This is a good thing, it shows that human life is more and more precious.

Wen Rensheng read the file and remembered the battle that just happened.

The joy of crushing opponents of the same rank has quickly dissipated; what he recalled was the situation of those aliens who only had a proficiency rating, manipulating puppets.

Now it seems that most of these students can have their own puppets to adapt and learn in advance.

It takes a lot of time to master this skill, but it can also save more time.

Just like him, he can do things thousands of miles away at home without having to travel in person.

Of course, with the exception of the longevity person last time.

After thinking about it, Wen Rensheng decided to assign puppets to all the students, which of course cost a lot. He is going to take three measures, one is to apply to the company for a part, the other is to let the trainees own a part of the loan in installments, and the third is to apply for the corresponding subsidy to the inspection department.

The Inspectorate definitely knows the trend in the future, and will definitely support it in promoting students to practice puppet arts.

After all, this is conducive to preparing for future wars and expanding the reserve force.

As soon as he thought of it, he made a report application and submitted it to the company's office platform.

It didn't take long for Mr. Zhao to send a message on the platform, asking him to talk in the office.

Wen Rensheng took a few steps to find the general manager's office and sat opposite Lao Zhao, who had regained his body shape.

"Asheng, I just read your report. The proposal is very good. It's just the cost of a puppet. It's more about labor. Even if we can help solve the material cost, it's not easy to solve the labor." Mr. Zhao Wei Is it.

"Let me handle this matter, I still have some experience." Wen Rensheng agreed.

Mr. Zhao opened his eyes wide, a little incredulous: "It's not one or two, it's thirty or forty people, or even more, are you busy?"

"It's 007 at most. It's no big deal, and it's not that it hasn't been rectified before." Wen Rensheng said awe-inspiringly.

Mr. Zhao immediately felt admiration from the bottom of his heart: this most capable employee never worked overtime.

Now, for the safety of the students, he has taken the initiative to work hard. This kind of spirit is really something that people have to respect.

Anyway, he couldn't see what other motives Wen Rensheng could have for doing this kind of thing - there was no need to please those students, and as for improving the so-called proficiency, it was not for this purpose.

It can only be said that the other party really takes the entire xenogeneic group at heart, and has a dedication that others cannot see.

nice guy.

He came to this conclusion again, and his vision was correct. This is a person who can be trusted and trusted.

At least the bottom line of the other party is very high, unless it is a critical moment, the other party is reliable, and the price of bribing Wen Rensheng is very high.

"Okay, since you've worked so hard, leave the running of the funds to me, and I'll start some relationships. Those old seniors can't go into the coffin with money, donate some to promote the juniors, it's also appropriate." Zhao Always promise right now.

Of course, this matter is of great benefit to the company. If it is publicized, the Tianxing Club attaches great importance to the safety of students. After that, outstanding people will definitely give more consideration.

As for whether it will cause vicious competition, it is nonsense. This is a matter of improving the overall safety of newcomers. It will only be encouraged, not punished.

"Then there will be Mr. Zhao, now that the situation is changing, it is a little bit more secure." Wen Rensheng sighed Yes, the situation is changing, we must also find ways to protect ourselves and our family. "Mr. Zhao is even more heartbroken.

After all, what happened to him made him more aware of danger than others.

After thinking about the students, Wen Rensheng returned to the office and pondered two more things.

Ouyang Tian and Li Shuangyue's heterogeneity problem.

Before, he didn't have the confidence to solve it in a few years. Now that the cemetery and the trading gate have appeared, he feels that it is possible to solve it quickly.

Of course, it is impossible for him to sacrifice human life. That kind of method goes against the law of heaven and human relations, and sooner or later, there will be great retribution. This life is not a past life, and countless villains in previous lives have died, which makes people hate and helpless.

In this world, because the appearance of mysterious disasters has a lot to do with resentment, this kind of thing is much less.

Raise your head three feet, really gods.

He has another way.

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