Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 472: prey

Since Wen Rensheng got the clue, of course he won't let it go.

He asked the big cat to tell the parrot that he was going to go out for some time, a long time.

I thought that the other party was going to do everything possible to keep it, but I didn't expect that the parrot would agree directly after asking the gray wolf for instructions.

Alas, all the birds hide their bows.

It seems that the Duzonghui really intends to break through the bottom line and go to the abyss just like the McCanns.

They thought that with the fruit of blood, they could crush the McCanns again.

Sure enough, you can't have any expectations for this kind of private power.

Their ideas are fragile and cannot be brought to the fore.

The big cat finally left the South American forward base that had been lingering for several months. When he left, it did not have the slightest nostalgia.

After all, for Wen Rensheng, this is just like changing a map when playing games, not moving house, of course there is no sadness.

The place where the big cat is going is not Jinling, but Nanzhu.

Because according to sources, the Jinling Xie family had moved there long ago.

After taking an intercontinental flight, two days later, after several transitions, I came to this legendary place and landed at the airport in Mond City.

Wen Rensheng didn't like this place well.

A group of live and unknown guys.

According to the information, the members of the Jinling Xie family are stationed here in Mond City.

They mainly work on that virtual game. Nanzhu has a big advantage, that is, the two world powers have no requirements for it, that is to say, the relationship is passable.

In fact, they all thought it was no threat.

The virtual game of Xie's family was launched in the local area.

The big cat came out of the airport and just walked down a street when he saw a large scrolling advertisement related to it.

"You don't want to make money yet? Are you still playing money games? Everyone else has made money, but you haven't made any money yet! Come play the age of greed, and you can make money by playing games!"

It depicts a group of big fat men cutting down trees in a valley.

There were also a few people standing on the hillside, pointing, as if they were building something.

A very attractive advertisement, the effect should be very good - because the people on the street are much less than the impression, most of them are the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled, that is, the people that the game does not need.

Wen Rensheng remembered that the place was crowded and crowded, and most of them were young people, because their average lifespan was 40-50 years ago, so they would die before getting old.

Of course he knew what the essence of the game was, but others didn't know it, or they didn't care if they knew it.

After all, Outland is about people taking care of themselves, whether you live or die is up to you, give you a minimum guarantee, and everything else is up to you.

And in this magical place, there is not even a minimum material guarantee, only a spiritual one.

Walking on the road, Wen Rensheng thought of the context sensitively when he saw the large circular advertisement of the virtual game.

The essence of that virtual game is to exchange human energy and flesh for mysterious power, and the foggy area at sea cannot be escaped, especially the current whirlpool gate.

The trinity, in one continuous line...

They are all aimed at the flesh and blood spirit of people.

It seems that the manipulator behind the scenes should indeed be one.

And it's getting more and more undisguised.

It seems that this is the result of the strength of the opponent, and the result of a deep understanding of human beings.

At first, he was wearing a gauze, and then the most primitive transaction appeared directly.

Just thinking about it, the big cat saw a familiar woman.

For Wen Rensheng, as long as a person appears in his eyes once, he is an acquaintance.

Xie Yanjie.

What a coincidence, the other party was driving a luxury car, driving slowly on the road, enjoying the envious glances from both sides.

And there is an advertisement on the back of her luxury car: "High-paying recruits, one year to buy a luxury car, two years to buy a villa, and three years to retire... Interested candidates, please go to XX."

And this advertisement obviously attracted a lot of people.

The big cat followed closely.

More than an hour later, Xie Yanjie's luxury car turned into a slum.

Wen Rensheng then blocked his sense of smell... The sewage was everywhere, there were potholes, there were clothes hanging out to dry, and cows running around.

But it is much better than the previous life, because it is not so crowded, and even the air is a bit better.

Wen Rensheng remembered that the slums in Nanzhu were a gathering place for handicraft workshops and a high incidence of pollution.

Now it seems that it is much better.

At least when the big cat glanced over, he couldn't see much black smoke, and there were no beggars on the side of the road.

Obviously, this is because the main labor force has been pulled into the mysterious industry of the Xie family.

Although those mysterious industries have many drawbacks, they have to admit that they can transfer a lot of wealth from the upper class to the lower class.

Wen Rensheng slowly calculated in his heart that the fruit of blood from an expert to a master would cost one million, and here it is at most one billion. Divide one billion by one million, and the result is 1,000.

As for the number of alien experts, there must be tens of thousands of people in the world, and quite a few of them are still willing to advance naturally.

Using foreign objects to advance, the speed is fast, but the will of oneself is inevitably eroded by the mystery.

In this way, 1,000 pieces can actually meet a considerable degree of demand.

Wen Rensheng shook his head and forgot the calculated numbers. If the cold numbers were mapped into reality, it would be an unimaginable cruel disaster.

He let the big cat continue to follow Xie Yanjie's luxury car.

The car soon came to an open field.

There is a recruitment point there, and there is a long queue in front of the recruitment point.

Wen Rensheng looked at the people in the team, and for no reason came up with memories of past lives, those Chinese who were tricked into being piglets and died on the road and on the construction site.

Now the world is completely upside down.

Shenzhou people will not go out to do those coolies.

At this time, the big cat's sensitive hearing had already heard the speeches of Xie Yanjie and the person in charge of the recruitment.

"Why, can this month's task be completed?" She leaned against the door of the luxury car and said to an old man.

Both of them speak English, not Chinese.

"It's a bit difficult. Many people's family members are complaining, why didn't they see the money sent back..." The old man whispered.

"Uh, it doesn't mean that the sailors, it takes a year to make a knot." Xie Yanjie said with a headache.

"These people don't believe that. There are even some rumors that we are eating people, and people can't get in. This kind of rumor has greatly affected our recruitment efficiency." The old man sighed.

"In any case, you should strengthen the recruitment work. This year, you have caught everything you can, and you can only follow the way of normal recruitment." Xie Yanjie instructed.


Wen Rensheng immediately understood that the other party would definitely not give up those Nanzhu people in prison.

Nanzhu's crime rate has always been high. If the standard is strengthened, more arrests will be made.

And now, Xie Yanjie actually said that there are not enough prisoners.

Obviously, neither they nor the McCanns have drained the human resources that are most easily taken away here.

The rest are some good people who are in serious trouble, and their hands finally reached out to these people.

Wen Rensheng sighed deeply.

He was very happy.

Fortunately, the ancestors of this world are strong, otherwise, if the modern history of the previous life appeared in this era, it would really be wiped out.

Those mysterious existences behind the scenes need flesh and blood spirits, emotional thoughts, not just flesh and blood, which means that it is useless to create people by technology, only natural birth and natural growth.

Their appetites are unlimited, and their numbers are limited.

This is like human hunting in the wild. How many non-threatened animals are caught as endangered, and how many endangered animals are finally extinct?

And now in the hunting grounds of the earth, ordinary people are reduced to the roles of those captured animals.

Those animals are ignorant in the face of fully armed poachers, and can only passively wait to be slaughtered.

And these ordinary people are the same, they are also ignorant, and they don't know what they are facing.

What Wen Rensheng can do is to put up a fence to prevent the fate of this prey from falling on him, his family, his friends, and his fellow countrymen.

As for the people here, he can only handle it according to the situation.

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