Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 704: Chance

On the other side, Ouyang Tian said to Liu Tian: "Liu'er is really amazing, I know you are a genius, a genius among geniuses, you can achieve such a high degree of fit, although it is only a kind of love, but It's also amazing."

"It doesn't feel anything, it's just an ordinary thing." Liutian was still so indifferent.

On the side, Zhao Han and Wang Wenwen whispered.

"What's the matter, the captain just said that this is a seed of love, and to activate it requires great love, or unswerving love, why do we only have a low degree of fit?" Zhao Han said in distress. .

"What else can I explain? It means that we are all ordinary people, and we are all good-looking animals. We are only attracted by appearance." Wang Wenwen said angrily.

"Alas, I feel that I am still very pure." Zhao Han was quite depressed.

"You're content, didn't you see Ouyang Tian, ​​Uncle Wenren, and Big Brother Li? The three of them didn't react at all. When Ouyang Tian and Big Brother Li passed by, I saw that the aliens were shaking a little, as if they wanted to stay away from them. trend..." Wang Wenwen glanced aside and said.

"Uh, when you say that, I feel much more at ease." Zhao Han said while rubbing his chest.

"Unfortunately, if Lao Wen is here, I really want to know what kind of fit he is?" Wang Wenwen said suddenly.

"I want to know too." Wu Shanshan walked over and said.

Zhao Han nodded fiercely, wondering whether a man would be loyal to his relationship, which is a constant topic.

What a pity.

If Wen Rensheng knew about it, he would also thank the Inspectorate for transferring him away from the center of this whirlpool.

At this time, after hearing the conversation between the three women, Ouyang Ling turned on the phone and typed quickly.

"Will the xenogeneic be removed and transplanted successively, will it affect the fit test of the Seed of Love?"

"Well, I still have something to do. Anyway, the application has nothing to do with me. I'll go first." Wen Rende decided to run away.

Only he himself knew what happened to him.

"Wait for me, you can run for a while, but you can't run forever." Ouyang Ling left a sentence, and the search had already yielded results, so she hurried to see it.


At this time, Wen Rensheng was in the auditorium, conducting the second round of testing of ancient books.

This time, after opening the ancient book, no scholar appeared again.

Instead, a pen appeared, and if someone told a story to the book, and told it well enough, that pen would transcribe on the book, otherwise there would be no action.

Usually it's about the fifth minute, and if the story is good enough, the pen will respond.

This is like a grotesque thing, without any thinking, just like a fixed program, given an input, it will feedback output.

Wen Rensheng naturally has many, many questions to ask.

Soon he applied himself to the stage.

So in the auditorium, in front of everyone's eyes, Wen Rensheng sat on the central platform and began to tell a story.

There are countless stories in his mind, and at this time, he decided to tell a short story.

"Good moonlight tonight."

"I haven't seen him for more than 30 years; seeing him today makes me feel very refreshed."


"Everything has to be studied before we can understand. I used to eat people in ancient times, and I still remember it, but I don't know it very well. I turned to the history and checked it. This history has no chronology, and every crooked page reads 'benevolence, righteousness and morality'. ' A few words. I couldn't fall asleep horizontally and vertically. After reading it carefully in the middle of the night, I could see the words in the cracks. The two words were written all over the book: 'Eat people'!"


It took more than two hours to tell the story. Of course, Wen Rensheng has simplified it, and it has been greatly simplified. The content of the story is exactly the short story "Diary of a Madman" by Mr. Lu in the previous life.

Everyone was stunned, because Dongzhou has not gone through that dark age in this world, and of course no such writings will be published.

On the contrary, there is an endless stream of various odes.

Someone whispered.

"I didn't understand what story Master Wen told."

"It seems to be a madman's story. It doesn't matter if we understand it or not. Haven't you seen that pen is recording crazy? Obviously, this is a very clever story."

"Yeah, it doesn't feel like it's ups and downs, it's too bland, I'm afraid it won't be welcomed in any magazine, right?"

"But there is a special feeling in it, and I feel like I'm shouting to a group of people in a numbness."

"Numb? Who is numb? Is it written for those Nanzhu people?"

At this time, the pen of the ancient book has finished recording.

Wen Rensheng asked Gushu at this time, "Could the story I tell become our future?"

On the ancient book, several large characters appeared, and then projected into the air, so that everyone in the auditorium could see it clearly.

"Ninety-nine percent chance."

The ancient book answered in this way.

"Yeah, 90% of the time. You have a lot of questions just now, and asked me why I told that outdated story. I can explain it to you now. If we fall today, our future will be like what I told. As in the story, everyone will become cannibals, at that time, there may still be many people who want to get rid of this fate, but they will pay a thousand times the price." Wen Rensheng said indifferently.

Everyone's heart palpitated.

Naturally, they didn't know that this was the case in Wen Rensheng's previous life, every opportunity was wasted, and in the end, the price was getting heavier and heavier, until it sank to the bottom and finally floated up, and the body was still covered with countless filth. , until Wen Rensheng was reincarnated, it was far from being removed.

But at this time, everyone already knew it was serious.

They thought about the outside world, where isn't the scene in Wen Rensheng's story being staged?

In order to avoid the scourge of disasters, they colluded with the lords of disasters, gave them people in the territory to eat, and put a name on them, saying that they were for survival.

These things, as long as you are willing to open your eyes to see, are everywhere.

"Where are our chances of victory?" someone asked.

Wen Rensheng reached out and said, "The answer to this question needs to be found out by everyone."

So another person took the stage decisively.

It's a pity that his story was rejected, and of course he wasn't eaten.

It didn't use any tricks to pass This grotesque thing doesn't like to eat people.

In fact, this is normal, always eating people, always killing people, can it still be called a disaster without thinking?

Without thinking, there is no feeling, just like a natural disaster. You are unlucky when you encounter it. If you avoid it, it will not care about you. If you destroy it, it will not have any revenge.

Find out the law to avoid it and overcome it, that's your achievement.

Then the second, the third, and until the tenth, the story told was not accepted.

The question just now was repeated by that person.

The answer given by the ancient book is:

"In your midst."

Wen Rensheng nodded, but he was sitting among them.

Of course, people don't think so. They are thinking, yes, it is up to the efforts of each of us to win.

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