Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 465: accumulation

When several directors heard this, they looked at each other on the screen and sighed slightly.

After a long time, Director Xing said: "Xenogeneity is the confrontation with people's hearts, and the previous strategies are ineffective for the aliens. Ordinary people are collectives far better than individuals, and the order of the collective can fight against the disorder of the individual. But the aliens , but it can create a situation where the individual is far superior to the collective. And the current situation reinforces that. We need to strengthen monitoring and be prepared.”

"That's why it is necessary to vigorously develop technology to reduce the influence of the aliens. The changes in the current environment are indeed strengthening the aliens. This is caused by the fusion of the two worlds, and it is not something we can solve with a little effort. It seems that we must also Concentrate resources and pile up your own fists." Another Director Wang said.

"Yeah, if we want to lead the line with points, control the surface with lines, and persevere, we will definitely be able to survive the new changes." Director An agreed very much.

"In the past, the conditions were so poor that I could get through it. It doesn't make sense to have so many resources now, but I can't get through it."

"That's right, you must persevere. You will win in the end. Everyone must live forever and a hundred years old."

"Go away, I'm one hundred and sixty years old."

"Ha ha."


After returning home from the district headquarters, Wen Rensheng thought about it and established a spiritual connection with the big cat.

When such big news suddenly appeared, he wanted to see what was going on outside.

When I opened my eyes, it was still the starting camp in South America.

What a protracted battle.

This is the reality, it is impossible to decide the winner within a day or two.

Shaking his body, he found the budgerigar who was in a daze in a rest room, his eyes lacking any expression.

Wen Rensheng knew at a glance that the other party was offline... that's how puppets are.

He unceremoniously woke him up - grabbed it, threw it in the air, turned around three and a half times, and put it back on the sofa.

When the parrot's eyes lit up, he asked, "What's the latest battle report?"

"It's been quiet these days, but according to the news from the insiders of the McCanns, they are planning a big operation, it seems to be to retaliate for the last attack, the specific content is not clear, only from the mobilization of personnel and materials, Guessed. After the last attack, they cleaned up the interior and replaced some of the key people we developed through the descent." Parrot replied.

The big cat nodded, and then said: "In the past two days, there has been a disaster of urban extinction in Nanzhu, do you know that?"

"I know one or two, and it was done by some ignorant guys. It should be the local xenogeneic circle in Nanzhu." The parrot didn't care.

"Is that just the case? I thought it was the prelude to the revenge of the McCanns." Wen Rensheng said casually.

"Oh, I see what you mean, they want to mess up Nanzhu, and then spread to us? It is very likely that they suffered a lot from the loss last time. This is their specialty. We will use animal puppets, and they will use Power puppet..." The budgie was thoughtful.

Tang Mao's speculation is very reasonable. If Nanzhu is in chaos to a certain extent, the members of the Sovereign Society will also be transferred home to defend them. After all, although they are private organizations, they also have the obligation to defend the land.

This is a draw from the bottom of the pot, forcing their overseas investment to weaken, and then a fatal blow.

Disperse the enemy and focus on yourself. These McCanns learn tactics, but they are never conservative.

"Yeah, so be careful about everything, this is a three-dimensional world, and there are connections everywhere." Wen Rensheng reminded.

"Well, I'll report your speculation and let them prepare in advance." Parrot agreed.

Now that the situation is tilting in their favor, they certainly don't want to fall short.

After all, in the tug-of-war, only the funds and materials consumed are huge numbers.

If you can't win the whirlpool gate, it will become a sunk cost.

This is why it is easy to start a war and difficult to end a war.

After talking with the parrot for a few more words, Wen Rensheng controlled the big cat to go back to his lounge and continued to wait.

After getting away from the big cat, Wen Rensheng leaned on the sofa and let his mind go.

The dark clouds in the sky have begun to cover.

He faintly sensed the arrival of danger.

Fruit of blood, promotion, sacrifice...

The war of the McCanns, the temporary advantage of the Sovereign Society, and the upcoming grand plan.

All kinds of clues came and went in his mind like a mess, and finally sorted out.

That's right, the truth should be that.

Wen Rensheng clenched his fists.

It's just that although he knew the truth, he couldn't stop it.

After all, it wasn't local, so it was not convenient for him to go out and intervene.

He could only call Director An and express his concerns.

"Director, I have a concern. If people outside are unscrupulous and use the whirlpool gate to elevate a certain alien, and pile them up to the point where they can no longer be piled up, do you have a plan?"

That's right, that's what he's worried about.

In fact, this is obvious at a glance. In the face of power, human life is really worthless, no matter in the past, now, or even in the future.

Director An didn't speak for a while, and then said, "Your concerns are already under our consideration. We can give you a little bit of information, and we have corresponding measures."

"Since that's the case, then I can feel relieved." Wen Rensheng said on the phone.

"Well, if you're interested... Forget it, your temperament, I understand that it's impossible for you to join such a strict plan." Director An stopped persuading halfway through his words.

This state is very good. If you are too close, it is easy to stab each other.

"I understand what you mean, it's better for me to be more at ease." Wen Rensheng of course heard the other side's overtones, hoping that he would join a plan to create Superman and become the mainstay or something.

However, he certainly couldn't agree, because his path was different from those of those people.

"Oh well."

The two hung up the phone.

Wen Rensheng leaned on the sofa, closed his eyes, and then conveyed this concern to the parrot through the big cat.

In the end, the latter said not to worry, they were already prepared.


After half a month, Wen Rensheng's worries became reality.

South America departure camp.

The budgerigar hurriedly found the big cat and turned it on standby for three and a half weeks in mid-air, abruptly awakening Wen Rensheng from his sleep, and had to connect to his ~What happened? "The big cat rubbed his eyes, surprised.

"Something happened, the McCanns sent super soldiers! We can't stand the puppet animals that we patrolled, and we can't stand." Parrot panicked.

"Didn't I remind you before? You told me not to worry." Wen Rensheng said in surprise.

"But we didn't expect that time would go back to the 18th century, and the slave trade appeared again... We have always sent people to stare at the whirlpool gates of Sanan and Nanzhu, always ready to destroy any sacrifices. Unexpectedly, they You even transported people to the northern site and did it yourself." Parrot said helplessly.

"What? How dare they do something that breaks the bottom line in their own country? Aren't they afraid of collapse?" Wen Rensheng was shocked.

Not to mention the parrot can't think of it, he can't think of it either.

Ordinarily, this kind of dirty work, like those pharmaceutical factories in previous lives, is done outside, not at home.

Now, for the sake of safety, the opponent has even started the slave trade. Needless to say, it is probably a trade disguised by submarines and oil tankers, which can escape the sight of the Sovereign Society.

"Yeah, no matter how long our hands and feet are, it is impossible for us to reach the mainland of the McCanns to the north. They finally created Superman." The budgerigar sighed, like a dead son.


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