Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 445: resurrection

What's my name?

Can not remember.

How old am I?

I can't even remember.

Am I dead?

Then what is life?

Probably people are always like this, they never know when they will live, they can only know when they will die.

Thinking back to when I was the youngest, how amazing it was:

I don't know what life and death are, so I know who I am inexplicably, and I start taking notes.

It's like seeing the light and finding yourself in the chaos.

Well, that's it. I think in the future, I will repeat the same process as I did when I was a child.

Inexplicably, he knew who he was, and began to take notes.

Wait, isn't now the "future"?

I'm thinking, I can think, I can still think!


A voice suddenly sounded on Wen Rensheng's head.


Wen Rensheng stretched out his hand and flicked the end of his hair violently, then blocked his ears.

Leaning on the sofa in the study, he continued to deal with the next hair, chasing after the victory.

And at this time, the first hair came.

The voice disappeared, but the thinking continued.

There was an earthquake, no, chaos is about to wake up.

I saw a pillar of optimism.

It's too tall.

This is God's masterpiece.

It should be 48,000 feet high, 48,000 feet wide, and 48,000 feet long.

Wait, I just saw it?

Why is it dark again now?

Is that a giant? Is this a new world?

Yes, it must be, I came to the world of myth. There is nothing here, only giants haunt, and I can only see giants.

Let's go to sleep first. After tens of thousands of years, someone should come to open up the world.


Of course, Wen Rensheng did not know that the first batch of green dots stationed at the initial site had quickly recovered their ability to think under the blessing of his unique power.

But he could still sense the recovery of those green dots and the slight loss of his own strength.

He quickly realized that this was the influence of his mysterious seed - improving the effect of the entire mysterious field.

This means that the soul fragments of the other party are restoring their integrity, which can be seen as their self-healing ability has been greatly enhanced. By absorbing his power, the remaining mind collections can be restored to their integrity.

This is obviously a burden to him.

It's normal. Since it's an incarnation of heaven, it means devoting yourself, and you must give something.

However, he will get more.

The sage comes after his body and his body is first, and outside his body and his body exists. Because of his selflessness, he can achieve his own selfishness.

What you want to get, you have to give. Even if you are a brutal capitalist, you have to start by exploiting yourself, and to keep your wealth you have to give up many things.

If you don’t create value, you are useless, and you cannot exchange for more value.

And Wen Rensheng created one of the greatest values ​​of human beings since their birth—the final destination after death.

What he paid was the transformation of himself, the contribution of his own strength.

What he got was that his alien species gained more mystery, grew faster, and absorbed more nutrients from the mysterious world.

In these thoughts, Wen Rensheng kept changing his hair.


I don't know how long ago, people outside the study door came and left, walked and came.

Everyone seems to know that Wen Rensheng is doing something very important, so no one bothers him.

After all, it is obvious at a glance. The hair is bald and grows, and it grows and becomes bald again. Such a big change is not a trivial matter at first glance.

You must know that Wen Rensheng is a person who is extremely demanding about his appearance. Without a major motive, it is impossible for him to do such a waste of his hair.

Until Wen Rensheng himself received a call from Director An.

"Some time ago, you didn't apply to go to a meeting point in the southwest..." The other party directly explained his intentions.

"Oh, what happened is very clear..." Wen Rensheng didn't hide anything, he just said it out. After all, others can find out those things.

"Understood, that old Luo is still unrepentant. He is obviously making three points unreasonably. Sooner or later, he will be unlucky." After Director An asked, he quickly understood the right and wrong.

In that case, how could Wen Rensheng keep his hand?

It is impossible to take a huge risk and keep it just because the other party has research value.

Many mysterious disasters have research value, should they all be preserved? Does that person still survive?

Human survival is the number one priority, and everyone else has to stand aside.

After receiving the call from Director An, Wen Rensheng didn't care.

When you do the job at hand well, you will have the strongest card.

Thinking of this, he realized an unavoidable question - that is, can other aliens do the same thing as him?

Maybe they can, but they won't.

Because it takes a lot of power, but their aliens won't get any benefit in the process.

Some people do the beheading business, and no one asks about the loss-making business.

One thing, if it can't be profitable for a long time, if it can't keep multiplying, even if it is to preserve capital, then it will inevitably be eliminated.

This is an unshakable law of matter.

This is the characteristic of the mysterious world - different from the real world, some things cannot be copied, only one person can do it, others can't do it.

In the real world, everything you can do, you can definitely find another person who can do it too.

Thinking of this, Wen Rensheng felt relieved.

He has characteristic bonuses, and no one can surpass him in this matter.

Of course, some people may lose money and make a profit, so let them go. You can lose money in ten or eight years, but can you still lose money in 108,000 years?

After the initial alienation was completed, he was finally leaving.

After cleaning himself up, he went to find his girlfriend.

"Auntie's Soul you find it?" Wen Rensheng said straight to the point.

"I have some eyebrows, but I need to do a very complicated ceremony and ask that person some key points." Wu Shanshan was overjoyed at first, then worried.

Wen Rensheng would ask such a question, that is, there is a way to save and restore it. Otherwise, he would not ask such a question.

"Oh, let's get started, get it done sooner, control your mind as soon as possible, so as not to make a hole for me someday." Wen Rensheng made a decision.

He understands the creatures like humans best, the more they don't let it do, the more it will do.

"Okay, I'll start preparing now." Wu Shanshan is excited from the bottom of her heart, her mother finally has hope of recovery.

If this news spreads out, I don't know how many people will be shocked.

After all, life cannot be resurrected, just like the laws of physics. Even if the mysterious world appears, it cannot be shaken, and even strengthens this point of view.

In ancient times, there were many cases of resurrecting the dead. In the end, none of them did not cause big trouble. As a result, more innocent people died, and it was completely worth the loss.

She ran out a few steps, and even nearly tripped over the threshold.

Wen Rensheng shook his head when he saw this. The dead end is always the most difficult one to pass. If you pass this pass, there will be no more problems that cannot be solved.

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