Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 787: survival of little people

The budgerigar returned to the plane with a wild boar head.

Other puppet beasts were also released.

"Wild boar, wild boar, I brought your head back," the parrot said on the communication channel.

"Go away, what are you talking about, my head is still growing around my neck." The voice of a middle-aged man, the deity of the wild boar, sounded on the channel.

"Oh, I originally wanted to say that I brought your heart back to you too, but now it seems you don't need it anymore." The budgerigar said with contempt.

"Oh, parrot brother, I blame you wrongly, you are a lot of adults, give me your heart quickly."

"You two are going to chat privately, this sounds really wrong." Someone said speechlessly.

"Okay!" The gray wolf's voice suddenly sounded, "Being brought to the pot, you don't even feel any shame, and you are still here laughing and laughing!"

"Are you still a man? The world is changing so fast, in front of that bird, you are now like an ordinary person. All the signs of our club will be thrown away for you!"

"From today onwards, give me a good retreat, and I will not be allowed to go to any other courtyards!"

The communication channel was silent.

All of them are experts of xenogeneic species, and all of them are the favored sons of heaven. Of course, there is a sense of shame.

The failure of the operation was indeed due to the failure of Captain Gray Wolf's command and the reason for rushing forward.

But they collapsed at the touch of a button, but they could only blame their own strength for being too weak to keep up with the changes in the environment.

In the cabin, the puppet beasts lowered their heads and gritted their teeth.

Obviously, the people behind them are all ready to try their hardest.

It's just that they didn't know that what they had just faced was Wen Rensheng, who was more than 2,000 mysterious.

Five or six hundred times the skill effect increase, and Wen Rensheng is still using the illusion to accelerate.


After the big cat returned to the Ball family, it lay on the balcony.

In the yard, Ball was discussing matters with his wife, two daughters, and his younger brother Keda.

"I want to move and move to the Colossus State," he told his family.

"Why, Dad, isn't it safe for us to live here?" the eldest daughter asked in confusion.

"My company has just been sold. The boss died inexplicably on the way to work. His children had no intention of running the company and sold the company. Our foreign employees will soon be laid off." Ball said helplessly.

The two daughters immediately covered their mouths.

They all know what happens when they lose their jobs at McCann.

If you have a job, you can live a good life with medical protection, a house, and good food.

Once you lose your job, it means becoming a precarious homeless person.

"Colossus State, brother, you are talking about the former agricultural state, Waoda State, right?" His brother Korda obviously knew the information in this regard.

"That's right, I'm talking about that place. It's been very safe recently. According to the Internet, there are angels coming there." Bauer affirmed.

Bauer's wife said happily: "I've heard of it. I heard that it's the safest place in McCann. Many rich people have chosen to buy real estate there and have been baptized as believers of the two giant statues."

Korda shook his head: "It used to be easier to move there, but now I heard that it is very difficult. Those colossus priests have pulled up barbed wire around, and it is stipulated that enough sacrifices are given to the colossus before they can move in."

"How can they do this? Isn't God philanthropic? They actually want to make a fortune from this?" Bauer's wife said angrily.

"Hehe, in the words of Dongzhou people, this is a traditional art left by their ancestors. You haven't learned the history of indulgences, have you?" Koda smiled.

"Yeah, there used to be indulgences, and now there are moving fees, but I have prepared a sum of money, hoping to move in smoothly." Ball replied.

"When you go, you have to take the big fat with you." The little daughter said suddenly.

"Well, bring it, it's our luck." Koda said.

Before fleeing from Central America to Beizhou, he turned into a temporary sharpshooter to break through the attacks of those villains. At that time, this cat was there.

Then he trained his marksmanship again and found that he couldn't do it at all.

Thinking about it now, it was probably the good luck that the cat brought him.

"It's okay to bring a cat." Bauer fondly stroked his little daughter's head.

Ordinary people's survival in troubled times is like moving around, looking for a safer place.

Ball hopes that this time, he can completely settle down.

He looked up at the orange cat on the balcony, who seemed to be heavier.

Alas, I really envy this guy. He eats and sleeps every day, sleeps and eats, and he doesn't have to worry about the devil coming to his door...

, Bauer's action was fast, and he let his family pack that night.

Fortunately, they originally moved in, and the important things have been packed up all the time.

Early the next morning, they drove an RV down the road to the Colossus State, formerly Waorda State.

Companions can be seen everywhere on the road.

Driving, when they were refueling, they encountered several vehicles that were preparing to immigrate to Oda State together, so they chose to go together.

The next time they took a break, they chatted together again.

"How much did you prepare?" an old man asked.

"Father John, I can't tell you that." A young man shook his head.

"Hateful, I used to go to see the priests of this church every week and donated a lot of money to them, but in the end, I had to be blessed by another god." Father John said depressedly.

"Who told you not to believe in science? There has never been any god, and the **** of the Colossus State is just a powerful man. He collects money and then provides security services. This is a normal business." The young man sneered.

"Boy, you can say whatever you want here. If you say it there, you will be kicked out." Father John warned.

"I naturally know that I will be the most pious person there." The young man said indifferently.

Papa John was silent.

He recalled the money he had donated in vain before, why was he not so smart at that time?

Probably between gods and humans, the normal mode of getting along is just a transaction.

Bauer listened to the two of them talking. He secretly counted the things he had prepared. He had already inquired about it. They did not accept banknotes, but gold and jewelry.

So he replaced it with these two hard currencies.

He has already When he enters the Colossus State, he will go to a farm to help first, and then find some jobs through the Internet.

I heard that the economy in Dongzhou is normal, and there should be many opportunities to make money on their network.

It is a pity that it is too difficult to immigrate to Dongzhou, except for extremely talented people, otherwise it is difficult to get the opportunity.

Just thinking about something, Dad John suddenly looked into the distance, then picked up the shotgun beside him, and shouted, "Get in the car, get in the car!"

Bauer didn't even ask any questions, but immediately rushed to his car and told everyone to get in.

Not long after, gunshots rang out in the distance, and someone was taking advantage of the fire.

The roads to Waoda were mostly rich people, so the robbers also increased.

Korda held his semi-automatic rifle, sat in the co-pilot, and was ready to fight.

And the big cat is lying on his lap, which he requested on his own initiative, and finally got it from his niece, saying that this is a mascot and can help them reach the place smoothly.

He accidentally found the strongest shield...

Like Bauer, he is a small person, but small people also have their own shrewdness and their own way of life.

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