Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 797: camouflage

Zhao Han was speechless for a while.

She couldn't deny the other party's words, and of course she also wanted her family to get aliens together.

But she is not a teacher Wenren, and it is almost impossible to achieve the grand occasion of "a completely different species".

But not necessarily, after all, if the narration seed gets stronger and stronger, it can help her find a lot of resources.

"Could it be that you can do all this?" Zhao Han calmed down and asked rhetorically.

"Of course we can't do it now, but we have always had a belief that ordinary people and aliens should be truly equal. Just like ordinary people also have beliefs, to realize the real world harmony, the world is shared." Zheng Yili said patiently.

Zhao Han looked at the other party and was suddenly surprised: "Are you guys from the Destiny Society?"

"Evil? Yes, as long as it doesn't conform to their mainstream views, it's evil. They just want to monopolize the power of alien species, they just want to be high, and occasionally give alms to bridge the contradiction and let the people below entertain themselves to death in the golden chain." Zheng Yili suddenly sneered. road.

"But we have given everyone the opportunity. Everyone has the same opportunity to activate the alien species. After all, resources are limited, and it is impossible to achieve an absolute average." Zhao Han shook his head.

After all, after so many things, she is no longer a high school student, but a college student.

"Is it really giving everyone the same opportunity? Ordinary people only have one chance. Some people can rely on their power to get multiple opportunities to activate xenogeneic species, and even spend money to buy them; some people can be targeted in advance. Some people are born with aliens waiting for them..." Zheng Yili said one by one disdainfully.

"Things you said are just an example. The world can't be perfect everywhere. We can only try our best to be fair." Zhao Han was unmoved.

She's not stupid. The Destiny Society is a big hole. Once you go in, you can't pull it out.

Besides, she didn't have the kind of determination to do such a long-term thing.

She thinks it's fine now, Dongzhou can at least let everyone live in peace, and it won't be easy.

The rest, with the development of mystery and technology, can be solved slowly.

Zheng Yili stopped talking, she glared at Zhao Han.

A vested interest, a seemingly good-natured, in fact still delicate egoist.

A layman who squeezed into the car and hurriedly asked the driver to weld the door to death.

This is the label she gave each other.

Not to be outdone, Zhao Han glared back.

Who is afraid of whom?

She didn't say anything wrong, is now the time to toss?

Everyone is busy dealing with various disasters and strange events, but there are still some people tossing under the ground, insisting on instigating the confrontation between ordinary people and aliens.

It’s okay to toss in the outer domain, but it is tolerable and unbearable to develop into the interior of Dongzhou.

"Very well, I really shouldn't have fantasies about the lackeys of the Inspectorate!" Zheng Yili sneered.

Then she waved her hand and seemed to want to attack Zhao Han.

Zhao Han reacted quickly, and immediately shot, trying to subdue this woman.

However, the next moment, she only felt her waist and eyes numb, but she saw Shen Hua, who was sitting with her, took out something similar to a high-voltage electric baton and inserted it into her waist.

Insert a sentence, [\\mi\\mi\\reading\\app\\\\] is really good, it is worth installing, after all, there are many sources of books, all books, and fast updates!

"I'm so stupid, really..." She said these words regretfully, and fell down.

At the same time, in a cafe opposite the restaurant, Wang Wenwen, who was looking at this private room with binoculars, pouted when he saw this:

"Idiot, still so stupid, always don't know how to beware of the people around you."

She was about to get up to stop her, but was stopped by Wu Shanshan next to her.

"Don't stop them directly." Wu Shanshan said lightly.

"Uh, that won't happen, right?" Wang Wenwen still felt inappropriate.

"I will find an opportunity to change the puppet to Zhao Han's appearance and replace her. If I don't know what they are going to do this time, they will come next time." Wu Shanshan arranged it properly.

Wang Wenwen nodded, and he was relieved.


Wen Rensheng in the hot spring pool got the information from Wu Shanshan, of course, through the puppet.

Zhao Han, that fool was caught again?

Also related to the Destiny Society?

What do they want to do?

This is also what he wants to know.

Wu Shanshan asked him to find a way to replace Zhao Han, and by the way, find out the details of the other party.

Of course he would not refuse.

However, he is still facing the phantom attack of the hot spring pool, it is impossible to do such a thing, and besides, he does not like to become a woman...

"Xiao Huan, do me a favor."

"I'm studying, I don't have time."

"You are obviously playing."

"Uh, what can I do for you?"

"Something happened at home, you go to control the puppet first..." Wen Rensheng briefly explained the matter.

"This is fun, let me play with those idiots! Are you going to be a piggy back to your daughter-in-law? Or play a big havoc in the heavenly palace?"

"Don't come here, Zhao Han is still a girl and wants to be famous."

"Oh well."


Shen Hua watched Zheng Yili pick up Zhao Han, then followed him to an off-road vehicle at the door.

The restaurant owner, Hao Cai, stayed behind to deal with the traces.

The off-road vehicle drove out of the city, driving, and suddenly there was a traffic jam in front.

Zheng Yili honked the horn a few times, but no car made way for her.

Shen Hua then opened the car window and looked out.

It turned out that the pocket of the big truck at the front had loosened, and half of the watermelon had fallen.

Many pedestrians stopped by the road to watch, but no one picked up the watermelon, just notified the traffic police.

The road was blocked, and the SUV stopped, waiting for the traffic police to clear the driveway.

At this time, she listened to the onlookers talking outside the window.

"It's a good car, but a watermelon suddenly fell on the road, which almost startled me."

"It's not falling rocks, what are you afraid of?"

"I'm afraid this will be the script of "The God of Death". Don't you know it yet? Recently, it was said on the forum that someone abroad came across the real script of "The God of Death". By coincidence, several people died one after another."

"It's so scary?"

"Really, I won't lie to you at all. One of the victims was live-streamed the whole time. First, he had an electricity leak in the bath, then he crashed on the road, then drowned while swimming, and finally died on a fishbone."

"Can fishbone kill people?"

"Yeah, the esophagus was inserted, the arterial blood vessels were inserted, the lungs were bleeding profusely, and he died of suffocation. The death was too painful."

Shen Hua could hear passers-by speak, but he just listened silently, without feeling a trace.

Suddenly she felt a trance in front of her eyes, and then she woke up again.

At this time, the traffic police in front finally cleared the lane and let the cars behind pass through one after another.

"Okay, let's go." Zheng Yili reminded and restarted the car.

Shen Hua looked at Zhao Han, who was still drowsy in the back seat. The other party's skin was slightly darker, but his facial features were fine, and he was not as good-looking as himself.

Why can she be a xenogeneic?

Why can she stand shoulder to shoulder with that

He clearly has a xenogeneic father, not only does he not recognize himself, but he can't let himself become a xenogeneic?

Sure enough, there has never been equality in this world.

They are right, this world has long been rotten and should be burned with fire.

But before it burns out, I still want to see that person.

The off-road vehicle went all the way, turning around and around, and finally came to an open space in the suburban Forest Park.

There are already people waiting here, two men and three women, a total of five people.

There are several green tents in the open space, and the surrounding is very quiet.

"Did someone bring it?" Someone came up and asked.

"Brought it."

Zheng Yili took Zhao Han out of the car, Shen Hua must not be able to hold him, she could only do some sneak attacks.

"Well, that's right, it's her." One of the middle-aged women in a white coat stepped forward, looked at Zhao Han's face carefully, and said with certainty.

"She herself is stupid, but she has a deep background and involves many important people, so she is the target of this operation." Zheng Yili said.

"Well, this idiot is indeed the best breakthrough to get our heavenly kingdom. Send her to the tent first, and I will install intubation equipment for her now." The middle-aged woman said.

Then Zheng Yili hugged Zhao Han, and the three entered the tent.

Shen Hua was not allowed in.

She just stood outside, looking around blankly, with a numb look on her face.

The two men did not enter the tent, but just looked around vigilantly.

Shen Hua was not interested in them, so he found an empty grass to sit down, looked at the tent for a while, and then looked at the surrounding jungle.

There is no hope in life, life seems to be like that.

It's just that person, she always wants to see each other again.

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